exacqVision Server

Release History
* Enhancement - installer - Made installing remotepi and related dependencies optional
* Enhancement - remotepi - Updated frpc.exe to remove unneeded features and restrict usage
* Bug Fix - archivepi - Fixed video from Wasabi not being retrieved during a search
* Bug Fix - nvrsdkpi - Fixed id issue for event profile view targets
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fixed issue with PTZ on Pelco encoders
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Handle additional true or false values in notification parsing
* Bug Fix - samsungpi - Fixed a crash related to recent PNM-C16082RQZ firmware
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix drive showing up as a bus expander

* Build - Rebuild of Edge platforms

* Enhancement - archivepi - Update user agent string to identify as ExacqVision
* Enhancement - ccurePI - Events state changes in CCure are reflected in Exacq
* Bug Fix - illustra3, illustramultipi - Fixed an issue with creating mobile optimized, secondary streams
* Bug Fix - nvrsdkpi - Allow custom user roles to see security devices
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fixed motion not being reported with IDIS cameras
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fixed analytics not being reported with i-Pro AI cameras
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fixed motion not being reported and disconnects with Enexxis camera models XX-B1-8MP4K-IR and XX-OD1-4MP-IR
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Improvements to authorization handling, WS Token retry logic, and XML validation
* Bug Fix - psfpi - Fixed issue with auto exports not completing

* Build - Removed use of 32-bit version of evselftest

* Enhancement - archivepi - Added default notification sound for push notifications on iOS and Android
* Enhancement - ipcam shared - Ability to edit Port for Illustra3 when protocol selection is "HTTPS If Available"
* Enhancement - nvrsdkpi - Adjusted log levels for several messages
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Support analog PTZ over serial to ONVIF devices
* Enhancement - Web Service - Authentication end points are now rate limited, by IP, to 6 per second
* Enhancement - Web Service - Updated jquery-ui to 1.14
* Bug Fix - illustra common - Fixed potential crash if the XML is missing an element
* Bug Fix - illustra3, illustramultipi - Motion masks configuration now retained for channels 2, 3, and 4
* Bug Fix - nvrsdkpi - Fully block video streams when a restricted view window is present
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Add handling for SOAP_NO_DATA when falling back to media1
* Bug Fix - ptzpi - Fixes for serial PTZ to Onvif IP devices
* Bug Fix - samsungpi - Add properties to Offline Hanwha cameras so EM will display
* Bug Fix - SoftTriggerPI - Fixed Associations xml parsing entry condition

* Bug Fix - failbackpi - Fixed security compatability issue when restoring recorded video after failover event
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fixed JSON default transport logic
* Bug Fix - Web Service - Fixed failed passthrough session creation when using secure auth header.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix disk temperature reporting for Adaptec OS-on-RAID systems
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Adjust disk default max temperature value on Dell 360 systems
* Bug Fix - remotepi - Handle when frpc executable is missing
* Bug Fix - remotepi - Set a 15 second timeout for synchronous switchboard calls
* Bug Fix - remotepi - Add exponential delay on reconnect attempts

* Bug Fix - axispi - Ignore unneeded LPR metadata
* Bug Fix - archivepi - Fix intermittent failure to restart an archive task
* Bug Fix - samsungpi - Removed unneeded slash that prevented motion detection with newer firmware
* Bug Fix - remotepi - Fixed potential crash during tunnel test

* Enhancement - nvrsdkpi - Provide mobile version number for connections grid
* Bug Fix - nvrsdkpi - Fixed potential memory leak
* Bug Fix - nvrsdkpi - Fixed support for custom roles and event monitoring profiles
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fixed restart of Bosch devices when connecting from Linux
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Improved network error handling with PTZ movement
* Bug Fix - remotepi - Reconnect after a failed tunnel test

* Bug Fix - nvrsdkpi - Fixed custom user scrubbing of timeline

* Build - Rebuild of Edge platforms

* Feature - archivepi - Support for Wasabi S3 as an archiving target
* Feature - axispi - Axis Thermometry support
* Feature - illustra3pi, illustramultipi - Illustra LPR support
* Enhancement - axispi - Area zoom functionality for the Axis M5000-G PTZ camera
* Enhancement - eventpi - Added new event to indicate Thinning happened
* Enhancement - eventpi - Additional configuration options for database via config file
* Enhancement - eventpi - Minimum free space allowed is the larger of 10GB of 10% of drive size
* Enhancement - installer - Additional firewall rule added for Failover and Failback
* Enhancement - ip plugins - Improved analytic parsing and reporting performance
* Enhancement - ip plugins - Provide analytic type to core
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Improved handling of transport errors
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - New SOAP calls for ONVIF Profile M and Profile S conformance
* Enhancement - remotepi - Default connection to production switchboard service
* Enhancement - streampi - Additional logging around LDAP reauthorization queries
* Enhancement - streampi - Improved performance of server and client by reducing the amount of analytics being sent to the client
* Bug Fix - eventpi - Fixed insertion of objects that lack metadata or bounding box
* Bug Fix - eventpi - Fixed multiple shutdown hangs
* Bug Fix - eventpi - Improved database accumlation estimates
* Bug Fix - eventpi - Improved thinning estimates to ensure enough space for the next day's metadata
* Bug Fix - illustra3, illustramultipi - Fixed alarm 2 not changing status after cancel active output
* Bug Fix - illustra3, illustramultipi - Prevent edgestor / backfill from hanging
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fixed an issue that prevented simultaneous Pan, Tilt, and Zoom
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fixed excessive pullpoint logs on errors
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fixed potential PTZ camera disconnecting
* Bug Fix - psfpi - Fixed a hang when evAPI attempted to cancel a search
* Bug Fix - samsungpi - Fixed crash on a disabled device during connection
* Bug Fix - samsungpi - Fixed potential crash when connecting to newer devices
* Build - eventpi - Update sqlite
* Build - Fixed a race condition with gsoap files on Linux

* Enhancement - Web Service - Reintroduce service config auth cookie with increased security settings.
* Enhancement - Web Service - Increase security settings for ESM auth cookie.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix false-positive "needs prep" shown on hardware storage tab for
  Dell or Avnet RAID systems.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Prefer to hide Hardware Monitoring tab in evClient for systems with
  unsupported Super I/O chipsets.

* Enhancement - installer - Remove 32-bit OS checks related to analog cards
* Enhancement - Web Service - Prevent session ID leak when fetching map images.
* Enhancement - Web Service - Add support for passing query parameters via X-Exacq-Secure-Params.
* Enhancement - Web Service - Add support for X-Exacq-Secure-Params in Web Client API for session ids.
* Enhancement - Web Service - Enable enhanced session id security by default in thin client.
* Enhancement - Web Service - Add cpu and memory profiling controls to logging configuration page.
* Enhancement - Web Service - Add support for FCM push notifications.
* Enhancement - Web Service - Updated the jQuery version to 3.7.1
* Bug Fix - exacqd - Termination of core initiated processes limited to those using execute_until_stop
* Bug Fix - installer - Fixed ability to de-elevate on Ubuntu 22.04
* Bug Fix - ipcamdetectpi - Add retry logic for QuickAdd
* Bug Fix - RtspServerPI - Fixed playback by adding plugin ID to search
* Bug Fix - samsungpi - Set PTZ configuration when PTZ data is received
* Bug Fix - tDVRpi - Fixed second board incorrectly reporting all channels as video loss
* Bug Fix - Web Service - Update nvrg to fix status cache memory leak.

* Build - Initial build of Server

* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Removed obsoleted 3Ware RAID support and added Adaptec RAID support.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Graphical storage layout support for IMB-1230 motherboards.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Improve raidprep handling of unusual Windows format scenarios.

* Build - Rebuild, address signing issue

* Build - Rebuild, post-migration

* Bug Fix - illustra3pi, illustramultipi - Fixed ZFI settings for PTR multisensors
* Bug Fix - streampi - Fixed Live only, Search only, and Live + Search role behaviors

* Bug Fix - notifypi - Fixed crash on aarch64 Edge cameras
* Enhancement - UpdatePI - Simplified internal platform validation
* Bug Fix - ipcamdetectpi - Allow more time for QuickAdd requests to complete
* Bug Fix - ipcamdetectpi - Fixed product code persistence issues

* Build - Rebuild of Server

* Enhancement - ipcamdetectpi - Provide make in detection results when available
* Enhancement - shared - Improved performance parsing iso8601 timestamps
* Bug Fix - common - ARTPEC-8 platform is displayed correctly
* Bug Fix - illustra3pi, illustramultipi - Prevent log spam for DIO
* Bug Fix - illustra3, illustramultipi - In enhanced security mode, force https for edgestor
* Bug Fix - ipcamdetectpi - Fixed a persistence issue with Quick Add status
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Force reconnect on parameter or credential change
* Bug Fix - updatepi - Fixed ARTPEC-8 upgrade check

* Feature - archivepi - Implements push notifications to mobile devices
* Feature - axispi - Add ARTPEC-8 platform
* Feature - core - New Illustra Camera Licensing option
* Feature - ipcamdetectpi - Added Illustra Quick Add support
* Feature - nvrsdkpi - gRPC implemention of the NVRSDK interface
* Feature - remotepi - Uses frpc to tunnel requests through the cloud to enable remote connections
* Enhancement - core - Ability to terminate processes started by core
* Enhancement - core - Change to Illustra Camera Licensing pattern
* Enhancement - core - Edge systems with more than 512MiB can use more memory before throttling
* Enhancement - Edge - Reduce stack usage
* Enhancement - exacqd - Support for long running tasks
* Enhancement - illustra3pi - Now supports illustra multisensor cameras
* Enhancement - illustra3pi, illustramultipi - Added support for new analytics engine mapping
* Enhancement - illustra3pi, illustramultipi - Handle momentary and timed DIO alarms
* Enhancement - illustramultipi - Add support for single input devices
* Enhancement - ipcam shared - Send confidence level per analytic metadata
* Enhancement - notifypi - Support h265 video attachment with notification mails.
* Enhancement - nvrsdkpi - Show nvrsdkpi status connections
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Added support for Profile M frame level metadata
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Added support for the record analytic metadata option
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Support http digest authentication
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Use curl for http handling
* Enhancement - streampi - Adjusted MAC address handling when running test server in Docker.
* Enhancement - streampi - Handles internal message passed from nvrsdkpi
* Enhancement - tDVRpi - Use system time for alarm recording
* Enhancement - tDVRpi - Use system time when posting frames to core
* Bug Fix - ccurepi, napcopi - Fixed an issue causing the plugin to not load
* Bug Fix - core - Don't send free eligible pattern on Edge
* Bug Fix - Edge - Fixed issue with unlicensed Edge servers 
* Bug Fix - eventpi - Fixed issue with some bounding box insertions
* Bug Fix - illustra3pi, illustramultipi - Match 'Record analytic data' behavior of other plugins
* Bug Fix - logpi - Log search correctly spans multiple days
* Bug Fix - notifypi - Fixed a potential crash related to a high volume of email notifications
* Bug Fix - notifypi - Fixed issues in sending mail to multiple recipients.
* Bug Fix - nvrsdkpi - Fixed background OSD config
* Bug Fix - nvrsdkpi - Fixed duplication of Views with a path
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Allow PTZ to be enabled on a sensor other than the primary
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Correctly handle motion masks with rotated sources
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fixed an issue with setting the correct motion type after reading json
* Bug Fix - panasonicpi - Fixed an issue with logging
* Bug Fix - samsungpi - Improved resilience against parsing bad, unexpected, or undefined values
* Bug Fix - SoundPI - Fix stall condition when system time moves backwards (also VideoTestPI).
* Bug Fix - streampi - Fixed a null rootElement
* Bug Fix - streampi - restrict "unknown" user roles from viewing live/search pages
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix false failure on slow raidprep operations.
* Bug Fix - tDVRpi - Fixed hang on shutdown during close or unload
* Build - uncheck Illustra BWC plugin by default
* Build - onvifnvcpi - Upgrade gsoap to 2.8.132
* Build - Remove vivotek edge builds
* Build - Removed builds for Windows/Linux x86, Illustra 610/825, and ARM Debian

* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Resolved intermittent recording issues

* Enhancement - eventpi - Improved queue management and throttling
* Bug Fix - eventpi - Fixed search queries with wildcards
* Bug Fix - failbackpi - Switched version of curl to address failback connection failure

* Bug Fix - streampi - Ensure license information is always emitted
* Enhancement - core - Detect and log clock changes
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Support for graphical storage layout of 1NVR (Dell) systems.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Restrict SMART attribute monitoring and self-test support
  for 1NVR (Dell) systems, and integrate with Dell PERC tools.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Hide iDRAC virtual USB NIC device for 1NVR (Dell) systems.
* Bug Fix - Install - Fixed issue with client-initiated upgrade on Linux not updating the web service
* Bug Fix - axispi - Fixed a retry logic issue and an HTTPS issue in edgestor
* Bug Fix - samsungpi - Prevent possible crash with newer firmwares
* Bug Fix - samsungpi - Account for different namespaces for clothing color between different camera
  firmware versions
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fixed an issue applying motion topics from json

* Build - Upgrade smvup to 1.0.15
* Build - Upgrade kerberos / krb5 to 1.20.1
* Bug Fix - notifypi - Fixed issue in video attachment with email notification for analytics sources
* Bug Fix - core - Trial license not showing video
* Build - Upgraded versions of cpprestsdk and signalr-client
* Bug Fix - archivepi - Cloud Drive no longer stops uploading when in Continuous mode
* Bug Fix - eventpi - Changes to default settings to improve purge performance

* Bug Fix - eventpi - Fixed inserting throttled messages into the queue

* Enhancement - eventpi - Added multiple configuration options for adjusting limits and throttling

* Build - Add movtext codec to ffmpeg on Linux

* Bug Fix - illustra3pi, illustramultipi - Fix for displaying non-standard WDR modes
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix false-positive "offline" drive alarms for non-RAID disks on
  C236 systems which are reported by smartctl as "unsupported" disk type "sat".
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix parsing of drive serial numbers with well-known Win7 WMI bug,
  which caused false-positive "offline" drive alarms.
* Bug Fix - core - Fix search issue by removing two generic events from sending
* Bug Fix - Web Service - Prevent infinite queue processing in thin client search
* Bug Fix - eventpi - Improve bounding box support for older clients
* Bug Fix - eventpi - Ensure logical values on retention settings
* Bug Fix - eventpi - Accept empty metadata key searches to keep compatibility with older clients
* Bug Fix - eventpi - Fix results structure for access control event searches

* Enhancement - illustrabwpi - Added audit/logging of privacy mode
* Bug Fix - illustramultipi - Fixed possible issue when no SD card is present

* Feature - core, logpi, softtriggerpi, tdvrpi, videotestpi - Multiple improvements with logging, metrics, performance, and interface
* Feature - eventpi - Updated database structure and management to improve metadata search performance
* Feature - eventpi - New retention period option for AI/Object metadata
* Feature - onvifnvcpi - Motion and transport plug and play
* Feature - streampi - New "Power User (No Video)" security role
* Enhancement - archivepi - Add ability to set oldest desired Cloud Drive content age
* Enhancement - axispi - Added support for upper and lower clothing color metadata
* Enhancement - brivopi - Added paging support
* Enhancement - illustra3pi, illustramultipi - Added support for additional WDR modes
* Enhancement - illustrabwpi - Added support for GPS data
* Enhancement - illustrabwpi - Added support for PCM16 audio for live streaming
* Enhancement - illustramultipi - Added support for network loss recording on all sensors
* Enhancement - notifypi - Added cryptographic password storage capability to Notify plugin to store in notify.xml
* Bug Fix - illustrabwpi - Additional fixes to prevent video offload from hanging
* Bug Fix - illustra3, illustramultipi - When camera does not support https metadata, allow
  metadata over http for "HTTPS if Available" setting
* Bug Fix - ipcamdetectpi - Add detection for all Illustra models for 2023
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fix for motion topic not added from rule description
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fix for cameras that send out of bounds motion window coordinates
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Decouple iris and focus debuffering from PTZ debuffering
* Bug Fix - RtspServerPI, streampi, exportpi, ipcam plugin services - Corrected event type to be Live Provider instead of Stored Consumer
* Build - Uncheck basler, ioimage, ipx, sanyo, stardot, and udp plugins by default
* Build - Upgrade aws-sdk-cpp to 1.11.1
* Build - Upgrade curl to 7.87.0
* Build - Upgrade OpenSSL to 3.1
* Build - Upgrade libwebsockets to 4.3.2
* Build - Upgrade zlib to 1.2.13

* Updated code signing certificate

* Enhancement - axispi - Added support for Optics Control autofocus
* Enhancement - core - Improvements to filtering for audio/video events and search results
* Enhancement - Build - Updated library libexpat
* Enhancement - eventpi - improve plugin load time
* Enhancement - illustramultipi - Change reported name to "Illustra Multisensor"
* Enhancement - illustrapi, illustraflexpi - Add legacy tag
* Enhancement - installer - uncheck illustrapi and illustraflexpi by default
* Enhancement - ipcamdetectpi - Cameras previously detected as Samsung are now detected
  as Hanwha Vision
* Enhancement - ipcamdetectpi - Add discovery for Illustra Flex Dual Sensor
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Add support for Bosch RuleEngine analytics
* Enhancement - samsungpi - Add Hanwha Vision option
* Enhancement - samsungpi - integrated WiseAI analytics
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Excessive Archiving UI Status Msgs
* Bug Fix - axispi - Fixed connection status issue for older firmware.
* Bug Fix - axisbwpi - Prevent needing to restart the client after adding an Axis body worn system
* Bug Fix - boschsecpi - Fixed possible crash on connect/disconnect.
* Bugfix - eventpi - capture all metadata when multiple events are sent as one alarm
* Bugfix - eventpi - ensure database is purged after host and evserver reboot
* Bug Fix - illustra3pi, illustramultipi - Fixed stale metadata url for devices that do not provide
  metadata port
* Bug Fix - illustra3pi, illustramultipi - Restart ssl session and restart metadata on error 94
* Bug Fix - panasonicpi - Fixed an issue causing codecs to be missing
* Bug Fix - panasonicpi - Fixed motion issues 
* Bug Fix - panasonicpi - Fixed multisensor connection issues
* Bug Fix - rtspserverpi - Fixed a potential streaming issue when encountering gaps
* Bug Fix - SoftTriggerPI - Corrected issue with the Time Triggers not firing on some days.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Platform-specific unit test to expect WinIo
* Bug Fix - CRT_SECURE warnings fixed
* Bug Fix - Debian installer enables eventpi (lowercase) by default

* Reupload to public website

* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Retry smartctl operations which might occasionally return truncated JSON
  and cause failure to detect some expected disks, in turn causing false-positive "offline" disk status.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Handle storcli occasionally returning "N/A" for disk temperature, which
  caused false-positive storage alarms due to temperature outside of allowable threshold.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Add more log details to clarify reason why a non-RAID disk needs prep.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix handling of no RAID volumes detected, which was preventing end users
  from executing raidprep on a zero-drive OS-on-SSD system.

* Bug Fix - DiscoveryPI - Fixed potential buffer overrun

* Enhancement - axispi - Added support for color metadata
* Enhancement - eventpi, notifypi - Modify all emissions from eventpi (webhooks, xml) to emit ids 
  as components rather than as a compressed ID.  Webhooks now emit both components and compressed
  id, but the compressed ID should be concidered deprecated. 
* Enhancement - illustra3, illustramultipi - Added support for Illustra final color
* Enhancement - ipcamdetectpi - Added detection for Illustra MII cameras
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Added support for Advidia cameras
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Add support for Clinton Electronics encoder
* Enhancement - samsungpi - Added support for Area Zoom
* Enhancement - Web Service - Disable search playback in thin client until buffer threshold is reached.
* Enhancement - Web Service - Enable ability to detect invalid session in thin client.
* Bug Fix - actipi - Reduce metadata channel reconnects for S3L platform cameras
* Bug Fix - illustramultipi - Fixed Motion Zone enablement per sensor between firmware versions
* Bug Fix - illustramultipi - Fixed direct input output triggers
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fixed motion issues with AVCostar-Contera cameras
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Increase maximum SOAP read size
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fixed PTZ Preset Admin for custom users to create presets for Analog cameras
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fixed monitoring of RAID background tasks like consistency check and
  background initialization.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fixed showing improper RAM amount in client (MB vs GB) (sysinfo.ps1)
* Bug Fix - Web Service - Update nvrg version to fix group type group item retrieval.
* Bug Fix - Web Service - Update nvrg version to fix soft trigger bottleneck.

* Build - Upgrade cURL to 7.87.0

* Bug Fix - psfpi - Fixed timelapse recording

* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Add support for 9560-8i RAID controller with an Intel RES3TV360 expander.
* Bug Fix - Web Service - Simplify search tick plant logic to prevent deadlocks.

* Bug Fix - DynacolorPI - Add command retry logic to minimize frequent device failure alarms.
* Bug Fix - psfpi - Fixed cache handling for JPEGs

* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fixed a potential issue with getting profiles
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fixed logic error in media1 fallback

* Enhancement - ipcamdetectpi - Add support for new g-series hardware

* Enhancement - archivepi - Support analog inputs for Cloud Drive
* Enhancement - axispi - Integrate with new time api
* Enhancement - DynacolorPI - Support Nexcom PoE hardware.
* Enhancement - illustra3pi, illustramultipi - Add support for metadata over https
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Added Arecont Contera line
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Added Protego alias for Sunell
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Added json to support Dahua DH-IPC-HFW1230S-S5 and DH-IPC-HDBW1230E-S5
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Added support for ACTi z94
* Enhancement - psfpi - New in-cache, open, and stall metrics are logged
* Enhancement - SoftTriggerPI - Add support for sustained soft triggers.
* Enhancement - SoftTriggerPI - Improve message management to reduce processing in core thread.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Calculate blob directory size on demand
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Support Nexcom sensors and watchdog.
* Bug Fix - archivepi - Allow cloud drive to upload rtsppi cameras
* Bug Fix - illustrabwpi - Fixed permission issues with direct search
* Bug Fix - illustra3pi - Fixed motion detection for Holis cameras
* Bug Fix - illustra3pi, illustramultipi - Fixed possible issue setting NTP server
* Bug Fix - illustramultipi - Fixed condition for reporting classification objects
* Bug Fix - illustramultipi - Updated image source per new iAPI
* Bug Fix - ipcamlib, samsungpi - Improve handling around metadata timeouts
* Bug Fix - psfpi - Fixed a metric reset issue
* Bug Fix - psfpi - Addressed cache stalls which would cause a high memory condition
* Bug Fix - psfpi - Fixed missing i-frame write when ptz activity is resumed
* Bug Fix - SoftTriggerPI - Fix graceful exit of worker thread.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fixed potential logging crash.

* Bug Fix - axispi - Treat error 56 as fatal for Axis edgestor to prevent performance issues
* Bug Fix - kantechpi - Fixed possible timeouts with newer versions of Kantech

* Bug Fix - Web Service - Fixed search tick plant deadlock.

* Enhancement - StreamPI - Default system description to model number if BBE system.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Default PoE NICs to serve DHCP, for Nexcom compatibility.
* Bug Fix - DynacolorPI - Ensure initial config emits on fresh install with no pre-existing dynacolor.xml.

* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Treat min and max custom SMART threshold values as valid values.
* Bug Fix - boschsecpi, brivopi, itv2pi, kantechpi, napcopi - Fix an issue displaying
  more than 256 modules

* Bug Fix - DynacolorPI - May repeatedly reset a PoE port when user clicks reset button in client.
* Bug Fix - eventpi - Reduce logging frequency due to soft trigger events

* Feature - illustra3pi, illustramultipi - Added support for vehicle and clothing color
* Enhancement - axispi - Support new metadata style in 11.0 firmware
* Enhancement - axispi, samsungpi, tycodlpi - Added support for homogenized analytic values
* Enhancement - core - Removed eDVR and XDVAPI license handling
* Enhancement - eventpi - Improve message management to reduce processing in core thread.
* Enhancement - illustra3pi, illustramultipi - Use friendly name for all analytics that
  provide a bounding box.
* Enhancement - illustra3pi - Fixed setting transport and re-reading url for continuous metadata
* Enhancement - illustra3pi - Fixed propagating motion to disabled contexts
* Enhancement - illustra3pi - Fixed closing metadata streams when an input is closed
* Enhancement - illustra3pi - Fixed View Live Analytics for Flex3
* Enhancement - illustramultipi - Adjust parsing of audio out
* Enhancement - installer - Remove webservice_installer.deb after install process on Ubuntu
* Enhancement - ipcam shared - Fixed client/server protocol implementation for posting last motion for a context
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Support Sunell with transport rtsp
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Support Redvision RVX2
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Added motion support for March Network cameras
* Bug Fix - access control plugins - Remove 256 device limit for display
* Bug Fix - archivepi - Add error-checking for some clouddrive endpoints.
* Bug Fix - DynacolorPI - Fix thread management so config processing not in core thread.
* Bug Fix - DynacolorPI - Various code cleanup prior to new functionality and ensure all
  local variables are initialized.
* Bug Fix - illustra3pi, illustramultipi - Fixed an issue that could cause cameras to get stuck when connecting.
* Bug Fix - illustra3pi, illustramultipi - Improve ntp log message
* Bug Fix - illustra3pi - Fixed crash on shutdown causing problems with edgestor
* Bug Fix - illustramultipi - Fixed quality setting
* Bug Fix - illustramultipi - Fixed streaming after video loss
* Bug Fix - illustramultipi - Fix direct input output for multisensor
* Bug Fix - napcopi - Added retry logic on api errors
* Bug Fix - rtspserverpi - Fixed an issue causing credentials to not be updated properly.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fixed an issue causing date/time page to be greyed out on windows 7 machine.

* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Increase min/max voltage range for a substitute power supply.

* Bug Fix - itv2pi - Prevent crash if id returned from DSC panel is too large
* Bug Fix - panasonicpi - Fixed an issue with RTSP caused by attribute deprecation in some firmwares

* Bug Fix - eventpi - Fixed end time missing from event search results

* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Prevent virtual or local MACs from being shown as "default" MAC in evClient.

* Feature - illustramultipi - Added new plugin to support Illustra Pro Multisensor
* Feature - eventpi - Object Classification Search
* Feature - XDVPI - Removed support for no-longer-supported eDVR capture boards.
* Enhancement - access control plugins - Improved plugin performance using read thread
* Enhancement - axispi - Added support for true WDR
* Enhancement - axispi - Standardize object classification friendly names
* Enhancement - axispi - Use chrono for timestamps
* Enhancement - GroupsPI - Added support for saving custom analytic meta search filters.
* Enhancement - dahuaippi - Encrypt passwords stored in config
* Enhancement - hikvisionpi - Encrypt passwords stored in config
* Enhancement - illustra3pi - Standardize metadata for object classification
* Enhancement - illustra3pi - Standardize object classification friendly names
* Enhancement - napcopi - Utilize new api call to manually request status update
* Enhancement - panasonicpi - Display "Panasonic/i-PRO" for plugin name/discovery
* Enhancement - samsungpi - Standardize object classification friendly names
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Forbid licensing system with locally-administered MACs or virtual devices.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Add support for H410E1T motherboard.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Add disk monitoring support for NVMe drives. Upgraded packaged smartctl.
* Enhancement - tycodlpi - Standardize object classification friendly names
* Enhancement - tycodlpi - Remove 'ClassName' from TycoAI metadata
* Bug Fix - access control plugins - Prevent possible invalid parent-child hierarchy
* Bug Fix - access control plugins - Improved plugin responsiveness to updates from core
* Bug Fix - actipi - Exclude platform C cameras from mirror/flip
* Bug Fix - axispi - Improve edgestor handling of invalid camera time.
* Bug Fix - kantechpi - Fixed issues with event time
* Bug Fix - napcopi - Fixed an issue that could cause the session to expire
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Prevent possible configuration spam from Illustra devices
* Bug Fix - SoundPI - Prevent spam log messages about starting stream for missing device.
* Bug Fix - SoundPI - Fix stall at server shutdown.
* Bug Fix - VideoTestPI - Fix stall at server shutdown.

* Bug Fix - streampi - Add sAMAccountName attribute to the query for bind user
* Bug Fix - streampi - Change bind user query to happen only on SPN change, monitor results in server loop

* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Raidprep function was not formatting new RAID volume for recording.
* Bug Fix - NetworkStoragePI - Prevent OS volume from appearing on Network Storage tab in
  client, to prevent end users from trying to repartition it.
* Bug Fix - installer - Fixed alignment issue with brivo in plugin list.

* Bug Fix - actipi - Fixed an issue preventing plugin from receiving all device confguration settings
* Bug Fix - illustra3pi - Fixed an issue parsing analytic engine configuration
* Bug Fix - illustra3pi - Fixed an issue processing fragmented metadata
* Bug Fix - illustra3pi - Prevent bad camera state by opening metadata pipe when connecting to a camera

* Build - Rebuild to include Mobile/WebService updates.

* Feature - brivopi - Support Brivo access control system
* Enhancement - axispi - Support radar detection events
* Enhancement - hikvisionpi - Support displaying and modifying motion mask when camera is in corridor mode.
* Enhancement - illustra3pi - Add support for the queue analytic
* Enhancement - illustra3pi - Support Tamper detection.
* Enhancement - itv2pi - Add support for DSC PowerSeries Pro
* Enhancement - itv2pi - Add the option to filter out null zones since they can cause confusion for users.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Add Motion topics for X2 Redvision cameras.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Add support for Turing-U motion and analytics.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Add support for SCW uniview alias
* Enhancement - samsungpi - Add override for using the camera timezone
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Include raw output from sysinfo script in server log at
  LOG_DEBUG level, to include in support exports.
* Bug Fix - ActiPI - Fix crash on re-import existing cameras with secondary streams.
* Bug Fix - axispi - Fix crash attempting to get the edgestor recording file size.
* Bug Fix - axispi - Edgestor will attempt to ignore recordings that do not have valid start dates
* Bug Fix - axispi - Fix possible remapping of analytic id's on disable/enable.
* Bug Fix - illustra3pi - Fix issue where a disabled device may try to reconnect on startup.
* Bug Fix - illustra3pi - Add work around for the inconsistent behavior of PTZ commands across Illustra models
* Bug Fix - itv2pi - Fix issue where the device IDs may exceed 255
* Bug Fix - napcopi - Fix issue with not detecting a name changing on the panel
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fix Redvision and Sunell default connection and motion
* Bug Fix - samsungpi - Fix motion controls disappear when last window is removed
* Bug Fix - samsungpi - Fix motion sensitivity conversion for SPE-1620
* Bug Fix - samsungpi - Fix input triggers for SUNAPI2 cameras
* Bug Fix - streampi - Removed DST enabled time zones for those no longer observing DST
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - For Q87, H110-E1, and C236 motherboards, recognize when sensors return
  invalid values (when NCT6791 super I/O chip returns 0xff) in order to suppress false-positive
  sensor alarms, and log every time a sensor transitions between "valid" and "invalid". Also
  transition from using chip's alarm bits, to doing actual threshold compares in plugin,
  otherwise sensor could appear alarmed even though its value is in-range.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - For Q87, H110-E1, and C236 motherboards, fix accidental showing of
  uninstalled fans when chip registers return invalid values.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - For Q87, H110-E1, and C236 motherboards, fix detection of stopped
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - For Q87, H110-E1, and C236 motherboards, ignore flaky VCORE voltage
  sensor, which was also redundant due to the array of other monitored voltages.
* Bug Fix - VivotekPI - Fix potential crash during config import.

* Bug Fix - ccurePI - Revert changes to xml template for credentials.
* Enhancement - ActiPI, AxisPI, SamsungPI, illustra3PI, onvifnvcpi,
  panasonicpi, SonyPI, VivotekPI, ccurePI, kantechpi - Encrypt passwords stored in config.
* Bug Fix - SoundPI - Fix crash on opening input stream in Linux.
* Bug Fix - SoundPI - Fix config shifting in both Windows and Linux that broke recording
  and event linkages with record audio target.
* Bug Fix - SoundPI - Eliminate low-level PortAudio, PulseAudio, and libasound warnings.
* Bug Fix - SoundPI - Improve inconsistent number of detected devices, and ambiguous naming.

* Enhancement - webservice - Updated version.

* Enhancement - archivepi - Updated to Smartvue SDK 22.1.0 and latest bundle.crt
* Bug Fix - streampi - Fix issue with binding to Active Directory when AES encryption is enabled on Linux

* Bug Fix - streampi - Fix issue with binding to Active Directory when AES encryption is enabled
* Bug Fix - psfpi - Changed to time based cache rather than packets to address an issue related to push to talk
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI -  fix graphical layout for 9300 systems, and C236 non-RAID, which
  was broken in 21.12.0.

* Enhancement - archivepi - Cloud drive related certificate is no longer removed during restart

* Enhancement - psfpi - Throttle audio as well as video when the system is throttling.
* Bug Fix - napcopi - Fix issue where the plugin is unnecessarily posting config updates.

* Feature - Cloud drive 2.0
* Feature - Cold storage with cloud drive 2.0
* Feature - tycodlpi - Support Tyco AI 1.5
* Feature - tycodlpi - Support enhanced facial matching with the Face ID API
* Feature - tycodlpi - Support Object Classification, Social Distancing and Intelligent Perimeter analytics
* Feature - itv2pi - Add support for Type 2 Encryption to DSC panels.
* Feature - napcopi - Add new integration to Napco Contenential Access panels
* Enhancement - axispi, samsungpi, illustra3pi, onvifnvcpi - Enhance EdgeStor behavior and error handling
* Enhancement - axispi - Support consistent naming convention for vehicle metadata key
* Enhancement - axispi - Improve performance of analytic event parsing.
* Enhancement - axispi - Allow 8 substreams for armv7hf and aarch64 based cameras
* Enhancement - illustra3pi - Support consistent naming convention for vehicle metadata key
* Enhancement - illustra3pi - Allow for more than 7 analytics rules.
* Enhancement - ipcam - Improve performance of core messaging queue.
* Enhancement - itv2pi - Add support for DSC metadata events
* Enhancement - itv2pi - Stop sending alerts for pre-arm/disarm states
* Enhancement - kantechpi - Remove access granted on door close
* Enhancement - kantechpi - Set elevator doors to relock on floor selection
* Enhancement - kantechpi - Add floor selection events to elevators
* Enhancement - kantechpi - Add support for Elevators
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Add support for IndigoVision multi-sensor motion
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Add montion and IO support for new Canon cameras.
* Enhancement - samsungpi - Add mappings for analytic keys to friendly names.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Add support for H410E1 sensors and watchdog.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Add support for graphical storage layout on X1313, IMB-1313, and H410E1.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtpI - Consolidate graphical storage layout handing for E1 or C236 with LSI 9300 HBA.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Add support for IMB-1313 motherboard sensors and watchdog.
* Enhancement - tycodlpi - Change the rtsp url provided to TycoAI so it can process timestamps from the source video.
* Enhancement - tycodlpi -  Support consistent naming convention for vehicle metadata key
* Enhancement - UsbdioPI - Can now disable watchdog on LC-PoE systems.
* Enhancement - vivotekpi - Add override for using the camera timezone
* Bug Fix - axispi - Add configuration for the maximum number of retries for EdgeStor
* Bug Fix - axispi - Fix repeated messages getting posted to logs
* Bug Fix - axispi - Handle empty NTP address from device.
* Bug Fix - axispi - Fix issue where serveral cameras may be stuck in a connecting state.
* Bug Fix - axispi - Fix issue where substreams could fail to initialize
* Bug Fix - axispi - Fix issue where an error message could be incorectly logged for the NTP configuration
* Bug Fix - ipcam - Fix issue where analytic rules may be duplicated after all of the rules have been removed.
* Bug Fix - ipcam - Fix issue where the Analytics config is not correctly updated if the device is deleted.
* Bug Fix - illustra3pi - Fix error logged when an expected empty response is received after a PTZ command.
* Bug Fix - illustra3pi - Fix missing Blur detection rule when Blur detection is the only analytic enabled.
* Bug Fix - illustra3pi - Fix issue causing Exacq Edge to fail to load on Illustra cameras
* Bug Fix - illustra3pi - Fix issue where EdgeStor recordings may not be playable
* Bug Fix - napcopi - Remove dependencies from tests.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Preserve the enabled state of audio through restart
* Bug Fix - ptzpi - Fix issue with tours/home position
* Bug Fix - ptzpi - Reduce repeated commands for AD-RS422 so that cameras can complete the PTZ
* Bug Fix - ptzpi - Fix issue with Home postion behavior
* Bug Fix - psfpi - Improve search handling of timestamps going backwards.
* Bug Fix - rtspserverpi - Fix issue where numerous fast reconnects could cause a crash
* Bug Fix - SoundPI - Introduce thread-safe command queue, to avoid time-consuming portaudio calls in core thread, which could block for multiple seconds.
* Bug Fix - SoundPI - Internal cleanup prior to redesigning config update queue handler. Migrated to std::mutex and std::min & max.
* Bug Fix - SoundPI - Fix crash on enabling muted/disabled input sources if amixer command missing. Now enables/unmutes via libasound directly. And force-disable input sources if cannot be  unabled/unmuted.
* Bug Fix - SoundPI - Start Windows Audio service as necessary at startup.
* Bug Fix - SoundPI - Fix memleak where we didn't release local buffers or decref core buffers, and shutdown assert in debugger.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix false-positive storage alarms for some old Q87 Windows systems, where drives named like /dev/csmi instead of like /dev/sda, would falsely appear "offline" because we failed to properly execute smartctl.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix false-positive sensor alarms on Q87, H110-E1, and C236 motherboards.
* Bug Fix - tycodlpi - Fix issue where camera is not enabled in Tyco AI after disconnect/reconnect
* Bug Fix - tycodlpi - Fix issue where confidence percentages were not scaled correctly
* Bug Fix - tycodlpi - Fix issue where devices may be orphaned if they fail to add to Tyco AI.
* Bug Fix - Web Service - Prevent messages from slipping through push notifications throttle when more than one client is subscribed.

* Enhancement - Support sensors and watchdog for IMB-1313 motherboard.

* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix false-positive sensor alarms on Q87, H110-E1, and C236 motherboards.

* Bug Fix - illustra3pi - Fix the ability to configure motion events on cameras that don't have analytics.

* Build - Rebuild due to warnings parser failure

* Bug Fix - common - Merge fix for curl regression in to exacq

* Bug Fix - rtspserverpi - Fix issue where rtsp server may not detect a codec change on the camera.
* Bug Fix - axispi - Fix issue where changing the codec to H.264 may cause events to stop.

* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI, PSFPI - Fix accidental reporting of duplicate /mnt/edvr/1 data volume
  mount point for Linux RAID systems which caused creation of a /mnt/edvr/12021 directory
  which caused OS drive to fill, and in turn corrupted config XML files. Also only affects
  systems imaged with >= 20.12.x deploy keys (since sysinfo.sh calls jq utility).

* Bug Fix - illustra3pi - Move AnalyticsMetadata rule to id 0
* Bug Fix - illustra3pi - Fix issue where changes to enabled analytics would cause event linking to fail.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix graphical storage layout for LSI RAID when a volume's disk group isn't
  consecutive. Also fix some situations where LSI RAID was failing to report SMART attributes.

* Build - Rebuild due to warnings parser failure

* Feature - axispi - Add support for Axis Object Analytics
* Feature - illustra3pi - Add support for Illustra Object Analytics
* Feature - Restricted view windows.
* Enhancement - build - Upgrade compiler and 3rd party dependencies
* Enhancement - itv2pi - Add ability to search events when zones are bypasses and 
  un-bypassed on a DSC neo panel
* Enhancement - illustra3pi - Update how rule names are displayed in the client
* Enhancement - illustra3pi - Always display temperature overlay for thermal cameras
* Enhancement - kantechpi - Add metadata to log events
* Enhancement - kantechpi - persist panel module IDs to preserve map integrity
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Add parsing for Pelco dewarping parameters
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Add support for SpotterRF and new VICON models
* Enhancement - rtspserverpi - Provide the ability to search for video with out a specific end date and time.
* Enhancement - samsungpi - Add the ability to configure more than 8 analytics rules
* Enhancement - streampi, common, xml - Flush file contents to disk after saving config.
* Enhancement - streampi - support for PTZ Preset Admin privilege
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Removed sensor and watchdog support for X8SIA, DQ67EP, D525MW,
  D2500CC, RX67Q, D510MO, S1200KP, and Granite Well motherboards. Removed unused support
  for CNCT6793. Also removed wx usage.
* Bug Fix - axispi - Fix issue where device inputs and outputs can be misidentified.
* Bug Fix - axispi - Fix issue where audio would be garbled in network attached speakers
* Bug Fix - axispi - Fix issue with invalid quality setting causing a bad request to be sent to the camera
* Bug Fix - axispi, samsungpi - Fix potential issue where large metadata messages could cause a crash.
* Bug Fix - boschsecpi - Fix issue where points are not being correctly reassigned
* Bug Fix - hikvisionpi - Fix issue with motion stopping on E-Series encoders.
* Bug Fix - illustra3pi - Fix issue with Flex3 audio output not working.
* Bug Fix - illustra3pi - Fix issue with motion not being detected in batched metadata
* Bug Fix - ipcamlib - Fix potential timing scenario cleaning up curl on shutdown
* Bug Fix - ipcamlib - Fix cURL resource lifetime in ipcam io service
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Allow pullpoint subscriptions on all channels
* Bug Fix - panasonicpi - The time OSD may be incorrect if the server time changes by less than 60 seconds.
* Bug Fix - panasonicpi - Fix rounding error that prevents full view motion window from being displayed in the client
* Bug Fix - PSFPI - On notification of new prepped disks or volumes, do not arbitrarily
  close and open current psfiles.
* Bug Fix - rtsp_lib - Guard H265 parser from out of order frame fragments on startup.
* Bug Fix - rtspserverpi - Fix issue where open ended search playback may restart after 5 minutes
* Bug Fix - rtspserverpi - Fix issues with multiple streams encountering performance issues.
* Bug Fix - streampi - Fix a rare crash affecting 32-bit only installations when invalid
  payload is sent during key exchange
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Removed obsoleted call to smartctl for "general SMART health"
  to fix false positive storage alarms on "attribute check". Also removed thread ID
  from log messages.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI, PSFPI - Fix driveprep and raidprep features so that when new recording
  disks or volumes are prepped, they automatically become available to PSFPI without needing
  to manually restart the service or reboot.

* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Make raidprep compatible with 20.04.

* Bug Fix - axispi, samsungpi - Fix potential issue where large metadata messages could cause a crash.

* Bug Fix - archivepi - Fix issue with archiving to S3 archive target from a full local storage

* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix graphical storage layout for IMB-X1313 motherboard.

* Rebuild after build failure (network issues).

* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Add graphical storage layout support for IMB-X1313 motherboard.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix graphical storage layout for E1 motherboard to handle both
  hybrid and IP-only systems.

* Bug Fix - hikvisionpi - Fix issue with motion stopping on E-Series encoders.
* Bug Fix - axisbwpi - Fix download and playback issues
* Bug Fix - axisbwpi - Fixed crash on newer Axis firmware that uses stereo audio.
* Bug Fix - axisbwpi - Fixed audio playback issues converting stereo to mono.

* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Add support for IMX-1313 motherboard sensors and watchdog.

* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix graphical storage layout disk order in Ubuntu 20.04.

* Web Service - include latest mobile version with web service
* Bug Fix - Web Service - Fix temporary file registry race.

* Enhancement - archivepi/extended storage - ensure support of Extended Storage on 20.04

* Bug Fix - psfpi - Correctly consider oldest most file for deletion when disk is full
  and skip it if deletion fails silently

* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Allow pullpoint subscriptions on all channels

* Feature - illustra3pi - Add support for Perimeter rule to Video Intelligence
* Enhancement - ccurepi - Adding support for activating configured Event groups in CCURE 9000
* Enhancement - cloud-drive - updated to integration with increased reliability
* Enhancement - illustra3pi - Add support for Gen 4 camera Shake to Dry functionality.
* Enhancement - illustra3pi - Add Support for PTZ-reference window for Privacy Zones
* Enhancement - illustra3pi - Update support for Illustra Thermal camera
* Enhancement - illustra3pi - Add support for mask off events
* Enhancement - install - Add heap memory to dumps generated by Windows Error Reporting
* Enhancement - logpi - More efficient log searches
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Add support for Honeywell H4 performance series
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Add support for Mobotix MOVE series cameras
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Add support for multi-sensor VICON with analytics
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Add RaySharp OEM
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Added Alibi and LTS brand support
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Update list of Honeywell HC30 and HC60 cameras
* Enhancement - rtsppi - Add support for H.265 tiles for Vivotek cameras
* Enhancement - rtsppi - Disable metadata and optionally allow it to be re-enabled for debugging
* Enhancement - rtspserverpi - Add URL parameters for search to server side
* Enhancement - samsungpi - Add support for Analytics metadata
* Enhancement - samsungpi - Add support for dynamic discovery of analytic events
* Enhancement - webservice - update exacqVision Web Service with server install package
* Bug Fix - archivepi - Fix misleading status of Direct Archive search credentials
* Bug Fix - axisbwpi - Make temp file names unique
* Bug Fix - axispi - Prevent audio streaming when audio is in an unsupported format
* Bug Fix - illustra3pi - Fixed OSD analytics settings
* Bug Fix - illustra3pi - Fix mask configuration for corridor mode and error with odd sized motion masks.
* Bug Fix - install - Don't copy/install Web Service under /OEMTOOLKIT.
* Bug Fix - kantechpi - Add log message if the Kantech Entrapass server cannot be reached.
* Bug Fix - logpi - prevent empty logs from showing up in support diagnostics zip
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fix issue with Oncam C-12 at 60 fps.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fix Honeywell motion for select models
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Add support for Vicon fisheye motion events
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fix Digital Watchdog not recording motion
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Support sony multi-sensor events
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fix crash on some Pelco Optera cameras
* Bug Fix - psfpi - Skip files for which deletion is still pending on disk
* Bug Fix - rtsppi - Fix issue with H.265 streaming from some Panasonic cameras
* Bug Fix - rtspserverpi - Fix URL start_time and end_time conversion
* Bug Fix - serialpi - Add a condition to allow tcp listener ports to emit their buffers when a disconnect occurs
* Bug Fix - serialpi - Restore serialpi's ability to buffer the data it reads from the serial ports
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Minor c++ sensor code cleanup.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Minor c++ cleanup.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix order of disks in graphical storage GUI, and preserve gaps.

* Bug Fix - axispi - Fix persistenence of MaxConcurrentEdgeStoreDevices option

* Bug Fix - illustra3pi - Fix motion not supported on devices with motion masks not divisible by 4
* Enhancement - ipcamdetectpi - Holis cameras display as Illustra on PoE configuration page of G-Series.

* Bug Fix - psfpi - delete content protected by at-most rules if space is needed

* Enhancement - psfpi - significant performance improvements for more efficient file opens/closes
* Bug Fix - psfpi - faster find of oldest file to delete with the presence of at-least rules

* Bug Fix - psfpi - correctly consider iscsi volumes for recording

* Bug Fix - cloud-drive - disconnection fixes, updated smv-sdk to 21.3.0

* Bug Fix - ipcamlib - Disable dump generation on windows for illustra

* Bug Fix - axisbwpi - Fix importing Axis Body Worn device

* Bug Fix - axisbwpi - Add ID field to status XML
* Bug Fix - streampi - Fix support for large blobs on linux 32-bit
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Updated support for Vicon and FLIR Cameras

* Bug Fix - rtspserverpi - Fix issue with audio
* Enhancement - AxisPI - Support events for Axis Fence Guard
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Add Support for Vivotek MA9321/2-EHTV

* Bug Fix - ipcamlib - Remove repetitive log message for http processing delays
* Bug Fix - axisbwpi - Fix possible crash when a device is deleted

* Feature - axisbwpi - Add support for the Axis body worn camera system
* Feature - rtspserverpi, rtsppi - Add support for video search
* Enhancement - AxisPI - Improve performance of downloads from edge storeage
* Enhancement - AxisPI - change to more efficient log format
* Enhancement - dahualpPi - Extend timeout to avoid 400 errors
* Enhancement - Illustra3pi - improve unit tests
* Enhancement - Illustra3pi - Correctly identify Holis cameras
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Add override for cameras that prefer GetCapabilities instead of GetServices.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Add the Subscription Renew command to pullpoint if MaxNotificationProducers capability is detected.
* Enhancement - plugins - hardened config persistence against unexpected shutdowns
* Enhancement - streampi - Support for maps and other blobs of sizes exceeding 2MB
* Enhancement - tycodlpi - Add the ability to configure a people counting input
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Fix startup delays when many cameras are connected
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Fix autofocus on multisensor cameras
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - AXIS A9188 IO Module unable to trigger outputs via Associations
* Bug Fix - Illustra3pi - Improve Illustra HTTP response error handling
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - Fix string parsing for Flex related features
* Bug Fix - live555 - fix for potential stack overflow.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Modify json for Speco cameras that do not do metadata and need to fall back to pullpoint.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Add the json needed to support motion for the 2N intercom via input trigger mapping.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - use sunapi2 for series 6000 models with cgi version 2.3.2 or later
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Fix startup delays when many cameras are connected
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Fix error when connecting to XNF-9010RV
* Bug Fix - tycodlpi - Cancel storage reservation when ingest operation completes

* Bug Fix - RtspServerPI - fix case of plugin filename in linux installer.
* Bug Fix - boschsecpi - make sure panel object ids are not changed 
  if panel configuration changes

* Bug Fix - illustra3pi - Handle different ordering of metadata xml elements.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Prevent accidentally setting multiple GPoE NICs to same MAC.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Protect serial and model from config loss.

* Enhancement - Illustra3Pi - Encrypt metadata communication with thermal camera device
* Bug Fix - psfpi - honor stop signal in certain edge conditions when all volumes are disabled
* Bug Fix - illustra3pi - Handle different ordering of metadata xml elements

* Feature - Added support for Amazon S3 archive targets

* Bug Fix - core - Reduce lock contention causing a minor performance issue introduced in 20.12.0

* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Add support for Northern cameras
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Add support for Digital Watchdog DWC-MV82WiA
* Bug Fix - panasonicpi - Fix WV-X4171/WV-X4571 not connecting when in Fisheye+QuadPTZ view mode.
* Bug Fix - edge - correctly retrieve date/time information on certain Edge Artpec platforms
* Bug Fix - boschsecpi - correctly identify B6512 model to allow integration

* Bug Fix - IP Plugins - Prevent exception from causing plugin's read thread to exit
  and stop handling all other cameras.

* Bug Fix - core - Fix an issue that lost configured settings on some Edge platforms
  (axis artpec3 and artpec4)

* Enhancement - core - Performance improvements for events processing
* Enhancement - psfpi - Performance improvements for frames processing, better stats logging
* Enhancement - cloud-drive - Performance improvements with parallel uploads
* Enhancement - illustra3pi - Support temperature metadata.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Add support for Verint cameras.
* Enhancement - failbackpi - Upgrade to Go 1.14.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Show hotspares in evClient's graphical storage layout.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Add support for subsets of model names in JSON file.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Improve Profile-T support, eliminate some unnecessary warning
  log messages, and decrease time needed to connect to many cameras.
* Enhancement - tycodlpi - Work around TycoAI pushing extremely low confidence match events.
* Feature - SysmgmtPI - Support prepping RAID data volume (create, partition, format, mount).
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Safeguard model and serial in EFI partition if BBE system only.

* Bug Fix - ipcamlib - Fix startup crash with a large number of cameras.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Plugin may stall all processing because of unexpected data in
  config responses from newer Hanwha models.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fix handling multi-profile cameras for multi-streaming, after
  recent Profile-T redesign.
* Bug Fix - rtspserverpi - Fix re-streaming of JPEG video because of wrong JPEG header
* Bug Fix - PanasonicPI - Fix apply default motion window.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Handle curl 56 errors that were causing motion config updates to
  seem like not saved in evClient.
* Bug Fix - streampi, oemtk - Make sure all shared code is on the appropriate compiler version
* Bug Fix - live555 - For all IP camera plugins which use live555, fix some wrong memory
  duplication operations that potentially caused heap corruption.
* Bug Fix - rtspserverpi - Fix crash on URI with missing stream ID.
* Bug Fix - ilustra3pi - increase request queue limit to support i825
* Bug Fix - tycodlpi - Prevent disappearing input on re-enabling device.
* Bug Fix - tycodlpi - Prevent adding duplicate inputs.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Ensure motion correctly reported if model-specific JSON appears
  before generic manufacturer JSON.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fix ONVIF replay URL parsing so that EdgeStor will work.
* Bug Fix - UdpPI, ArecontPI - Fix two-way audio support.
* Bug Fix - DahuaIpPI - Add timezone override to stop forcing camera to UTC, so that
  camera's built-in OSD may be used.
* Bug Fix - RtspPI, AxisPI - Add timestamp trusted override to suppress arbitrary
  adjustment of timestamps if seemingly more than 60 seconds out of sync with server,
  because when NTP gets back in sync, we were still using a cached incorrect offset.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix hotspare configuration via evClient.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Prevent missing RAID disks from being reported as non-RAID disks.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Remove auto-select primary profile on codec introduced in 20.09.116.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Restore profile-index support in JSON for Samsung and Mobotix.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fix crash on multi-stream Digital Watchdog cameras introduced
  in 20.09.116.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI, DahuaIpPI, HikVisionPI, Illustra3PI - Fix a too-low connection limiter
  that prevented connecting to all inputs on an encoder or all imagers for a multi-sensor.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fix internal unhandled exception during camera disable-re-enable
  which caused plugin to stop servicing input streams and could only be fixed by restarting.
* Bug Fix - serialpi - correctly emit all the receiived data when 3rd party tcp client
  disconnects quickly right after sending us data
* Bug Fix - psfpi - Do not remove oldest content from alarmed drives
* Bug Fix - Rtsp_lib - Fixed silent dicard of large frames that was causing AxisPI video
  to show grey distortion on search, live, and exported video.
* Bug Fix - tycodlpi - Fix detection of network disconnection in Linux.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Fix motion recording failure on Axis secondary streams.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fix Dahua dual sensor missing motion.

* Bug Fix - streampi, oemtk - Make sure all shared code is on the appropriate compiler version

* Enhancement - illustra3pi - implement back-off retry delay, use health monitor to determine
  event connection state when available

* Enhancement - core - detect total xml config loss and prevent overwrite with default configuration
* Bug Fix - live555 - For all IP camera plugins which use live555, fix some wrong memory
  duplication operations that potentially caused heap corruption.

* Bug Fix - psfpi - Dynamically detect newly added iscsi volumes without service restart
* Bug Fix - core - Fix crash when processing long system log messages

* Bug Fix - tycodlpi - Fix video clip ingest failure.

* Bug Fix - psfpi - Do not remove oldest content from alarmed drives

* Bug Fix - psfpi - Fix bookmark protection for bookmarks starting in the middle of recording file.

* Enhancement - ccurepi - Support CCURE v2.80 and later

* Bug Fix - psfpi - Fix Recording Not Possible alarm when encountering file system errors.

* Bug Fix - tycodlpi - Fix failure to reconnect after disable/re-enable.

* Bug Fix - core - Prevent init.ps1 from accidentally leaving EFI mounted in Windows,
  and prevent init.sh from accidentally preventing DeployCleanup from reading evsysteminfo.xml.
* Bug Fix - analyticpi - Fix wrong plugin ID which prevented analytics from being
  visible in client.
* Bug Fix - tycodlpi - Default to green bounding box if wearing mask and red if not.

* Feature - tycodlpi - Support mask detection and people counting.
* Enhancement - pospi - support dynamically loaded serial parsers.
* Enhancement - IPCamDetectPI - Add support for detecting Illustra Essentials
  gen-4 models.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Add support for Honeywell H4S1P, which includes
  new JSON entry to enable SOAP_XML_CANONICAL for pullpoint, and initial
  termination time to PullPointSubscription request.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Add support for Provision-ISR cameras.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - DVTel encoder support.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Add support for Dahua analytics rules for
  scene temperature, missing object, abandoned object, and intrusion.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Support i3-Annexxus cameras.
* Bug Fix - notifypi - Include Date: field in the email header according to RFC 5322 
* Bug Fix - VivotekPI - Fix Vivotek crash on H265 with VUI data.
* Bug Fix - analyticpi - Disable loading by default.
* Bug Fix - archivepi, cloud-drive - update the version of smv-sdk to 0.2.0 to fix an issue with 
  frequent disconnections from the cloud and crashes
* Bug Fix - itv2pi - Fix to correctly report the partition status for panels with more than 1 partition
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Fix encoder issue where first video channel of 2nd, 3rd, or 4th
  bank fails to connect with error 551 if two-way audio is enabled.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Add Hikvision thermal (body temperature) support.
* Bug Fix - ArecontPI - Fix case-sensitive model parsing with newer 4k models.
* Bug Fix - hikvisionpi - Fix audio streaming when device was accidentally set
  to a non-supported codec.
* Bug Fix - tycodlpi - Prevent repeatedly logging in and posting configs on
  certain disconnection scenarios.
* Bug Fix - Install tycodlpi by default.
* Bug Fix - usbdiopi - Fix normal/alarmed indication for output triggers
  in evClient output trigger GUI.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fix missing analytics tab in client for Bosch Dinion 8000
  with analytics enabled, to edit bounding boxes and outline settings.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fix crash on extended frame references in H265
  headers (ACTi Z-94).
* Bug Fix - itv2pi - Allow updating a blank label for a zone or a partition
* Bug Fix - itv2pi - Prevent unnecessary duplicate configuration messages sent to the client
  when at least one zone label is blank.

* Enhancement - psfpi - performance improvements around recording service restart on 
  very large recording volumes.

* Bug Fix - AxisPI, DahuaIpPI, HikVisionPI, Illustra3PI - Fix a handle leak
  and memory access violation in certain retrying scenarios, and add some log
  messages with timing stats.

* Enhancement - archivepi, cloud-drive - due to the NDAA, removed hisilicon decoding libraries.

* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix driveprep where fstab entry may be omitted.

* Bug Fix - NotifyPI - camera event without video may have delayed/missing
  event notifications sent.
* Bug Fix - DahuaPI - Remove Dahua capture board support.

* Bug Fix - IPCamDetectPI - Fix loading plugin in Linux.

* Bug Fix - tycodlpi - Fix stalled face registration on disconnection.
* Enhancement - Illustr3PI - Support temperature alarms.

* Bug Fix - NetworkStoragePI - Fix occasional partitioning failure in 18.04.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - JSON support for BurgWaechter SNC-421FDIA.

* Enhancement - tycodlpi - Propagate the classification name change to existing rule names.

* Bug Fix - eventpi - Process event meta search correctly when invalid filter is provided
* Enhancement - tycodlpi - Support user-configurable classifications.

* Enhancement - core - Added debug logging of memory and queue stats.
* Enhancement - NetworkStoragePI - Add OS-on-RAID support, fix partitioning of
  small RAID volumes.
* Enhancement - PTZPI - AD-MP3200 / AD-MP48 multi treat pattern and preset commands
  as lower priority so preset tours don't interfere with active users.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Support network configuration for GPoE 16-port model.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Allow drive prep for restricted BBE systems
  (LC-Series and G-Series).
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Improve graphical storage layout GUI for OS-on-RAID
  zero-drive models.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Include deploy key and base image version info
  in system information list XML.
* Enhancement - tycodlpi - Accomodate video input API change.
* Bug Fix - Illustr3PI - Fix disconnection after 60 seconds to certain
  models like ISL02B1BNWIY.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Always enable NTP sync in ONVIF cameras which
  do not enable it by default when NTP server address is set.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Allow pull point retries as long as camera is responsive,
  to prevent loss of motion detection (Flir CC-31030-01-I).
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Handle missing marker bit from metadata, prevent
  memory leak.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Fix exclude motion window configuration.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix drive prep of multiple disks to prevent
  accidentally giving same mount point to multiple disks.
* Bug Fix - tycodlpi - When RtspServerPI credentials are updated, ensure they
  are also pushed to an attached TycoAI device and applied to all inputs, to
  avoid unnecessary connection failures.
* Bug Fix - tycodlpi - Fix alarms that prematurely end with multiple people
  of same classification in a given scene.
* Bug Fix - UpdatePI - fix reporting correct failover support on a new install
  and fresh license.

* Bug Fix - PanasonicPI - Fix motion detection in non-iVMD models.

* Enhancement - tycodlpi - Support for TycoAI add video input change.

* Updated EULA.

* Enhancement - tycodlpi - Improve image ingest experience.
* Bug Fix - tycodlpi - correctly report MAC on multipe NIC TycoAI
* Bug Fix - tycodlpi - fix excessive CPU usage while in the retrying state.
* Enhancement - eventpi - Improve performance of metadata event searches.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - Fix startup crash with Illustra Pro 5MP Minidome
  indoor with FW 1.4.0.C20433A1893.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Fix PTZ disabling on service restart for Sunapi2 models.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - Fix startup crash with Illustra Pro 5MP Minidome
  indoor with FW 1.4.0.C20433A1893.

* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fix repeated stream disconnection and reconnection with
  Milesight MS-C3566-FPNA and other cameras which do not request a keep-alive
  interval, so should default to 60 secs.
* Enhancement - streampi, psfpi - added more debug logging around ldap integration
  and frame recording
* Bug Fix - archivepi,eventpi - correctly report support for archiving on Start license

* Enhancement - tycodlpi - TycoAI face matching
* Enhancement - tycodlpi - Enable image ingest.
* Bug Fix - rtspserverpi - Fix crash on stream teardown
* Bug Fix - eventpi - correctly stop marking video frames with alarm red border
  affecting systems with certain event link configurations
* Bug Fix - samsungpi - Proper branding for Tyco HD encoder

* Enhancement - evselftest - Add support for Avago 16i RAID to evselftest.
* Bug Fix - core, exacqd - launch core.exe without console in service mode
  to prevent memory growth
* Bug Fix - core - report exacqd version in plugins list to the connected clients
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Add SMART attribute support for 3ware 9650.

* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fix motion issue related to multi-sensor devices
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix spammy log messages on RAID systems regarding
  "Setting Controller name" and "BG Self-test for controller".

* Bug Fix - installer (Windows) - analyticpi falsely being identified as new plugin on upgrades.
* Bug Fix - installer (Linux) - installer may exit prematurely after accepting EULA.
* Bug Fix - vivotekpi - Fix motion sensitivity setting.
* Bug Fix - panasonicpi - Disable motion tab if iVMD is selected.
* Bug Fix - samsungpi - Fix support for 16 encoder
* Bug Fix - axispi - Fix Perimeter Defender alarm trigger
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fix memory leak

* Feature - SysmgmtPI - Support OS-on-RAID graphical storage display.
* Enhancement - installer - modify list of default and required plugins
* Enhancement - installer (Linux) - improve feedback when not accepting license agreement.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Support for the Illustra Multi-sensor.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - support events for Sony multi-sensor.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Support motion for Arecont fisheye camera.
* Enhancement - honeywelllpi - dynamic debug logging for easier troubleshooting
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi.json - support GeoVision_2 events from pull messages.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Add support for dynamic log levels.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Add support to hwmconfig for new drive model HBS.
* Enhancement - panasonicpi - Support iVMD
* Enhancement - updatepi - remit current failover status on bad state change request
* Enhancement - hikvisionpi - support two-way audio.
* Enhancement - analyticpi - indicate metadata only analytic rules.
* Enhancement - illustra3pi - support timestamp with server option.
* Bug Fix - installer (Linux) - preserve plugin list on upgrade if all plugins were
  selected for installation.
* Bug Fix - installer (Windows) - preserve install preference of ccurepi, analyticpi on update.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fix focus control.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Save video encoder settings on config change.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Don't require a motion override after upgrade.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - On certain network error paths, the plugin will spam the log.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Post config after serial port ptz change.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi.json - crash on bad event xml.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi.json - Escape xml special characters written to the log.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - prevent failed pullpoint connection spamming.
* Bug Fix - ipcamdetectpi - Don't disable devices connected to local POE ports.
* Bug Fix - IPCamDetectPI - fix crash when local MAC address is not available.
* Bug Fix - rtspserverpi - Don't restart on all adapter change notifications.
* Bug Fix - rtsp_lib - avoid sending RTCP in tunnel mode to prevent stream
  interruption in some cameras.
* Bug Fix - honeywellpi - correctly parse the status for a zone reported by the panel
* Bug Fix - psfpi - fix a rare crash during a search with unhandled time ranges
* Bug Fix - panasonicpi - Fix for posting redundant iVMD events.
* Bug Fix - panasonicpi - limit max device id to 255.
* Bug Fix - axispi - Fix motion tab not displaying when connecting to some devices.
* Bug Fix - axispi - Various fixes and improvements for privacy masks
* Bug Fix - samsungpi - Get video if audio out fails.
* Bug Fix - samsungpi - If audio isn't available, log a warning and continue
* Bug Fix - samsungpi - Properly persist the serial port ptz setting
* Bug Fix - samsungpi - Don't disable the PTZ tour after a change to a preset.
* Bug Fix - dahuaippi - Properly persist the serial port ptz setting
* Bug Fix - pelcopi - Fix motion configuration for certain Pelco models.
* Bug Fix - live555 - backchannel audio memory leak.
* Bug Fix - Hikvision - memory leak issue with http 404 error.

* Bug Fix - NetworkStoragePI - Fix accidental removal of /mnt/export from fstab
  on changing number of RAID partitions, or provisioning them for SMB archiving.
* Bug Fix - dynacolorpi - Fix disabling ports for reset and budget for G-Series PoE.

* Bug Fix - rtspserverpi - Only serve live frames. Improvements around streaming via TCP.

* Bug Fix - updatepi - announce accurate failover/failback support on new installs

* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - better handle profile-t cameras for connection.
* Enhancement - illustra3pi - support timestamp with server option.

* Bug Fix - illustra3 - provide operation zoom override option.

* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - add uniview alias in json.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Dahua multi-sensor motion support and analytic
  in json.
* Enhancement - itv2pi - more logging to help troubleshoot panel health alarms and troubles
* Bug Fix - hikvisionpi - missed handling temper event.
* Bug Fix - live555 - stream disconnect issue in udp.
* Bug Fix - rtspserverpi - server crash with more than 16 analog channels.
* Bug Fix - samsungpi - correctly handle audio-out count for different models.
* Bug Fix - live555 - invalid rtcp port post.
* Bug Fix - rtsp_lib - avoid realloc for smaller frame buffer.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - handle SetNTP response.

* Feature - First Illustra Edge Pro Gen3 server release.
* Enhancement - core, LogPI - allow to dynamically control logging level per plugin
* Enhancement - failbackpi - Do not report deleted files (404 on GET) in the
  fail count since it is non-recoverable. Implement advanced debug logging.
* Enhancement - hikvisionpi - add Grundig OEM.
* Enhancement - hikvisionpi - support analytics events.
* Enhancement - itv2pi - Add more verbose logging and debug logging to help
  troubleshoot issues in the field
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - additional motion/input trigger support for VIEWZ.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - support motion/input trigger events for 
  Avigilon multi-sensor.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - support motion event for Weldex.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi/samsungpi - Support audio-out with backchannel.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - support motion event for Arecont multi-sensor.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - support backoff retry connection logic.
* Enhancement - psfpi - do not cache prealarm video longer than necessary.
* Enhancement - rtspserverpi - plugin to provide rtsp stream from server.
* Enhancement - streampi - Adding logging to help troubleshoot LDAP binding issues
* Enhancement - streampi - Stop heartbeat queries when LDAP is disabled
* Enhancement - streampi - Allow arbitrary user specified meta data for cases and bookmarks
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Eliminate hwmconfig entries for temperature for
  non-RAID systems, and generalize rules for RAID systems to minimize updates.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Add blacklist for disk models that don't support
  standardized temperature SMART attributes, to prevent false storage alarms.

* Bug Fix - Acti - some models do not show context streams.
* Bug Fix - Acti - privacy mask applied incorrecly in mirror mode.
* Bug Fix - axispi - support host port number up through 65535 and exclude http port in
  stream URL.
* Bug Fix - eventpi - fix a rare crash when webhooks are configured to fire without batching
* Bug Fix - illustra3pi - memory leak issue with ExposureProiles config.
* Bug fix - IllustraStandardIN - default to local camera timezone setting.
* Bug Fix - kantechpi - correctly retrieve status for the KT-1 controller devices
* Bug Fix - kantechpi - support up to 3200 devices
* Bug Fix - NetworkStoragePI - Clean partition of content before/after provision changes.
* Bug Fix - NetworkStoragePI - Add boot script to validate tgt backing store.
* Bug Fix - NetworkStoragePI - Consolidate partitioning operations.
* Bug Fix - notifypi - for record alarm source events, fill in camera name
  instead of sending unknown
* Bug Fix - notifypi - weblink field not being populated with url unless
  attach preview was selected.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - GetServices for profile-t support check.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - fixed digital input alarm state for Honeywell.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - fix the invalid profile token that failed to provide metadata info
  and caused the motion tab missing for multi-input devices. 
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - support motion event for SightLogic multi-sensor.
* Bug Fix - rtspserverpi - Do not disconnect rtsp streams when non-critical network info
  is changed. Added support for streaming Stretch board inputs
* Bug Fix - SamsungPi - possible crash on disable camera.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPi - memory leak with audio-out scheudle in shared rtsp code.
* Bug Fix - sonypi - cap the millisecond calculation from frame counter to under 1000.
* Bug Fix - streampi - Fix being able to bookmark metadata for alarms like analytics 
  or security integrations
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix logging of thread IDs.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI -  Use raw value for SMART temperature attribute 194
  (defined as actual celcius value) instead of manufacturer-specific normalized
  value, which can cause false-positive storage alarms.
* Big Fix - core - fixed ability to load and run mixed-version plugins introduced in 19.09.101

* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Prevent duplicate timezone configuration settings
  from showing up on Win7 servers, causing wrong timezone configuration to
  be reported.

* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix storage grid GUI support for E1 motherboards
  where a data drive is attached to SATA_2 header.

* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix drive ordering in storage hardware GUI for new E1
  motherboard drive assembly.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - selection for triple codec.

* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Stop logging on every config or status XML received,
  regardless which plugin(s) they're for.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - potential crash with multi-channel device and incompete xml.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - support HONEYWELL(HFD8DR1 fisheye)
  motion/input trigger events.
* Bug Fix - analyticpi - fixed spamming config.

* Feature - UpdatePI, failbackpi - Restore recorded video and audio data after
  failover event.
* Feature - DynacolorPI - Add support for new G-Series PoE server model.
* Feature - ccurePI - C·CURE 9000 access control integration.
* Feature - EventPI - New webhook event linking action type (server-side only).
* Enhancement - DahuaIpPI - Support timestamp with server option.
* Enhancement - DynacolorPI - Use /dev/watchdog for hardware based watchdog
  on G-Series PoE.
* Enhancement - DynacolorPI - Allow use of G-Series PoE watchdog while de-elevated.
* Enhancement - Illustra3 - Support exposure profile configuration.
* Enhancement - Illustra3, Onvif, ACTi - Improve initial RTSP connection speed.
* Enhancement - KantechPI - Enhanced activity logging to aid troubleshooting.
* Enhancement - Live555/RtspPI - Support backChannel audio.
* Enhancement - Onvif - Updated motion/input trigger support for GeoVision.
* Enhancement - POSPI - Support POS database encryption.
* Enhancement - POSPI - Allow for machine ID to unexpectedly change case when
  using machine specific encryption.
* Enhancement - PTZPI - AD-MP3200 / AD-MP48 multi prioritize recent PTZ commands
  when selecting determining which terminator to use.
* Enhancement - PTZPI - AD-MP3200 / AD-MP48 multi don't send monitor and camera
  callups with no additional commands.
* Enhancement - PTZPI - AD-MP3200 and AD-MP48 added support for patterns.
* Enhancement - PTZPI - AD-MP3200 and AD-MP48 added support for flip and apple peel.
* Enhancement - PTZPI - AD-MP3200 and AD-MP48 added support for auto iris / focus.
* Enhancement - PTZPI - AD-MP3200 and AD-MP48 Multi prevent using multiple devices per port
  when sending PTZ commands and avoid monitor selection overhead with every command.
* Enhancement - SamsungPI - Support Tyco HD Encoder OEM.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Fix unnecessary watchdog on S-Series due to iSCSI
  health monitoring operations (via tgtd) blocking for longer than watchdog timeout.
* Bug Fix - Installer - Fix slow GUI when checking password on Windows install.
* Bug Fix - exacqd - Fix deelevation login failure caused by utf8 changes.
* Bug Fix - ActiPI - Improve metadata socket keep alive.
* Bug Fix - ActiPI - Remove credential info in server log.
* Bug-fix - ActiPI - Preserve camera motion region min object size.
* Bug Fix - Acti/Axis/Samsung/Dahua/Sony/Onvif - execute ptz preset action
  before event timeout expires.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Default to highest codec and framerate on connection.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Maintain motion sensitivity and percentage client settings
  if values are within scaled range for VMD4.
* Bug Fix - ccurePI - Fix failed manual action requests.
* Bug Fix - ccurepi - Emit alert event when relay is unlocked.
* Bug Fix - ccurepi - Fix HTTP session keepalive.
* Bug Fix - EventPI - Fix slow write times for metadata.
* Bug Fix - failbackpi - Rebuild video failback agent to patch HTTP/2 vulnerability
  fixed in Golang 1.12.8.
* Bug Fix - HikvisionPI - Motion mask configuration did not update correctly.
* Bug Fix - HikvisionPI - Disable camera OSD override by default.
* Bug Fix - HikvisionPI - Separate pan/tilt from zoom for K-Series to prevent
  unresponsvie motion.
* Bug Fix - HoneywellPI - Honeywell panel doesn't clear zone fault properly.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - Close metadata socket on stream teardown.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - Unable to set constant quality value.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - Handle absolute zoom configuration move for Pro3 and Flex2.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - Ptx preset ignored after autohome.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - Fix crash during video backfill.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - After deleting a motion zone, delete it from the list of analytics.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI, HikvisionPI - Emit audio element in partial XML on server
  restart for user audio permission.
* Bug Fix - OnvifnvcPI - Sanitize model name for web client connection issue.
* Bug Fix - OnvifnvcPI - Set backfill file permissions on Linux.
* Bug Fix - PanasonicPI - Fix motion config support for different
  image capture modes.
* Bug Fix - PelcoPI - Fix crash on invalid error messages.
* Bug Fix - POSPI - Fix Axis Edge POS database.
* Bug Fix - POSPI - Fix XML serial profiles to ignore unwanted data.
* Bug Fix - PTZPI - AD-MP3200 and AD-MP48 avoid re-sending monitor and camera
  selection in more cases.
* Bug Fix - PTZPI - AD-MP3200 properly terminate commands when sending pan, tilt, and zoom
  commands at the same time.
* Bug Fix - PTZPI - AD-MP3200 fixed an issue where Pan/Tilt/Zoom commands may start with a terminator.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Possible crash with SUNAPI1 event parsing.
* Bug Fix - SerialPI - Serial PTZ commands may be sent too quickly in some cases.
* Bug Fix - SerialPI - Ensure serial TCP listening port closes after deletion or
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fix server powershell scripts to generate valid UTF8 output
  for international characters for network and time configuration.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - UpdateUserConfig can be called by server and options thread
  without locking
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Prevent forcing NTP sync at service startup in Linux
  because it can block due to network issues, and in turn cause watchdog. If
  M-Series, system can then only be recovered by removing and clearing hard
  drive, re-installing into system, and allowing system to factory re-default.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Reconnect to LDAP server if connection is broken.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Increase drive self-test stall timeout to 1 hour to
  eliminate false positive failures.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix drive self-test status when restarting evServer service
  while drive self-test operations are already active.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix delayed indication of activity when manually
  starting drive self-tests.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix false positive "needs prep" status for non-RAID
  recording drives upon reboot and initial service startup.
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - Fix stale self-test status for LSI 9361-8i.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Do not log smartctl copyright notice.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix SMART temperature monitoring for HGST drives
  with 3ware RAID.
* Bug Fix - VivotekPI - Fix crash with some models in 4x3 video mode.

* Enhancement - core - Include plugin load and open times in plugins.xml.
* Enhancement - backfill - Upgraded to ffmpeg 4.1.3 for video backfill.
* Enhancement - ArchivePI - Enable archiving with Start license.
* Enhancement - analyticpi - Support Avigilon analytic appliance.
* Enhancement - AxisPI - Add #timestamp=server override capability.
* Enhancement - Illustra3 - Support multiple motion configuration profiles.
* Enhancement - KantechPI - Update username handling to handle uppercase
  letters in Kantech usernames (fix Exacq login failures).
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Support backFill(edgeStor) for Bosch.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Support motion/input trigger event for 
  Ganz multi-sensor camera.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Support Flir Saros DH-390 motion event.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Support motion/trigger events for Sony SNC-HMX70.
* Enhancement - NetworkStoragePI - Add BuiltByExacq(BBE) log message.
* Bug Fix - All plugins - Fix corruption of XML config files during interrupted
  writes, such as after a watchdog or power failure.
* Bug Fix - backFill - PS file permission for Linux local client search as non-admin.
* Bug Fix - init.sh - Fix subdirectories audit, blob, data, downloads, and
  logs, so that in case folder permissions have been adjusted to prevent
  functioning, they'll be corrected and LogPI will successfully load.
* Bug Fix - ActiPI - Support H265 with metedata socket events, corridor mode,
  resolution issue, ntp server and wdr settings.
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Missing exec.pattern was preventing necessary reformatting
  when adding a new extended storage target in certain cases.
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Fix direct archive search for local client running
  as non-admin user, for server both elevated and de-elevated.
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI, evclouddrive - Prevent hard drive filling up when
  Cloud Drive is configured to archive at a higher rate than available upstream bandwidth.
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Fixed a rare case when service won't stop 
  if Cloud Drive archive target is configured.
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Revert iSCSI/NFS service auto-start check in Windows
  to sc.exe instead of powershell to restore Win7 and Server 2008 compatibility.
  Caused extended storage tab to be missing in client, prevented recording to
  extended storage, and prevented remote clients from being able to search
  video on extended storage drives.
* Bug Fix - HikVisionPI - Provide camera osd override option.
* Bug Fix - HoneywellPI - Fix disconnect issue.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - Handle http encoded preset names.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - Timestamp analytic metadata from camera instead of server.
* Bug Fix - IpCamDetectPI - Sony discovered with linked local address.
* Bug Fix - IpCamDetectPI - Onvif discovery could fail to parse mac address in UUID.
* Bug Fix - IQeyePI - enable exclude motion windows.
* Bug Fix - KantechPI - Kantech Entrapass SmartLink events not displaying correctly (or missing)
* Bug Fix - NetworkStoragePI - Fix handling of unlabeled disk.
* Bug Fix - NetworkStoragePI - Fix "Fail to write TGT config" errors 
  that prevent creating 'Extended Storage' volumes on an S-Series server.
* Bug Fix - NotifyPI - Fix timing issue for failed/retried emails.
* Bug Fix - OnvifnvcPI - Fix bug failed to handle multi-sensor profiles with profile-T.
* Bug Fix - OnvifnvcPI - Provide events override option for pull and stream.
* Bug Fix - OnvifnvcPI - Handle motion Delay timeout option for OnCam and Mobotix.
  Added motion/input trigger event for DigitalWatchdog and Mototix.
* Bug Fix - OnvifnvcPI - Fix crash with Profile-T and audio.
* Bug Fix - OnvifnvcPI - Fix crash when optional metadata support isn't available.
* Bug Fix - OnvifnvcPI - Post ntp setting during enable/disable device for DNS setting.
* Bug Fix - OnvifnvcPI - Check for the correct motion video token source name in 
  any order.
* Bug Fix - OnvifnvcPI - Profile-T fail-back to using profile-s with empty profile response,
  update video settings correctly, and input counts for multi-sensor.
* Bug Fix - PSFPI - Fixed issues with indexing and delayed initial indication of
  healthy recording drives (not alarmed) that were delaying recording and causing
  increased throttling that affected versions 9.6 through 9.8.
* Bug Fix - PSFPI - Fix permissions so that local client can search as non-admin user.
* Bug Fix - PSFPI - Fix issue where bookmarks cause server to stop recording.
* Bug Fix - Rtsp_lib - Restore code to auto adjust timestamps from errant cameras.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Video configurations not applied in some models.
* Bug Fix - Hanwha(Samsung) - Support exclude motion windows configuraion for SUNAPI2.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Handle stream running state to prevent inconsistent
  media file closing for cameras and encoders.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Potential server crash caused by event notify parsing error.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Config update causes all Samsung streams to disconnect/reconnect
  and result recording gaps.
* Bug Fix - SonyPI - NTP address encoding exclude period and underscore characters.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fix handling of time zone configuration in Windows with
  time zones that do not observe DST, which was also causing issues for
  video search with local clients.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fix parameters for opendhcpserver when installed
  on Windows in a non-standard installation path.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fix opendhcpserver script for Powershell versions < 5,
  as well as for Powershell 2.0.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Configure static NIC addresses to be applied and visible
  regardless whether NIC is connected or disconnected, for 18.04 systems with
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fix broken Easy Connect by passing correct paths to
  inifile and statefile when starting DHCP server, so that DHCP server will actually
  listen and serve addresses to dependent cameras. Also omit NICs from DHCP service
  configuration that do not have valid IP addresses.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Windows systems with 3ware RAID enclosure fail to
  show disk information (serial, model, etc.) or SMART attributes.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Allow coredump enable/disable in Linux regardless
  whether apport service is installed.
* Bug Fix - UpdatePI - fix failover synchronization.
* Bug Fix - VivotekPI - plugin hung due to mishandle of rtp extension code.

* Enhancement - ArchivePI - Migrate extended storage and archiving to IPC and
  support de-elevated.
* Enhancement - AxisPI - VMD4 include/exclude motion windows and enhanced
  filter controls.
* Enhancement - NetworkStoragePI - Migrate to IPC and support de-elevated.
* Enhancement - Onvif - Support Profile-T H265 configuration.
* Enhancement - Onvif - Updated JSON for Vista DI support.
* Enhancement - SamsungPI - Support video backfill feature.
* Enhancement - SamsungPI - Include sound and object IVA analytics.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Enhance netconfig script for Linux to support 18.04
  systems that use networkd instead of ifupdown scripts.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Improve compatibility of network configuration updates
  and 18.04 OS to ensure every system requests DHCP with the NIC's own MAC, as
  we begin to support 18.04.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Relocate Linux core dumps to logs folder to mimic Windows,
  and support core dumps in m-Series as well.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Migrate system management and storage hardware
  monitoring functions to IPC and support de-elevated.
* Bug Fix - Installer - Protect Windows service start issue if file exists
  with name "c:\program".
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Unable to delete invalid archive target.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Failed to set ntp server on camera.
* Bug Fix - curl - Fix broken 64-bit Linux curl binary introduced by 9.9.11.
* Bug Fix - curl - Fix curl binary with newer Axis ARTPEC-4/5 firmwares.
* Bug Fix - DmpPI - Corrected bypassed zone status.
* Bug Fix - Hikvision - Failed parse event and plugin becomes unresponsive.
* Bug Fix - Hikvision - Workaround for curl PUT re-auth issue cause digital
  output trigger to fail.
* Bug Fix - HoneywellPI - Fix reconnect issue with Honeywell Vista panel.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - Fixed an incorrect iterator used for ROI.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI/AxisPI - Fixed edgeStor not reported on Linux x64 platforms.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - Send motion data for all motion mask frames
  with or without motion.
* Bug Fix - IpCam - Failed to send multiple requests to camera such as
  ACTi plugin resulting invalid encoder settings in client.
* Bug Fix - OnvifnvcPI - Check video encoder framerate/qualityRange options.
* Bug Fix - OnvifnvcPI - Support ntp server setting.
* Bug Fix - PSFPI - Fix core memory growth issue.
* Bug Fix - PSFPI - Fix slow indexing and system not recording issues.
* Bug Fix - RTSP - Removed frame timestamp adjustment.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - NTP override crashes core with device disabled.
* Bug Fix - SerialPI - Fix reconnect issue with Honeywell Vista panel.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Inactivity Lockout locks all LDAP users.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Client not displaying raw data on serial profiles page
  in client.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - PTZ priorities were not handled properly.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fix issue in 9.8 and 9.9 where enabled core dumps in Linux
  were being written into blob folder and reported to client, but unavailable for
  download because its filename wasn't a valid GUID, causing settings export with
  map graphics to stall.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fix corrupted useraccounts.xml, especially after a
  watchdog incident.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Some disks may be reported twice in Windows, causing
  inconsistent storage alarm indications in ESM versus Client.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix self-test suppport for LSI and Avago RAID controllers.
  For Windows, requires packaging evselftest utility 9.9.1. In Linux, evselftest
  version always matches server version.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix startup crash when querying SMART details for some
  disks on non-BBE systems.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix exec pattern that prevented execution of udisks in Linux,
  which means that if you double-click a drive on client's drives tab, it wouldn't be
  able to jump to the storage hardware tab and highlight the corresponding physical disk.
* Bug Fix - VivotekPI - Failed to update audioChannel and disabled audio option.
* Bug Fix - evclouddrive - prevent invalid clips from filling upload queue

* Enhancement - ArchivePI - add ability to configure Cloud Drive integration
* Bug Fix - evclouddrive - clean up abandoned files if the upload queue is backed up

* Bug Fix - exacqd - Fix handle leak on Windows
* Bug Fix - UpdatePI - System configured as failover spare won't start when
  it becomes active during failover.

* Bug Fix - Installer - Fix upgrade issue with mdnsresopnder on fresh Windows installs.
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Emit Cloud Drive url defaults on new installations
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Added missing windows runtime redistributables to support Cloud Drive
* Enhancement - ArchivePI - Always invoke evclouddrive from cloud-drive directory
* Enhancement - evclouddrive - Always clean-up unuploaded Cloud Drive clips on both shutdown and start-up

* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Add PerimeterDefender metadata to the xml in the upgrade case.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - ROI failed to update config.
* Enhancement - OnvifnvcPI - Support Eclipse motion/input trigger events.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Show physical memory instead of available OS memory on Linux.

* Feature - Support for archiving to Cloud Drive.
* Feature - Server De-elevation (experimental).
* Enhancement - Installer - Preserve deelevation setting across server upgrades.
* Enhancement - exacqd - Add option to enable system logging (disabled by default).
* Enhancement - AnalyticPI - Support Tyco Analytic Appliance.
* Enhancement - AxisPPI - Support Perimeter Defender metadata stream.
* Enhancement - HikVisionPI - Support native SADP discovery probe and 
  improved support for multi-channel K-Series/SATA encoders.
* Enhancement - IPCamDetectPI - Migrate mDNSresponder control to Service
  Control Manager in Windows for better control.
* Enhancement - OnvifnvcPI - Added motion source names for Avigilon multi-channel.
* Enhancement - OnvifnvcPI - Input trigger for Arecont Contera. 
* Enhancement - OnvifnvcPI - Added input trigger support for Digital Watchdog.
* Enhancement - OnvifnvcPI - Added motion/input trigger support for Arecont Conterra.
* Enhancement - OnvifnvcPI - Motion/input trigger events for Vicon and OnCam.
* Enhancement- PTZPI - Added AD-M3200 Multi and AD-MP48 Multi where Monitor value 
  varies based on Address.
* Enhancement - SamsungPI - support multi-channel encoders and update PTZ
  presets from camera.
* Enhancement - SerialPI - Add log messages to simplify troubleshooting when
  a port seems to disappear, but actually is renamed by OS instead.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Indicate deelevate status.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Log deelevation status.
* Enhancement - StreamPI -  Migrate time/date/zone/NTP config to IPC and
  support de-elevated.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Migrate DHCP support to new IPC security framework.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Migrate AD/LDAP support to new IPC security framework.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Logout all connections for a user when their
  password is changed.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Disable non-functioning watchdog on H110M motherboards
  to prevent OS freeze, to allow exacqd to recover server by restart as necessary.
  Also add option to easily enable/disable core dumps.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Add swap size to system info.
* Bug Fix - Installer - Allow deelevated server uninstall from Windows Settings.
* Bug Fix - AnalyticPI - Reset and post stop alarm when TAA is disconnected.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Restore GetParameter logic in VAPIX-2 for video disconnect issue.
* Bug Fix - HikVisionPI - Support timestamp=rtp with camera time.
* Bug Fix - HikVisionPI - Add GetParam override option.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - Changed the smartCodec key to case insensitive find.
* Bug Fix - IpCamDetectPI - Filter IllustraStandardIN discovery.
* Bug Fix - Itv2PI - DSC Neo: Do not generate alarms on disconnect events.
* Bug Fix - NotifyPI - Fix sending of email notifications.
* Bug Fix - OnvifnvcPI - Updated the input trigger source token name.
* Bug Fix - OnvifnvcPI - Support source names for a motion topic for 
  multi-sensor devices such as Panasonic X8570.
* Bug Fix - PanasonicPI - Fixed the brightness setting for the h265 cameras.
* Bug Fix - Pelco/Live555 - Streaming issue with UDP and Pelco default streaming mode.
* Bug Fix - PSFPI - Fix permissions of directories and files to support direct search
  with local clients.
* Bug Fix - RtspPI - Switch transport mode tcp/udp with rtsp error 461(Unsupported transport).
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Fixed motion windows configuration in corridor mode.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Support stream settings for SUNAPI2.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fix setting of Iran timezone on Ubuntu 16.04.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fix deletion of bonds.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Avoid accumlation of powershell processes on Windows 7.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Flush ip addresses when switching to static ip on Ubuntu 18.04.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Hang when parsing timezones on Windows 7.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Minor memory leak when adding timezones.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Restore behavior where Windows Time service is always
  started if not running at server startup.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Service stop hangs when stopping DHCP service.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - 'WAN' Bandwidth Throttling was throttling local and network
  clients after a service restart.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Detect page file size on Windows 10, Windows Server 2012,
  and Windows Server 2016.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Plugin fails to load for Edge or m-Series platforms.
  Introduced in 9.7.19.  
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix possible crash on shutdown.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix hardware monitoring on Foxconn D190 boards.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix driveprep for unmounted volumes on Windows and
  prevent watchdog if driveprep takes longer than watchdog timeout.

* Bug Fix - live555 - failed rtsp stream with incorrect setup path.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix permissions on driveprep script, otherwise
  operation will stall forever without actually doing anything, and if
  user attempts to shut down server, it will watchdog.

* Bug Fix - illustra3 - fixed the bug that failed to emit correct device level 
  connection status on reconnect and would not reset without restarting server.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Add missing motherboard sensor (fan/volt/temp) and
  watchdog support for H110-E1 based systems with Windows OS.
* Bug Fix - exacqd - Write a newline to pid file for sysv init scripts.
* Bug Fix - initscript - Prevent accidentally starting if already started.

* Enhancement - exacqd - Disable restart-on-crash when shutting down server
  at user's request, since user intends for server to stop anyway.
* Bug Fix - i610 - Fix recording and detecting SD card for writing.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - edge server failed adding presets to ptz tour.
* Bug Fix - illustra3PI - ptz failed to stop.
* Enhancement - OnvifPI - Support motion events for Surveon.
* Bug Fix - illustra3PI - edgeStor crash with context stream.
* Bug Fix - Illustr3PI/AxisPI - handle file plugin request error so backfill(edgeStor)
  does not hang.

* Bug Fix - sysinfo.ps1 - Prevent OS drive from appearing in storage hardware
  graphical view in client on a H110-E1 system.
* Bug Fix - hwmconfig.xml - Fix bug in storage hardware graphical view in
  client on a C236 system where no drives appear in it.
* Bug Fix - Axis - handle VMD4 motion event in https mode.

* Bug Fix - PSFPI - Don't preallocate psfiles on Edge platforms that emulate
  preallocation, to avoid delayed shutdown and delayed recording. Also
  maintain same filemask on psfiles as always.
* Bug Fix - exacqd & core - Use stream protocol for IPC on MIPS Edge
  platforms (ARTPEC 4) and upgrade to corresponding exacqd 1.1.2.
* Bug Fix - DmpPI - Fix issue causing slow reconnects

* Feature - DmpPI - Add Digital Monitoring Products (DMP) intrusion integration.
* Feature - exacqd - Better service control, process isolation, and provides auto restart
  of service to all platforms, to mimic historic Windows behavior.
* Enhancement - Installer - No longer prompts to replace ONVIF JSON file.
* Enhancement - Installer - Remove Adaptec ASPI from installer.
* Enhancement - Axis Edge - Do not use CGI to update server.
* Enhancement - AxisPI - Support EdgeStor.
* Enhancement - Core - Faster startup, shutdown, and remote update.
* Enhancement - Core - Log both startup and shutdown with version, in case of log purge.
* Enhancement - Core - Added signal handling (SIGTERM & SIGINT) and print log messages with
  timestamps to console output, for easier custom service control by third-party scripts.
* Enhancement - EventPI - Upgrade to sqlite 3.24.0 and remove wxsqlite usage.
* Enhancement - Illustra3PI - Handle BlurDetection (video blur detection) event.
* Enhancement - IpCamDetectPI - Discover illustra standard IN as Hikvision OEM.
* Enhancement - Live555 - Support secure socket streaming.
* Enhancement - netconfig.sh - Assign deterministic MAC addresses to bonds.
* Enhancement - NotifyPI - Handle special characters in username and/or password for
  e-mail notifications, to match LDAP functionality.
* Enhancement - OnvifPI - Support motion/input trigger events for WBox.
* Enhancement - OnvifPI - Additional OpenEye motion event support.
* Enhancement - PanasonicPI - support digest authentication.
* Enhancement - POSPI - Upgrade to sqlite 3.24.0.
* Enhancement - PSFPI - Redesigned directory iterator algorithm in hourly drive
  scan, to allow for parallelizing the scan so that recording can commence before
  scan completion. This readme entry will disappear once the rest of the feature
* Enhancement - PSFPI - Pre-allocate psfiles when writing, for reduced
  drive wear (less movement), and increased search speed.
* Enhancement - PSFPI - Added details to "could not get record volume" error log
  messages, to give more indication as to cause, and help with troubleshooting.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Add temperature support for new HGST drive models.
* Bug Fix - Installer - Missing libva for linux32/64 installer.
* Bug Fix - Installer - Set failure action on Windows.
* Bug Fix - Installer - Fix cleanup of files after uninstall/purge in Linux.
* Bug Fix - i825 Edge - Fix server restart.
* Bug Fix - ActiPI - Support "E" platforms with http transport by default.
* Bug Fix - ArecontPI - Support corridor mode.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Prevent edgeStor operation from hanging in
  some condition.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Handle potential bad resolution response from camera and
  separately detect perimeter defender configuration for event linking.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - VMD1 motion sensitivity/percentage inconsistent setting.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - VMD4 motion configuration support both percentage and
  sensitivity settings.
* Bug Fix - Core - Fix for stalled searches.
* Bug Fix - Core - Support installing to Windows via hard links.
* Bug Fix - Core - Fix time handling in throttling. If user adjusted system time
  backwards while actively throttling live video, we used to get stuck throttling
  until time finally got back to where it originally was.
* Bug Fix - Core - Initscripts may falsely indicate service failed to start,
  due to orphaned PID file, so ensure PID file deleted on exit for any reason.  
* Bug Fix - EdgestorPI - Removed.  
* Bug Fix - EventPI - Fix memory leak and exception thrown on event search.
* Bug Fix - ExportPI - Validate full export path.
* Bug Fix - HikvisionPI - Update stream port from camera config query
  instead of default.
* Bug Fix - HikvisionPI - Add missing unit test data files.
* Bug Fix - HikvisionPI - Restore ptz presets from camera on initial connection.
* Bug Fix - HikvisionPI - Resume ptz tour after manual interruption.
* Bug Fix - HikvisionPI - Prevent server crash from parsing invalid event boundary.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - Fixed manual ptz move issue.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - Face detection analytic not listed in event linkage.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - Restore analytics metadata keywords with server
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - Enable motion tab for Flex2 ptz.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - Handle motion/input trigger events from Flex
  using iapi3.
* Bug Fix - IpCam - Prevent assert in debug with change to video settings.
* Bug Fix - Live555 - Use thread safe safelocale to prevent server crash.
* Bug Fix - LogPI - Prevent newlines when accidentally logged by other plugins.
* Bug Fix - netconfig.sh - Fix indication of network-manager owned dynamic interfaces.
* Bug Fix - netconfig.ps1 - Fix creating bonds with multiple NICs on Windows.
* Bug Fix - NotifyPI - Fix occasional hang during shutdown.
* Bug Fix - OnvifPI - Require source name for multi-channel motion trigger.
* Bug Fix - PSFPI - Fail to search audio when preserve with audio
  checkbox is checked.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Fix potential crash condition on a request completion
  with SUNAPI camera.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Fix audio enable/disable request for SUNAPI2.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Custom User with Case Admin rights could not create bookmarks.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fix licensing to MAC addresses from NICs in bonds on Windows.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - fix server crash when gathering system info from Japanese lshw.
* Bug Fix - tDVRPI - Fix crash during shutdown on Linux.
* Bug Fix - UpdatePI - Ensure any installer failures are emitted as status and logged during
  remote update, and prevent false positive success indication.
* Bug Fix - UpdatePI - Redesigned to eliminate occasional possibility of "unable to create
  shared memory" failures that cause remote update failure.

* Bug Fix - Windows Installer - Silent install did not install edvrpasswd
  or Microsoft runtime libraries.

* Bug Fix - EdgestorPI - Use safe local time and gmt calls for calculating localtime.

* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Handle metadata connection timeout and error to prevent
  rapid reconnection and could miss motion event in some cases.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Add support for Avago RAID controllers. Also log
  when detecting unsupported RAID controllers, to aid in troubleshooting.
* Bug Fix - EdgestorPI - Handle server and camera in different time zones.
* Bug Fix - EdgestorPI - Do not register for log service events.
* Bug Fix - EdgestorPI - Do not create folder when unit testing.
* Feature - EdgeStor - Support for Illustra3.
* Feature - Force replacement of default admin password on fresh
  desktop installs.
* Enhancement - Upgrade to tinyxml2 6.2.0.
* Enhancement - Installer - Stop packaging unused OpenSSL libraries.
* Enhancement - Linux - Sign .deb packages.
* Enhancement - AxisPI - support h265 configuration.
* Enhancement - OnvifnvcPI - Updated json to support motion/input trigger
  event for Ganz(CBC), Flir, and univiewtec.
* Enhancement - OnvifnvcPI - Integrated with rtsp_lib for h265/bframe supports.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Determine primary IP for NICs with multiple IPs
  on Windows.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Add voltages for H110E1.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Add sensor and watchdog support for H110E1.
* Bug Fix - Edge - Fix for invalid zero MAC address when IP camera password is incorrect.
* Bug Fix - Vivotek Edge - Ignore invalid MAC address found on Xarina cameras.
* Bug Fix - Linux - Fix upgrades on systems without the "at" daemon to prevent
  installation of NetworkStoragePI on non-S-Series systems.
* Bug Fix - M-Series - Fix for false positive watchdog event log message at startup.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - failed to connect when http port is set above 32767.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - primary input name failed to post config update.
* Bug Fix - DahuaIpPI - Replaced "Continuously" ptz call with up/down/left/
  right/zoomWide/zoomTele for compatibility with all Dahua and oem models.
* Bug Fix - evselftest - Use bundled smartctl if system smartctl is not available,
  otherwise unable to execute drive self-tests.
* Bug Fix - ExportPI - Fix memory leak when exporting .exe files to same filename
  every time (always overwriting).
* Bug Fix - HIkvisionPI - Add ignore check for frame header info in
  ExacqRtspInput when connected as native to avoid random stream closing.
* Bug fix - illustra3PI - handling of multiple xml docs in a callback.
* Bug Fix - OnvifnvcPI - support analytics one-shot event such as Uniview.
* Bug Fix - OnvifnvcPI - check pullPointSupport in GetCapabilities response
  and set as option for metadata "All" case.
* Bug Fix - OnvifnvcPI - separated sending focus/iris from ptz commands
  to camera that could cause ptz delay or video blur issues.
* Bug Fix - PanasonicPI - Add ignore check for frame header info in
  ExacqRtspInput when connected as native to avoid random stream closing.
* Bug Fix - RtspPI - invalid "video loss" on video.
* Bug Fix - RtspPI - Fix input Avail in XML to avoid "Video loss" on top of video.
* Bug Fix - Sony - failed to stream due to check http string encoded ntp setting.  
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fix missing null-termination when reading user account
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fix unlimited recursion issue in StreamPI XML parsing.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix SMART attribute reporting for LSI RAID disks in Linux.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Eliminate false positive offline drive alarms due to
  uexec failure, and instead indicate as "poll error".
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Update sysinfo.ps1 script to properly support LSI
  HBA, in order that non-RAID drives properly display in client's GUI.  
* Bug Fix - UsbDioPI - Do not import PoE config for non-existent devices.

* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fixed false positive drive temperature alarms in Windows
  by adjusting hwmconfig.xml rules for the following drive models, when connected
  via LSI RAID controller: WD4002FYYZ, WD8002FRYZ, WD8003FRYZ, WD6002FRYZ,
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - Fixed server reboot loop 

* Enhancement - StreamPI - Handle false MAC reported by new Axis FW 7.40.1
  that caused server to become unlicensed.
* Enhancement - UpdatePI - Prevent update_daemon terminated by by new Axis
  FW 7.40.1, causing remote update failure.
* Enhancement - evselftest - Rebuild desktop Linux version in same way as built
  for dynacolor platform.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Hide empty bonded NIC bond0 historically created by
  exacq Linux image.
* Bug Fix - UpdatePI - Rebuild curl and mbedTLS, and dependent plugins, to
  fix curl not finding mbedTLS in order to securely download server installer
  for remote update, causing remote update failure for ARTPEC-4/5.
* Bug Fix - UpdatePI - Fix incorrectly-built update_daemon causing remote
  update failure for ARTPEC-4/5 (patchelf bug).

* Bug Fix - UsbDioPI - Fix sleep that could hang on startup.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Add support for ASRock C236 motherboard.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Add support for LSI HBA.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fix netconfig.sh for setting DNS on Ubuntu 12.04,
  so that adding a 2nd DNS server won't inadvertently clear other network
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Fixed server crash issue with SUNAPI1 bitrate settings.

* Enhancement - StreamPI - Add audit records for Video push.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Save system clock to hardware clock on Linux.
* Enhancement - Add Installed-Size property to Linux deb package.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Guarantee local full admin availability.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Corrected audit trail for verifiers.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Prevent client from showing "0 Mbps" for bonds.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Search for powershell in PATH.
* Bug Fix - evselftest - Fixed evselftest not running on arm platforms
  (i.e. dynacolor).
* Bug Fix - KantechPI - Initialize partition id to a non-empty value
* Bug Fix - mdns - fixed server.sh for mdns discovery that failed in dynacolor.

* Feature - GroupsPI - Added support for application layouts client feature.
* Feature - PSFPI - Support for video record alarms.
* Feature - StreamPI - Support configuration of multiple DNS servers.
* Feature - StreamPI - Support for password expiration.
* Feature - StreamPI - Report client type and version information in
  connected client list.
* Feature - StreamPI - Support "may change password" and "must change password"
  settings for local user accounts, which allow and/or require users to change
  their own passwords.
* Enhancement - Acti - Support rtsp streaming and separate http socket
  to provide control/analytics notification.
* Enhancement - DahuaIpPI - Support h265 configuration.
* Enhancement - DahuaIpPI - add CPPlus oem.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Honeywell motion/input trigger support.
* Enhancement - Onvif - Added events support for SightLogix and Videotec.
* Enhancement - OnvifPI, StreamPI - Support PTZ aux commands.
* Enhancement - SamsungPI - Support multi-channel devices.
* Enhancement - Security Integrations - Clear health alarms when device is
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Migrate desktop Linux and Windows network interface
  configuration management to external scripts.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Prevent lockout of users when attempting to login
  but denied due to schedule restrictions.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Enhanced support for graphic and icon blobs to
  support custom association icons feature in client.
* Bug Fix - ActiPI - Improved pan/tilt slider range mapped to camera.
* Bug Fix - ActiPI - Fixed DIO for multi-channel encoders and ip cameras.
* Bug Fix - ActiPI - Request audio status after update enable/disable setting.
* Bug Fix - ActiPI - Import PTZ presets from camera when add to server.
* Bug Fix - ActiPI - Handle context streams and resolutions settings for I73 fisheye.
* Bug Fix - ARTPEC-4/5 - Install successfully on 7.30+ firmware.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Prevent possible assert when stream MJPEG in http mode.
* Bug Fix - BentelPI - Fixed incorrect zone status reported in the client.
* Bug Fix - DahuaIpPI - Added support for more than 1 DIO.
* Bug Fix - DahuaIpPI - Handle bad DIO response that failed to connect.
* Bug Fix - DahuaIpPI - On startup reset default privacy mask if disabled.
* Bug Fix - Edvrpasswd - Prevent blank passwords.
* Bug Fix - Edvrpasswd - Failed to start when in tools directory (missing dependencies on Windows).
* Bug Fix - HIkvisionPI - Set default DIO event schedules if empty to allow events.
* Bug Fix - HikVisionPI - Handle invalid credential.
* Bug Fix - i610 Edge - Fix failure to start on clean install.
* Bug Fix - i825 Edge - Run with same priority as camera media server to keep up
  with incoming frames.
* Bug Fix - Illustr3PI - Force http connection with edge server.
* Bug Fix - Illustr3PI - Handle ptz pattern create/run/replace.
* Bug Fix - illustra3PI - Enabled autoFocus for 2MP LT.
* Bug Fix - Illustr3PI - restore the last sensitivity setting during startup
  to avoid restore to calculated range setting for Flex.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - Resolved memory leak issue for some ZFI devices that
  also indicate ptz support in the cgi response.
* Bug Fix - Installer - Fixed issue with product name that prevented upgrades
  from removing previous version in Windows (and ending up with concurrent installs).
* Bug Fix - IpCamDetectPI - Avoid discovery scan query for invalid/same subnet
  NIC address(s) to eliminate duplicate results.
* Bug Fix - Onvifnvcpi - Translate pullpoint endURL in NAT environment.
* Bug Fix - Onvifnvcpi - Added pullpoint un-subscribe for device such as
* Bug Fix - Panasonic - VMD motion configuration to support new 4x3/16x9/rotation/mirror
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Added missing corridor mode selection for supported models.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Fixed SUNAPI2 video stream issue in NAT environment.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Fixed framerate/quality update issue.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Prevent server crash when add SPE-400/100 to native
  Samsung plugin.
* Bug Fix - SoundPI - Build new portaudio to fix crash in Linux.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fix multiple default full admin users
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Cannot change NIC bonding configuration in Debian 9.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Server may lose network connectivity when bond is deleted.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - IP settings are incorrectly ignored when a NIC is changed
  from bonded to standalone.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fix delay in displaying updated network configuration in Linux.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fix incorrect indication of for DNS server with
  a DHCP network interface in desktop Linux.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fix excessive configuration messages that were emitting
  and causing clients to become unusable, and ramped server CPU load.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - User permissions search validation error (POS Streams).
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - Corrected support for ASRock H110-ITX (no AC) motherboard.
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - Synced hwconfig with the one used by SEG to support 12TB HDD.
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtpi - Fixed false failed to stop self-test errors.

* Bug Fix - StreamPI - User permissions search validation error (POS Streams).
* Bug Fix - i825 Edge - Fix streaming/network errors (minidome).
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - do not post video/audio name to the camera just update config xml. 
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Add support for graphical RAID GUI on
  Windows 10 systems.

* Bug Fix - tDVRpi, core - Load tDVRpi first to fix load failure in 14.04 Linux
  that caused tDVR analog video to disappear on upgrade to 9.0 server.

* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Packaged new hwmconfig.xml file to cover WD drives
  connected to motherboard or any supported RAID controller, to prevent
  false positive storage alarms for temperature.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - UserGroup updates were being ignored and discarded.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Do not let a user become locked out with an old client
  when server has been migrated to verifiers, because the old credentials may
  otherwise be correct.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - When logging in with an older legacy pre-PAKE client,
  ensure the login attempt audit entry includes the requested username.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - delay VMD4 configuration request after start request
  for VMD4 in ready state and not return http error 500.
* Bug Fix - OnvifPI - removed unused code that could cause Linux server crash
  during startup with empty event string.
* Bug Fix - DahuaIpPi - Fix event parsing for partial responses that could
  cause the plugin to "freeze" in connected state and become unresponsive.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Redetect VMD mode on device enable or server restart.
* Enhancement - edvrpasswd - Add enhanced password verifier support
* Feature - StreamPI - Support for verifiers and salted hash security.
* Feature - Including edvrpasswd password reset tool.
* Enhancement - Installers - Build with C++14 compilers, update Boost and
  other libraries, package runtime libraries. Removed custom mdns and
  dependency on nsswitch.
* Enhancement - armhf Edge - Package support for updated 7.15 firmware.
* Enhancement - armhf Edge - Support Axis M3047/3048-P cameras.
* Enhamcement - ActiPI - Supports https configuration connection.
* Enhancement - ArchivePI - Fix iscsi connection error caused by empty st_config file.
* Enhancement - AxisPI - Support VMD4 motion event/configuraion(http mode only) and 
  Perimeter Defender event.
* Enhancement - AxisPI/HikvisionPI/illustra3PI/Onvif - Support IP camera iris and
  focus control.
* Enhancement - EventPI - Support logging and searching of analytic metadata.
* Enhancement - Illustra3/Onvif - Support analytic metadata bounding box 
  with start/stop events.
* Enhancement - IpCamDetectPI - Added Northern and Bosch in device list.
* Enhancement - PanasonicPI - Support H265 configuration.
* Enhancement - ITv2PI, BentelPI, HoneywellPI - Support intrusion health events.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Enhance custom user groups with independent live
  and search permissions.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Don't apply LDAP size limit setting to auth queries,
  because they're limited size anyway, in order to benefit large enterprise
  users, as well as some nested group envrionments. All other queries
  (heartbeat, display name, SPN, user searching, etc.) still use it as-is. Also
  added "LDAP" to some related log messages that didn't have it.
* Enhancement - SysMgmtPI - Add platforms to drive attribute processing in
* Enhancement - SysMgmtPI - Add support for graphical drive layout for P10 
  motherboards running Linux.
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Eliminate orphaned workingps file occurrences.
* Bug Fix - ArecontPI - Added motion smoothing, millisecond precision, 
  and pre/post motion for secondary streams
* Bug fix - AxisPI - Mjpeg http stream crash issue with cURL support.
* Bug Fix - BentelPI - Fix handling of system time moving backwards, keep polling.
* Bug Fix - BoschsecPI - Fix handling of system time moving backwards, keep polling.
* Bug Fix - DiscoveryPI - Fix handling of system time moving backwards, keep polling.
* Bug Fix - EventPI - Reduce memory usage with more than 1 event monitoring profile.
* Bug Fix - EventPI - Fix functioning of more than 1 event monitoring profile.
  Server restarts were causing subsequent profiles to become hidden from client.
* Bug Fix - HikvisionPI - Fix parsing of events that caused inconsistent alarm status.
* Bug Fix - HikvisionPI - Fixed streaming and configuration issues for
  multi-channel devices(fisheye/PanoVu/encoders).
* Bug Fix - HikvisionPI - Prevent crash on configuration import with existing device(s).
* Bug Fix - HoneywellPI - Fix handling of system time moving backwards, keep polling.
* Bug Fix - IpCam/Axis/Dahua/illustra3/Hikvision/samsung - Improved metadata handling.
* Bug Fix - IpCamDetectPI - USB POE auto-add/replace in UNA/m-series, prevent 
  manually updated native plugin from being replaced with Onvif discovery.
* Bug Fix - ITv2PI - Fix handling of system time moving backwards, keep polling.
* Bug Fix - KantechPI - Fix handling of system time moving backwards, keep polling.
* Bug Fix - Live555 - Fixed Windows send socket blocked on timeout that could
  hang plugin if failed while streaming.
* Bug Fix - Onvif/Live555 - Fixed streaming issue with Samsung SPE-100 and devices 
  that require "http1.0".
* Bug Fix - PSFPI - Adjust startup handling of pre-alarm recording configuration
  in case of video plugins that may not always emit config XML quite as expected.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Fixed encoder setting(framerate/resolution/quality) 
  issues for SNF-8010.
* Bug Fix - SerialPI - Eliminate the cause of several crashes by using shared pointers
* Bug Fix - SonyPI - Disable streaming audio for context streams.
* Bug Fix - SonyPI - Url encode the ip camera time server override.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Ensure empty serial number at startup is properly defaulted
  to local MAC address.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI/ArchivePI/IPCamDetectPI - Fix bug in external daemon control
  (mount, opendhcpserver, NTP, etc.) when looking up processes by name in Ubuntu 8.04.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Accidentally reverted to SHA-1 signed WinIO driver, which
  may not load under some recent Win10 software updates.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix handling of system time moving backwards, keep polling.
* Bug Fix - UsbdioPI - Fix handling of system time moving backwards, keep polling.

* Bug Fix - GroupsPI - Restore Groups and Maps permissions for Pro license.

* Enhancement - IpCamDetectPI - Limit length of strings returned from 
  UPnP and ONVIF detection to guard against exploits.
* Bug Fix - HikvisionPI - rtsp url support ISAPI streaming format.
* Bug Fix - HikVisionPI - ip-dome uses ISAPI ptz protocol.
* Bug Fix - HikVisionPi - changed cURL connection to any authentication type.

* Feature - GroupsPI - Added support for WebViews.
* Feature - NotifyPI - Add support for e-mail notification servers that
  require SSL on a port other than 465, and for those who require
  "starttls" mode.
* Feature - PSFPI - Add support for audio expiration rules.
* Feature - StreamPI - Support expiration of inactive accounts.
* Feature - StreamPI - Allow user to create access schedules.
* Feature - StreamPI - Support auto-enable of locked accounts.
* Feature - StreamPI - Add support for temporary guest users.
* Feature - StreamPI - Enforce to have at least one Full Admin.
* Feature - StreamPI - Add support for new PTZ tour start/stop command for
  benefit of non-admin users.
* Feature - SysmgmtPI - Allow easy preparation of new and/or replacement
  recording drives via Client or evAPI.
* Enhancement - Core - Load protected plugins.
* Enhancement - EventPI - Prune non-event-related information from search
  results for better client search experience.
* Enhancement - GSoap - vulnerability patch for potential buffer overflow
  issue with large XML message over 2GB.
* Enhancement - HikvisionPI - Support ISAPI/Legacy api and h265 configuration.
* Enhancement - Illustra3PI - Enable global motion setting if available.
* Enhancement - Illustra3PI - Support H265 configuration for Flex Gen-2.
* Enhancement - ITv2PI - Add support for DSC Neo virtual zones.
* Enhancement - PanasonicPI - Support udp streaming option.
* Enhancement - PSFPI - Prevent accidental recording to tiny flash if
  SD card becomes corrupt, as well as emit storage alarm to alert user
  to the situation.
* Enhancement - PTZPI - Increase PTZ max address to better accommodate the
  AD M3200 matrix switch.
* Enhancement - SamsungPI - Support x-series(sunapi2 only), https for
  configuration, and overview profiles.
* Enhamcement - Security Integrations - Include milliseconds in alarm xml.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Support base64-encoded LDAP display names.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Do not monitor removable drives on Linux.
* Enhancement - SysMgmtPI - Add support for ASRock H110 motherboard.
* Enhancement - SysMgmtPI - Add support for Asus P10S motherboard.
* Enhancement - tDVRpi - Set default board temperature threshold to 70C.
* Bug Fix - Fixed all plugins to prevent crash on long log messages.
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Ensure target credentials aren't inadvertently
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Fix extended storage (iSCSI) connections in
  Ubuntu 8.04 and 10.04. S-Series had previously been unusable.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI/Illustr3PI/SamsungPI/IpCam - cURL crash on device disable.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Missing digital auto-tracking context.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Do not post failed connection status for ptz requests.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - fixed area zoom for Q6000.
* Bug Fix - DahuaIpPI - Update stream address when changed.
* Bug Fix - EventPI - Fixed searching core throttling events not working.
* Bug Fix - EventPI - Fixed event metadata search not returning access control 
  events generated on an earlier version of the server.
* Bug Fix - HoneywellPI - Clear zone alarms automatically when disarming
  an alarmed partition.
* Bug Fix - HoneywellPI - Detect panel armed as arm-max and use arm-away
  and arm-instant flags in the status xml.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3 - Invalid setting causing cameras not to connect after
  server upgraded from version that does not support https connection.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3 - Handle H264/H265 IntelliZip encoder types and stream
* Bug Fix - Illustra3 - Reset context enable on delete.
* Bug Fix - Installer - Fix false negative error message on dpkg-reconfigure.
* Bug Fix - IPCam - Metadata socket failed to connect when in "https if available"
  mode and did not fall back to http if secure connection is not available.
* Bug Fix - IpCamDetectPI - Possible crash during camera scan with 
  linux 64bit platform.
* Bug Fix - IP plugins - Potential crash on device disable for plugins with 
  https support.
* Bug Fix - ITv2PI - Set correct operator connection code in status xml
  when operator enters invalid access code.
* Bug Fix - ITv2PI - Fix duplicate status message from plugin when arming panel.
* Bug Fix - ITv2PI - Restore duplicate arm away status for Neo.
* Bug Fix - NotifyPI - Include "from" address in message body of e-mail
  notification profiles, for RFC compliance, otherwise messages may be
  rejected by SMTP servers.
* Bug Fix - OnvifnvcPI - Reset metadata on xml parsing error.
* Bug Fix - OnvifnvcPI - Handle profiles with multiple video sources and
  different resolution list.
* Bug Fix - PanasonicPI - Disable default alarm listener socket unless
  enabled cameras.
* Bug Fix - PSFPI - Return "empty" stored video frames on search when a
  ps file is discovered to be corrupt, so as to avoid stalling clients or
* Bug Fix - PSFPI - Allow disabling of known missing drives if user does not
  intend to manually edit XML to remove a drive that will never be replaced,
  otherwise user would have to manually adjust drive letter or mount point.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Fixed unresponsive after changing codec setting.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Handle non-defaulted rtsp port.
* Bug Fix - Security Integrations - Fixed negative status code reported as
  an unsigned integer.
* Bug Fix - SerialPI - Fixed crash when deleting Bentel panel.
* Bug Fix - SonyPI - Support server timestamp option, disable audio on
  context streams, and support http encode of ntp name.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fixed incorrect indication of "no client self-audit" after
  client's periodic re-authorization.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - User-admin fails to update own username on Start system.
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - remove percent complete message from LSI status 
  when background task is not running.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix sysinfo.ps1 script in Windows to support Win10
  with SIIG expander card, and properly display graphical GUI in client's
  Storage Hardware tab.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Log if packaged lshw script fails to return
  system information XML, which causes missing sysinfo list in client.
* Bug Fix - UpdatePI - Ensure download credentials aren't inadvertently
* Bug Fix - UpdatePI - Properly log error code on failed download.
* Bug Fix - Bug Fix - StreamPI - Web services were blocked from connecting, and
  clients were experiencing login delay even though using correct credentials.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fix failure to monitor motherboard hardware (sensors
  and watchdog) by using pre-signed WinIO driver.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Fix context stream showing only jpeg profile.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Crash on connect with NTP on camera set to sync 
  other than server.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Handle missing input trigger event for DIO/Audio only
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Prevent user from changing their own password
  on non-secured server.
* Bug Fix - DahuaIpPI/HikvisionPI/illustra3PI - crash on import configuration settings
  with existing or disabled device in the list.
* Enhancement - UpdatePI - Allow any version of SSL when downloading for remote update
  (eliminated unfortunate SSLv3 requirement), and fixed slight URI parsing issue that
  didn't properly extract when special credentials are included in URI.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Crash on Start systems when user changes their own name.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Block "Can Change Password" option for LDAP users.

* Enhancement - Introduced native 64-bit Linux version.
* Enhancement - Add system management plugin to Edge builds.
* Enhancement - Security Integration plugins - Add support for emitting 
  event metadata in event xml.
* Enhancement - Acti - Support multi-stream for A1-Platform(E13/etc).
* Enhancement - Acti - Support flip/mirror for E816.
* Enhancement - Acti - Support C-Platform(Axx) jpeg/h264 streams.
* Enhancement - DahuaIpPI/HikVisionPI - Add HTTPS support.
* Enhancement - DynacolorPI - Enable adaptive PoE power for all classes.
* Enhancement - PosPI - Added configuration for line spacing, timeout, and positioning.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Introduce account lockout, password complexity, and
  ability for users to change their own passwords.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Added log message to indicate number of timezone
  definitions loaded at startup, to aid in validation, and updated timezone selections.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Include drive model numbers in hwmconfig.xml.
* Enhancement - VivotekPI - Support new models with OneFw API and H265 stream.
* Bug Fix - Installer - Package hwmconfig.xml for M-Series.
* Bug Fix - Acti - Support up to 4 DIO for I96.
* Bug Fix - Acti - Fix zoom out for ACM-8511.
* Bug Fix - Acti - Fix crash with AB-platform(B74) when activate audio.
* Bug Fix - Axis - Support option to turn off blocksize support.
* Bug Fix - Axis - Better detection for ZFI and option to override operation
* Bug Fix - Axis - Fix fail to reconnect after a PTZ command. Device streams
  but displays the incorrect status.
* Bug Fix - Axis - Improved input trigger parsing for http/https in
  http event only(without video/audio streaming) mode.
* Bug Fix - DahuaIp - Issue on bitrate not always set and update the
  quality/bitrate settings in vbr/cbr/cvbr to reflect the current settings
  on the camera.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3 - Crash in stream setting for maximum bitrate when
  set quality with framerate and/or resolution without bitrate change.
* Bug Fix - illustra3 - Handle camera connection in HTTP-only mode and 
  reduced log messages.
* Bug Fix - IQeye - Removed unnecessary init query to the camera and causing
  config update when stream disconnect/reconnect.
* Buf Fix - ITV2PI - Trim spaces from zone and partition labels.
* Bug Fix - Notify - Fix falling edge handling of 'Send Rate Limit'.
* Bug Fix - Notify - Improve reporting of failed h265 notify attachments.
* Bug Fix - OnvifnvcPI - Option to ignore metadata packets without marker
  that failed to response with notify events.
* Bug Fix - SerialPI - Fixed crash on deleting UDP serial port type.
* Bug Fix - SerialPI - Fixed error reading HTTP from serial port type.
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - Fix crash on new Illustra 825 firmware.
* Bug Fix - VivotekPI - Fix Motion Stuck on when Context added.
* Bug Fix - VivotekPI - Fix crash on import config when a camera already exists.

* Bug Fix - Arecont - fixed model parsing that set 12176DN as 2 input Duo
  sensor instead of 4.

* Bug Fix - NotifyPI - Falling edge notifications were being sent at 'start' event.
* Enhancement - Axis/Illustra3 - Support HTTPS configuration.

* Feature - EventPI - Introducing new event threshold feature.
* Feature - Add Bosch security panel integration (Bx512 family).
* Feature - Add support for Bentel Absoluta intrusion panel.
* Enhancement - Installer - Start OpenDHCPServer as a NetworkService with
  reduced privileges for increased security.
* Enhancement - Installer - Use quoted path for OpenDHCPServer service for
  increased security.
* Enhancement - Installer - Log server version to syslog in Linux.
* Enhancement - Installer - Simplify installation to Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit OS
  by removing misleading missing dependency prompt, and use system-wide installed
  wodim and smartctl instead of packaged tools.
* Enhancement - Installer - Include rules to permit incoming DHCP requests when
  Windows installer configures Windows Firewall.
* Enhancement - ArecontPI - Add support for MicroDome Duo.
* Enhancement - Core - Set Windows second service recovery option to restart
  edvrServer (not reboot server) for increased security.
* Enhancement - ITv2PI - Improve status representation when Neo
  intrusion panel transitions from disarmed, to exit delay, to armed.
* Enhancement - KantechPI - Minor change to allow code re-use among http-based
* Enhancement - KantechPI - Add Support for Kantech Connected Program login format.
* Enhancement - live555 - refresh code base from upstream 11-28-2016RC.
* Enhancement - NotifyPI - Add event state (trigger edge) template parameter
  for notification profiles.
* Enhancement - NotifyPI - Minimize delay for notification email when event happens.
* Enhancement - NotifyPI - Reduce memory usage when sending email with attachment.
* Enhancement - Onvifnvcpi - Added event support for VIEWZ2.
* Enhancement - Onvifnvcpi - Added TVT input trigger support.
* Enhancement - Onvifnvcpi - Added Samsung Techwin x-series motion/input trigger support.
* Enhancement - Onvifnvcpi - Add camera timestamp support.
* Enhancement - Onvifnvcpi - Support multi-channel encoders.
* Enhancement - Onvifnvcpi - Additional input trigger support for Geovision.
* Enhancement - Onvifnvcpi - support camera behind NAT.
* Enhancement - SamsungPI/RtspPi - Support H265 configuration/stream.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Adjust NTP configuration in Linux to permit local use of ntpq
  to monitor NTP service activity, to facilitate OS validation tools and future enhancements.
* Enhancement - SysMgmtpi - Do not alarm storage drive for WD2000FYYZ and WD4000FYYZ models 
  when self-test fails and failure LBAs fall within a certain range.
* Bug Fix - All plugins now write config XML to a temp file, and only if
  successful, safely swap into place, to prevent inadvertent config loss.
* Bug Fix - Installer - In Windows, no longer force Georgian Standard Time to GMT+3.
* Bug Fix - Installer - Fix Vivotek Edge to save video, logs, events, and
  POS data when performing remote update.
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Detect file system type for all partitions on a drive
  greater than 16TB.
* Bug Fix - ArecontPI - Stream 4K cameras with rtsp.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Fixed inconsistent reporting of ptz cameras/encoders.
* Bug Fix - BentelPI - Was accidentally omitted from Edge armhf installer.
* Bug Fix - Boschsecpi - Fixed occasional service crash on service shutdown.
* Bug Fix - DahuaIpPI - Fix Bitrate mode detection on camera add.
* Bug Fix - EventPI - Fixed a small memory leak introduced in 8.3.24 and 
  affecting all platforms and configurations.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - Handle device metadata refresh timeout that caused
  select error and logged unnecessary verbose messages.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - Remove redundent check for bitratemode.
* Bug Fix - ITv2PI - Set correct number of zones value in zone status request ITV2 command
  when the start zone id is greater than 1.
* Bug Fix - ITv2PI - Handle initial status byte for zones that are not configured in the panel.
* Bug Fix - NetworkStoragePI - Use byte address instead of percent value when creating 
  partitions on s-series and avoid partition size from going over 16TB on large RAID volumes.
* Bug Fix - Onvifnvcpi - Potential crash issue in post device connection status.
* Bug Fix - PSFPI - Fix problem of hidden video when searching around time of
  transition from DST to non-DST (typically fall season).
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Fixed privacy mask/motion region configuration issues
  for multi-sensor cameras.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fix stall in Linux on attempting to execute packaged binaries like
  curl, wodim, smartctl, etc. if not having execute permissions (chmod 755).
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Allow custom user to change password of less privileged user.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Do not create or use AD/LDAP SPN (EDVR/) because of missing
  serial number or fully-qualified domain name.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Do not create or use AD/LDAP SPN (EDVR/) because of missing
  serial number or fully-qualified domain name.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Emit newly-configured SPN in client once detected.
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - Fixed drives displayed out of order on the graphical
  storage hardware page.
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - Do not perform SMART monitoring on iscsi drives 
  attached to the server, which could generate false negative storage alarms.
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - No longer emitting storage alarm when Media Error, SMART Error,
  Other Error, or Predictive Failure Count values are detected with LSI RAID controllers.

* Enhancement - M-Series - Smarter PoE power management for class 0 devices.
* Bug Fix - Notify - Fix bug introduced with configurable attachment length,
  where notification e-mails may never be sent unless service is restarted.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Fixed bug that post client config when refreshing event stream
  every 5 minutes.
* Bug Fix - DahuaIpPI - Fixed bug that continuous to post device level connection state
  and caused the client to become unresponsive.

* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Fixed posting of incorrect connection status.
* Bug Fix - rtsp_lib - Changed information related warning messages to verbose.
* Bug Fix - illustraFlex/DahuaIpPI - Fixed stream connect/disconnect log message.
* Bug Fix - Samsung - Fixed device level connect state for devices supporting
  multiple events input trigger/motion/analytic.
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - Stop short self-test if it runs longer than 3 minutes 
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - Do not start self-test if a RAID background task is running   

* Feature - Support for config metadata.
* Enhancement - Edge - Support Axis armhf platforms.
* Enhancement - M-Series - Reduce disk space by sharing ePlayer with local client.
* Enhancement - AxisPI - Add support for shock analytic.
* Enhancement - DahuaIp - Support H.264 stream settings.
* Enhancement - DahuaIpPI - Add RivaFlex OEM support.
* Enhancement - HikvisionPI - Add support for server timestamp and RTCP sync options. 
* Enhancement - NotifyPI - Add configurable duration for notification e-mail
* Enhancement - Onvif - Add motion/input trigger supports for  Brickcom/
  HDPRO/FLIR Systems/Milesight
* Enhancement - Onvif - Add motion support for OnCam.
* Enhancement - OnvifPI - Support Innotech/Eclipse N and additional input
  support for Canon/Siqura.
* Enhancement - PSFPI - Report OS drive usage to help user troubleshooting.
* Enhancement - Rtsp_lib - Optimize memory usage with resizeable media
  buffer instead of static buffer.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Add support for new temporary trial licenses.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Add domain name and address to DHCP service config.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Make timezone configuration unified across
  all platforms, and support on ARTPEC4, Axis ARM, and Illustra 610/825
* Enhancement - StretchPI - Add support for 32-bit SDK running in 64-bit Linux.
* Enhancement - SysMgmtPI - Add support for Intel RS3DC080 RAID controller.
* Bug Fix - Installer - In Linux, now recommend dvd+rw-tools package along
  with wodim, as both are necessary for auto export feature.
* Bug Fix - Installer - Updated packaged ePlayer to fixed issue with dewarpers
  not loading on auto exports.
* Bug Fix - IP plugins - Fix crash on buffer overrun in RTSP processing.
* Bug Fix - Axis/Dahua/Hikvision/Illustra3/IllustraFlex/Onvif/Pelco/Samsung/
  Vivotek/Panasonic - Handle device-level connect status and improved
  connection status info for all plugins.
* Bug Fix - IP plugins - (rtsp_lib) Fix stack overflow crash seen in 64-bit Windows
  and prevent buffer overrun with large frames.
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Fixed deletion of old content to free up space 
  on the archive target when expiration configuration is Off.
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Fixed iscsiprep.py handling various command outputs
  that changed in Ubuntu 16.04 when connecting to extended storage target.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Handle device with metadata off and fallback to
  userdata for motion/input trigger.
* Bug Fix - DahuaIpPI - Fixed setting ntp server during initial connect
  and server restart.
* Bug Fix - dahuapi - Close streams when recording is disabled.
* Bug Fix - dynacolorpi - Detect and log M-series watchdog status.
* Bug Fix - HikvisionPI - Send request with port number for multi-channel encoder
* Bug Fix - HikvisionPI - Fix failure to enable/disable video and audio streams
* Bug Fix - HikvisionPI - Fixed bitrate range for context stream.
* Bug Fix - IpCamDetectPI - Prevent mistaking local NIC or other servers on
  network as Sony devices.
* Bug Fix - ITv2PI - Fixed duplicate status messages emitted by plugin.
* Bug Fix - NetworkStoragePI - Fixed path matching when comparing currently
  mounted volumes with fstab entries, to avoid making OS/root partition
* Bug Fix - NetworkStoragePI - Detect/fix bad iscsi target backing store path.
* Bug Fix - NotifyPI - Adjust e-mail message file generation to satisfy
  SMTP RFC 2821, in order to be compatible with exim4 SMTP servers. Also
  introduce MIME max line length 76 to satisfy RFC 4648.
* Bug Fix - Onvif - Fix crash on empty SPS or blank spropsinfo.
* Bug Fix - Onvif/Pelco - Fix server crash on some connection issues like
  large SOAP replies.
* Bug Fix - PelcoPI - provide mechanical ptz for camera type 1 and 2.
* Bug Fix - PelcoPI - Fixed Optera crash with empty SDP value.
* Bug Fix - PSFPI - Prevent accidental recording to OS partition if unable to
  connect to extended storage at startup.
* Bug Fix - PSFPI - Prevent "drive not found" status from emitting prior to config,
  which can cause client to not indicate some storage alarm conditions, or not
  fire associated event monitoring actions.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Handle multiple input trigger event for
  SUANPI2 supported models.
* Bug Fix - SerialPI - Fixed TCP connection status rapidly updating when TCP 
  server drops connection.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fix NTP config support for 16.04. Compensate for broken
  ntpd initscript status in 16.04. Indicate force sync success/failure for
  troubleshooting. Properly indicate NTP enabled/hostname with 16.04's default
  pool config (even though still only writing server directives). If enabled
  (meaning syncing to external source) and won't stay running, log suggestion
  to disable/re-enable to force sync again. Specially handle if "at" command
  is missing. Eliminate redundant attempts to start ntpd service.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fix unnecessary delay when connecting from Victor
  and/or EntraPass integrations, related to bandwidth throttling, and prevent
  erroneous throttling of live video to local client(s).
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Eliminated timezone config failures due to missing
  registry entries in Windows, and fixed ability to select automatic
  DST/non-DST observance in server.
* Bug Fix - StretchPI - Report full 7.14 firmware build version.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Correctly display temperature value for Micron drives.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fixed false offline status on drives.

* Feature - HoneywellPI - Add support for Honeywell Vista intrusion panels.
* Enhancement - DynacolorPI - Enable LED/speaker and set max PoE power.
* Enhancement - SamsungPI - Support all new models with SUNAPI2.
* Enhancement - Axis/Arecont/Hikvision/Illustra3/Sony - Support H.264 stream
* Enhancement - psfpi - Enable single storage rule regardless of license.
* Enhancement - SysMgmtpi - Add support for Sandisk SSD.
* Enhancement - Illustra3PI - Support face detection/object tracking analytic
* Enhancement - GroupsPI - Support for SuspectTracking.
* Enhancement - ArchivePI - Added at-most archiving rule support.
* Enhancement - PelcoPI - Support Optera panoramic camera.
* Enhancement - ArchivePI - Support for bookmark-only archiving.
* Enhancement - ArchivePI - Support for "at most" archive rules.
* Enhancement - OnvifPI - Remove OpenSSL dependency.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Validate licensable MACs by more secure algorithm.
* Enhancement - Installer - Updated to curl/SSL dependencies for Ubuntu 16.04 support.
* Enhancement - UpdatePI - Remote update distinguishes between 32/64 bit
  Windows or Linux.
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - Drive self-test was not executing for Windows 32-on-64.
* Bug Fix - ExportPI - Hide auto export targets that are <= 2GB in size.
* Bug Fix - Installer - In Linux, for systems without SSL installed (dynacolor),
  make version restriction finer-grained to permit free downgrading to any
  trunk version without SSL dependency. Non-issue for systems with SSL installed.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Correctly indicate missing feature support on downgrade.
* Bug Fix - Kantechpi - Prevent multiple status updates for disconnected
  EntraPass server at startup.
* Bug Fix - PosPI - Fixed POS event for rules not firing if rule value contains
  underscore character.
* Bug Fix - dynacolorpi - Use correct max PoE budget.
* Bug Fix - dynacolorpi - Provide PoE port columns.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Properly apply backoff reconnection delay in all
  socket failure cases, to avoid spamming log or exacqCloud.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fixed endless loop condition that was caused by changing
  a good outbound connection IP address to a non-existent one.
* Bug Fix - Windows - Replaced missing OpenSSL libraries that causes ONVIF
  support to fail to load.
* Bug Fix - NotifyPI, ExportPI - Fix Windows crash when an invalid format specified
  for the date or time keyword in the notification or export profile configuration.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fix infinite loop and watchdog on dynacolor boxes
  with only 2 NICs.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Fix handling of invalid characters in NTP override.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Fix incorrect timestamps in Axis notifications.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Allow audio-in for jpeg mode when streaming rtsp.
* Bug Fix - IpCamDetectPI - Stop long scan on unconnected POE ports on server startup.
* Bug Fix - PSFPI - Recording was enabled on /mnt/edvr/0 when it shouldn't be
  if no mount points were mounted on first start.
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - Fix system freezing without watchdog on Q87 motherboard.
* Bug Fix - HikvisionPI - E-ADE4C does not record secondary streams 2-4.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Fixed output trigger setting that require percent encoding.
* Bug Fix - PanasonicPI - Support Smart Coding when used on 3/5/6 series.
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Correctly archive any of inputs 17-32 from a 32-input
  analog capture board.
* Bug Fix - KantechPI - Reset REX or reader access granted state on door close event.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - json entries for tvt, flir, and w box.
* Bug fix - StreamPI - Fix streampi.dll load failure on Windows XP.
* Bug Fix - PSFPI - Workaround compiler bug causing a crash on ARTPEC3 when searching.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Eliminate emitting duplicate config documents to
  all client connections upon receiving a config update from a client or evAPI.
* Bug Fix - evselftest - Support short drive self-tests with LSI RAID systems
  using enclosures.
* Bug Fix - UsbDioPI - Preserve UsbDio board config across disconnects while
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Ensure final PS file in each hour is always archived.
  Was being overlooked because of being recently updated. 
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Enable the user to specify smb mount domain option in
  the username field.
* Bug fix - StreamPI - fix streampi.dll load failure on Windows XP
* Bug Fix - PSFPI - Workaround compiler bug causing a crash on ARTPEC3 when searching.

* Bug Fix - evselftest - Support short drive self-tests with LSI RAID systems
  using enclosures.
* Bug Fix - UsbDioPI - Preserve UsbDio board config across disconnects while
* Enhancement - sysMgmtPI - Add support for new WDC drives WD4002FYYZ, WD6002FRYZ, 
  WD8002FRYZ and WD80PUZX

* Feature - Support new 4/8 port PoE systems.
* Feature - Support new direct archive search.
* Enhancement - Improved search performance especially for archive targets.
* Enhancement - Arecont/Axis/Illustra3/Sony - Support manual ZFI(zoom/focus/iris)
* Enhancement - ActiPI - Support new I/Q/E/B/D models.
* Enhancement - ArchivePI - Reduce memory consumption in Edge platforms when
  connecting to an SMB archiving target (switched to vfork).
* Enhancement - ArecontPI - Support for corridor view (90/270) and initial
  support for AV8005.
* Enhancement - GanzPixelPro - Initial support for new hisilicon cameras.
* Enhancement - IpCamDetectPI - Discover STORM oem cameras.
* Enhancement - IpCamDetectPI - Discover Dynacolor FlexPtz/fisheye cameras.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Updated supports for "W Box" and ATV.
* Enhancement - Onvif - Motion/Input event support for Milesight and
  additional Bosch inputs.
* Enhancement - Onvif/Panasonic/Pelco/Rtsp/Samsung/Vivotek - Support common
  connection status.
* Enhancement - SonyPI - Initial support for 7th generation cameras and
  transitioned 6th generation cameras to RTSP for audio and jpeg support.
* Enhancement - streamPI - Add Bandwidth Throttling per client IP range.
* Enhancement - SysMgmtPI - Add watchdog and hardware monitoring support for 
  Pegatron H81-X1 motherboard.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Add support for drive self-test feature.
* Enhancement - sysMgmtPI - Add support for new WDC drives WD4002FYYZ, WD6002FRYZ, 
  WD8002FRYZ and WD80PUZX
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - No longer stop archiving on corrupt files, and keep going.
* Bug Fix - ITv2PI - Handle zones and partitions not getting initial status 
  when connected to a panel with v1.01.01 firmware which does not support 
  enable notification command.
* Bug Fix - ITv2PI - Improved performance when querying zone and partition labels
  and initial state.
* Bug Fix - KantechPI/itv2PI - Prevent adding an integration on system with start
* Bug Fix - KantechPI - Improved performance when requesting initial state of 
  components from EntraPass.
* Bug Fix - KantechPI - Fixed potential race condition with other plugins 
  when initializing openssl at startup.
* Bug Fix - NotifyPI - Update notification text from "Access Control" to
  "Security Integration".
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fix server crash when 'audit' exists as an invalid symlink.
* Bug Fix - StretchPI - Increase default temperature threshold to 100 for
  7016XE, and increase temperature threshold limit to 125.
* Bug Fix - UpdatePI - Further reduced memory footprint of remote updates
  that was causing failure on some Illustra Edge models.
* Bug Fix - UsbDioPI - Fix watchdog when clock is changed for Una systems.
* Bug Fix - i610 Edge - Fix motion and IO events after remote update.
* Bug Fix - Axis Edge - Prevent unnecessary reinstalls.
* Bug Fix - Vivotek Mozart Edge - Fix remote update.
* Bug Fix - IP plugins - Avoid heap corruption when virtual memory exceeds 4GB.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Support tampering/analytic events with metadata only devices.
* Bug Fix - IpCamDetectPI - Add "Evo" filter to IPX native for OnCAM to detect as ONVIF.
* Bug Fix - IpCamDetectPI - Detection caught in loop on invalid discovery response.
* Bug Fix - ActiPI - Motion windows correct when mirrored or flipped.
* Bug Fix - ActiPI - Multiple motion windows set correctly on linux.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Video Loss event missing on 241Q encoder.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - M7016 shows "Video Loss".
* Bug Fix - HikVisionPi - E-Series failed to update encoder settings for all inputs.
* Bug Fix - HikVisionPI - E-Series Invalid Resolutions in client when Pal and NTSC
  connected to same encoder.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3 - Renaming of PTZ presets.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Bosch motion recording sporadically gets stuck either on or off.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Config posting every 30 seconds on vitek cameras.
* Bug Fix - PanasonicPI - WJ-GXE500 disconnects stream when changing display settings.
* Bug Fix - PanasonicPI - Cannot change recording parameters on h.264 streams.
* Bug Fix - PanasonicPI - Log being filled with invalid ProviderID entries.
* Bug Fix - PelcoPI - Failed to connect in Authentication mode and update video/motion
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Motion windows reporting incorrectly.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Post Config on failed PTZ command.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - SNO-L6083R sensitivity gets set to 0%.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Fix MaskMirror on SNx-632x series.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - 6300 Discovery as native and initial motion window.
* Bug Fix - DahuaIp/Hikvision/IllustraFlex/Onvif/Pelco - Common connection status
  messages consistency across plugins.

* Bug Fix - removed edge boost dependency introduced in last build

* Enhancement - StretchPI - Support Stretch 7008E, 7016XE boards and 7.14 improvements.

* Bug Fix - OEMTOOLKIT - Fixed limited config loss on OEM upgrades.
* Enhancement - IPCamDetect - On Una systems, take into account the possibility 
  a camera may be discovered on its pre-DHCP address
* Bug Fix - IPCamDetectPI - UNA device auto disable logic improved to take into account DHCP cameras.
* Bug Fix - IpCamDetectPI - Restore AutoAdd on UNA after multiple delete.

* Bug Fix - Installer - Removed unnecessary POE-related configuration from
  fresh installs.
* Bug Fix - Installer - Fixed Illustra i610 Edge issue where changing the SD
  card, or changing camera's admin credentials, could cause remote updates to
  fail and leave server unable to be restarted.
* Bug Fix - Installer - Fixed Illustra i610 Edge issue where event linkage and
  POS functionality were broken because databases weren't properly created.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fixed an issue where a new outbound connection
  configuration does not persist across server restarts.
* Bug Fix - DiscoveryPI- Ignore messages with missing required text elements.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fixed Start systems to allow second reviewer feature, ensure any
  existing live video subscriptions are halted when second reviewer is enabled and live
  enforcement is checked, and ensure any existing searches are canceled when second
  reviewer is enabled and search enforcement is checked.

* Feature - StreamPI - Support for second reviewer mode.
* Feature - Support for ws-discovery feature.
* Enhancement - Axis/Arecont/DahuaIp/Illustra3/IllustraFlex/IpCamDetect support
  back-off retry reconnection timer.
* Enhancement - Onvif - updated JSON entries for HOEM/VITEK/Tyco Security/ATV.
* Enhancement - Onvif - New event type option "all" that allows for auto choosing
  from all event types (metadata, pull) for the same alarm (motion, input trigger, etc).
* Enhancement - Onvif - Motion/input trigger support for UNIVIEW.
* Enhancement - Onvif - Additional input trigger support for Bosch.
* Enhancement - Arecont - Added support for SurroundVideo® G5 Series.
* Enhancement - SysMgmtPI - Add threshold for Seek Error Rate SMART attribute 
  on WD hard drives to include all warranty attributes in storage alarms.
* Enhancement - SysmgmtPI - Add storcli and tw_cli version info to system
* Enhancement - EventPI - Add support for serial port connection event linkage source.
* Enhancement - ITv2PI - Add support for global zones.
* Enhancement - AxisPI/Illustra3PI - Support area zoom.
* Enhancement - SamsungPI - Add SNP-6320R/RH and SNP-6321/R/RH models.
* Enhancement - UsbDioPI - Support for usbdio watchdog.
* Enhancement - Installer - Support for Edge on Axis P1428.
* Bug Fix - ExportPI - Eliminate unnecessary, frequent log message about auto export
  being disabled when system is licensed as Start, or when second reviewer mode is
* Bug Fix - ITv2PI - Fixed panel resetting connection due to incorrect handling of
  sequence number rollover.
* Bug Fix - ITv2PI - Enable notifications in Neo if it was previously configured
  to connect with the NeoGo mobile app.
* Bug Fix - ITv2PI - Fixed ITv2 connection getting reset after changing udp port 
  name on serial port configuration page
* Bug Fix - Onvif - Correct Siqura JSON entry so input triggers work correctly.
* Bug Fix - Onvif - Veilux motion events seems inconsistent
* Bug Fix - Onvif - Crash when camera does returns successfully to analytics request
  without any analytics items
* Bug Fix - Onvif - Fix crash when changing imaging parameter when camera
  has other imaging parameters with value but no range
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - Prevent loop when camera does not report IO status as-set.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - Refined discovery filter for Pro models to prevent 
  other manufacturers from being discovered as illustra3.
* Bug Fix - UpdatePI - Fix remote updates for i610.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Remove repeated licensing error messages.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Specify correct gateway when giving dhcp server leases on
  multiple network interfaces
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fixed an issue when outbound connections are not retried
  in some scenarios when a physical machine has been up for longer than 49 days
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Do not start opendhcp process if exacqServer is not configured
  to serve as a dhcp server on any of its network interfaces
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Added socket error details to outbound connection error logs.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Correctly find SPN if using lower-case DN for bind credentials,
  handle if sAMAccountName does not correspond to userPrincipalName or if UPN is
  missing, catch extra whitespace when using DN to prevent unnecessary SPN creation or
  fallback to SSPI mode that can cause Kerberos/SSO failures, give priority to SPN
  owned by bind user, added additional related log messages to simplify troubleshooting,
  and log fallback to keytab if found in Linux.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Retrieve a mac address even when the edge camera 
  credentials are not valid.
* Bug Fix - Installer - Restore itv2pi in Linux installer 
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - Add support for SMART attributes for drives connected 
  to a LSI RAID controller 
* Bug Fix - IpCamDetectPI - Protect against unexpected conditions of no command
  in queue during request processing
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Support ptz limit with zoom only
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Fix problem with stale nonce handling. 
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - 2 way audio with f/w 5.70 and later
* Bug Fix - NotifiPI - Fix Notification email attachments when camera name has
  invalid file system characters.
* Bug Fix - EventPI - Fixed unnecessary rising and falling edges for security 
  integration device connection event linkages emitted during connection setup phase
* Bug fix - NetworkStoragePI - Clear partition label before removing a partition
* Bug Fix - core - Fix Windows issue causing core service to fail to start when
  file "C:\Program" exists.
* Bug Fix - PanasonicPI - Properly Handle resolutions for Fisheye modes.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Erratic Behavior when setting motion sensitivity
* Bug Fix - PelcoPI - Clear and re-queue configuration requests if soap message failed.
* Bug Fix - ArecontPI - Reset motion flag even if camera is still detecting motion in
  masked areas
* Bug Fix - UsbDioPI - Ensure watchdog doesn't trigger on setting clock back

* Enhancement - UsbDioPI - Added support for UsbDio-based watchdog. Also
  fix occasional appearance of a non-existing UsbDio board.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - DHCP server leases were not properly persistent across
  reboots in Linux.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - axis plugin unresponsive while parsing video loss

* Bug Fix - Illustra3 - Flex cameras lose their settings after server restart
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Was emitting ESM management configuration XML (users/failover)

* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Made ESM configuration management support more robust
  beyond failover and user configuration, for future enhancements.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3 - Flex cameras lose motion tab after server restart
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - fixed parsing of video loss in user data.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - only post audio connection status for audio only device.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Filter Metadata Motion events to ones for the input.
* Bug fix - AxisPI - Add Parsing for Video Loss event for Metadata stream.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - motion and input trigger events from metadata in 64-bit.

* Enhancement - Add support for B-Frames to Onvif, RtspPI, and live555.
* Enhancement - Installer - Support second SD card for Axis F44 Edge.
* Enhancement - ITv2PI - Added support for native intrusion detection.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Added DHCP server functionality.
* Enhancement - AxisPI - Support analytic/motion/input trigger events through
  metadata stream and stream mjpeg with rtsp if fw supports metadata.
* Enhancement - PelcoPI - Fixed event notification port conflict in Server 2012.
* Enhancement - Illustra3 - Corridor mode motion mask on 2MP PRO.
* Enhancement - Onvif - Support analytics on Bosch.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Handle ESM Management of Users, Failover and Indicators.
* Enhancement - Illustra3PI - Support motion recording and sensitivity setting for
  i625 PTZ that has newer firmware for motion detection.
* Enhancement - Illustra3PI - Added i625 30x to the discovery list.
* Enhancement - Illustra3PI - Support motion recording and sensitivity setting
  for i625 PTZ that has newer firmware for motion detection.
* Enhancement - Illustra3PI - ROI support.
* Enhancement - Illustra3PI - UDP transport shall not be used with Flex cameras.
* Enhancement - SamsungPI - Add support for Wisenet Lite series.
* Enhancement - SamsungPI - Add Corridor mode support.
* Bug Fix - KantechPI - Added support for new EntraPass 6.05.02 feature to
  avoid using a normal web login session license for persistent recorder
* Bug Fix - IpCamDetectPI - IPCamDetect crash with UPnP discovery and https.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - SNF-8010 fisheye has invalid frame rate for H.264.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Wisenet-Lite cameras fail to read motion on initial add.
* Bug Fix - PanasonicPI - Framerate on Panasonic WJ-GXE500 was not applied.
* Bug Fix - OnvifPI - Removed invalid ptz element for context streams.
* Bug Fix - VivotekPI - IP8352 stuck connecting.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Handle stream reconnection after network outage.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Improve motion event filter.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - Do not retry periodically if presets or patterns
  cgi is not available.
* Bug Fix - HikvisionPI - Remove unnecessary address string.
* Bug Fix - HikVisionPI - Audio is slowed and echoed when second stream is enabled.
* Bug Fix - HikVisionPI - Audio is always streaming and defaults to enabled.
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Fix archiving task recovery after certain specific errors.
* Bug Fix - SoundPI - Clear motherboard output buffer when device is disabled.
* Bug Fix - SoundPI - Fixed choppy motherboard audio output on some Linux systems.

* Enhancement - IPCamDetect - Una: When discovering a non-addressable camera, 
  wait to discover it on a friendly address possibly from a DHCP server
* Enhancement - IpCamDetectPI - Reject IP addresses that are so
  scan can continue for easy connect address verification
* Bug Fix - PelcoPI - clear and restore stream element.
* Bug Fix - IPCamDetect - IQEye Bonjour detector shall set the correctly plugin id value
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Was not recognizing both device-level and input-level
  disabling when attempting to swap XXth camera back-and-forth, when system
  is licensed for XX cameras, requiring service restart to view live video
  from that camera.
* Bug Fix - IPCamDetectPI - Arecont IP change request shall preserve the original
  IP address for correct ARP table cleanup

* Bug Fix - IpCamDetectPI - UNA e-series add with incorrect default login credentials.
* Bug Fix - KantechPI - Fixed server crash when performing output action via associations 
  and when entrapass server is offline 
* Bug Fix - IpCamDetectPI - Duplicate Search Results.
* Bug Fix - KantechPI - Fixed issue with displaying doors on KT-300 controllers
* Bug Fix - IPCamDetectPI - If Una camera has an empty MAC address, do not auto add and continue scan
* Bug Fix - IPCamDetectPI - Fixes to functions extracting MAC address from UUID

* Bug Fix - IPCamDetectPI - Memory leak as a result of object in pt message queue never getting deleted 
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - Handle invalid motion mask correctly, fix it to enable motion for the entire area
* Bug Fix - Onvif - Do not forward motion status from camera unless there has been a change
* Bug Fix - Onvif - Memory ramp when connected to Veilux cameras
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fix watchdog and server stall on LDAP operations after
  losing connection to an archiving target while an archiving task is active,
  and restore bind failure log messages as warning, not verbose.
* Bug Fix - KantechPI - Fixed changing device ip address, port or credentials not working 
* Bug Fix - KantechPI - Fixed operator output action not working for the first time 
  when reusing connection credentials 
* Feature - Support PoE boards.
* Enhancement - Automatically address and add Illustra, Arecont, and Axis
  cameras found through IP camera discovery.
* Enhancement - Support access control integration.
* Enhancement - GroupsPI - Support for client indicators.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Support for Active Directory, LDAP, and single-sign
  on features for Edge platforms, and introducing new "Create SPN" feature.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Added 64kbps as additional bandwidth throttling setting.
* Enhancement - Onvif - Additional input trigger event topics for
  "Tyco Security Produces".
* Enhancement - Onvif - Add motion event notification for Flir cameras.
* Enhancement - ActiPI - Encoder support - V24, V32, IN-E1004.
* Enhancement - SysMgmtPI - Add watchdog and hardware monitoring support for 
  Foxconn D190s motherboard.
* Enhancment - SamsungPI - Add models SND/O/V-L5083R, SNO-5084R, SND-L5013,
  SNP-5321, SNV-L6083R, SNB-6011, SNV-8080, SNF-8010.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Can now configure network interface on Edge devices.
* Enhancement - Onvif - Added Veilux motion/input trigger event support.
* Enhancement - live555 - Fixed handling of blocksize header.
* Enhancement - ExacqRTSPCommandHandler - Add BlocksizeHeaderOverride to allow
                plugins to request and set Blocksize Header.
* Bug Fix - Eliminate small memory leak when executing external binaries for
  various tasks (uexec) that could amount to an out of memory condition in
  some Edge platforms, leading to camera reboot.
* Bug Fix - Eliminate occasional stall when executing external binaries for
  various tasks (uexec) that could amount to the server stalling. Could be
  hastened by frequent notification e-mail or LDAP operations.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - On a new system being used as replacement, or on full
  system reimage and recovery, the server can erroneously indicate that the
  default admin user is "Live+Search" instead of full admin, even though they
  have full admin privileges and permissions.
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - Fixed missing Winio64.dll version from version
  information list.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fix packaged libraries to address issue with truncated
  LDAP search results.
* Bug Fix - DahuaPI - Resolve potential device item being left in "Add IP Cameras"
  page after EasyConnect successfully added to server due to extra carriage return
  character in the mac address field.
* Bug Fix - arecont, illustra3, udp - Filter two way audio more efficiently,
  in order to allow connection to a greater number of IP devices.
* Bug Fix - Live555 - Clean up unused sockets, in order to allow connecting to
  greater numbers of IP devices.
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - On server reboot, fix unnecessary connection delay to an
  archive target.
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Fix false archive connection alarm on service start-up.
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Clear out stale Archive Connection and Archive Task
  values, and prevent event linkages from sticking when archive targets are deleted.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Support bookmarking events that have ID greater than 255.
* Bug Fix - GroupsPI - Associations are not supported with a restricted license.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Change default motherboard watchdog timeout from 60 seconds
  to 40 seconds to not collide with default Windows service restart interval, to
  avoid config loss (including system description, serial, model, IP cameras, etc.).
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Eliminate crash when purging old audit trail files according
  to max days setting, or in order to preserve free space on system drive.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - Handle reconnection time during server start up
  instead of waiting for the default timer.
* Bug Fix - IpCamDetectPI - Handle re-branding discovery for Illustra Essentials 
  and Illustra3.
* Bug Fix - PelcoPI - Fixed crash with D6230.
* Bug Fix - PelcoPI - Fixed video stuttering issue in live.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3PI - Fix WDR, add support for "Disable", "Auto" and/or "Level".
* Bug Fix - EventPI - Fix searching of video throttle event linkages.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fixed occasional error with PATH envrionment variable,
  preventing the ability to configure NICs on some Windows machines ("missing
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fixed transitions to and from configuring static
  address for a disconnected NIC on a Windows system.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fixed unnecessary error message when deleting a
  bond on a Windows system.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Fix crash when camera is set to require digest auth,
  but empty credentials are configured.
* Bug Fix - DahuaIpPI - Changed Illustra Essentials OEM name to "Tyco
  Security Products", and changed default audio name to "Audio".
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Fix crash on SND-1080 with old FW or SNB-2000,
  SND-3080 (unsupported) cameras are added.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Properly offer and select framerates between 30 and 60.
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Avoid false indication of "offline" status/alarm for
  non-RAID drives due to occasional smartctl failure due to increased drive
  activity. Also allow up to 5 minutes for drives to recover from momentary
  "offline" state.
* Bug Fix - Installer - Properly configure packet filter on network interfaces
  to allow IP camera detection of cameras factory defaulted to other subnets.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Avoid possible loss of network connectivity due to
  creating first NIC bond/team in Linux 12.04 or 14.04.
* Bug Fix - PSFPI - Avoid accidental triggering of recording drive scan
  operation due to refreshing status of a connected extended recording
* Bug Fix - PixelPro - Enabling, disabling, changing width, height, format,
  frame rate, or quality will not clear motion windows introduced in 6.7.19
* Bug Fix - Sony - Scale video settings correctly to prevent change at startup.
* Bug Fix - ipmanager - Fix issue with two-way audio out for one IP camera
  wrongly broadcast to all IP cameras.
* Bug Fix - AxisPI - Set Blocksize Header to 65000 to alleviate live video lag
  observed with some camera models.

* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - revert SNx-10xx series f/w 1.02 introduced in 7.0.2

* Bug Fix - psfpi - clean up at beginning of read/write test to prevent false alarms
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - handle connection logic with successful digest challenge
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - SNx-10xx series f/w 1.02 crash introduced in 6.9.38
* Bug Fix - VivotekPI - VS8801 crash introduced 6.9.38

* Bug Fix - Arecont - detect input trigger status in night and binning modes
* Bug Fix - OnvifPI - Handle firmware with invalid motion cell mask pattern
  and also provide motion sensitivity setting if available.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3 - After disabling and enabling a camera, metadata stream 
  was not subscribed for the duration of the IP reconnection timeout.
* Enhancement - Illustra3 - On the Pro series, do not show JPEG option for 
  the secondary stream.

* Feature - GroupsPI - Support live camera associations.
* Feature - Introduced Illustra Edge support.
* Enhancement - SonyPI - use continuous ptz control, if supported
* Enhancement - OnvifPI - Added event support for Pelco/DVTel/Grundig/OpenEye/WirePath/
                          Bolide/TVT/Tyco Security Products in configuration file.
* Enhancement - OnvifPI - Support Video Analytics 
* Enhancement - Illustra3 - Support audio out, auto focus and zoom only ptz.
* Enhancement - Support enhanced camera connection status for
* Enhancement - AxisPI - Support digital auto-tracking.
* Enhancement - VivotekPI - Support VC8201.
* Enhancement - SamsungPI - Support SNB-8000, SNV-8080, SNV-8081R, SNO-8081R.
* Enhancement - NetworkStoragePI - Support for partitions larger than 16TB
  in 64-bit Linux.
* Enhancement - IpCamDetectPI - Support for detecting more Samsung models, and
  no longer limited to 4 network interfaces in system.
* Enhancement - PSFPI - Storage alarms now emitted for recording drives detected in
  read-only mode in Windows, as has always been done in Linux.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - In conjunction with evAPI, login handling adjusted
  to prevent ESM importer from crashing.
* Enhancement - Illustra3 - Support audio out.
* Enhancement - SysMgmtPI - Add support for visual representation of HDDs 
  in storage array to Storage tab in exacqVision client.
* Enhancement - NetworkStoragePI - Allow oplock configuration for SMB shares
* Enhancement - NetworkStoragePI, ArchivePI - Support NFS shares if configured in OS.
* Enhancement - ArchivePI - Delay un-mounting/disconnecting an archive share
  until archive task exits in order to prevent un-mount errors.
* Enhancement - Onvif - Support Hikvision input triggers.
* Bug Fix - DahuaIpPi - Tour presets were being cleared after a server restart
* Bug Fix - Arecont - let audio in feature mask override model name check
* Bug Fix - DahuaIpPi - Restored broken pan-left and tilt-down PTZ movements,
  and tour functionality.
* Bug Fix - Installer - Correctly installs in Ubuntu 14.04, and warns if missing
  USB support for UsbDioPI in custom OS installations.
* Bug Fix - Fixed issue where system time changes could prevent various
  periodic actions, like detecting time/date/network changes (StreamPI), detecting
  SMB (ArchivePI) or RAID configuration changes (sysmgmtpi) made outside software,
  or various watchdog malfunctions (sysmgmtpi, tdvrpi, etc.).
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Correctly processes network configuration for a large
  number of interfaces in system, and eliminates repeated "netlink: 8 bytes
  leftover after parsing attributes" message from syslog.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Fixed configuration setting failing due to stale nonce,
  and eliminated flood of configuration messages to clients if Analytics support
  wasn't found.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3 - Fix crash in audio out. Quality slider occasionally greyed
  out and unavailable.
* Bug Fix - Live555 - Added flag to not send RTCP response for support
  of older Axis devices.
* Bug Fix - PelcoPI - Now pushes correct IP address to camera for detecting
  motion and other alarms, if the server has multiple network interfaces.
  Correctly handle TCP/UDP streaming modes.
* Bug Fix - Onvif - Zoom not working on cameras that do not pan and tilt.
  Crash with invalid video profile. Fixed handling of motion-on-timeout value in
  config file.
* Bug Fix - DahuaIpPI - Properly handle resolution settings for factory defaulted
* Bug Fix - PixelPro - Parse motion from new ti cameras.
* Bug Fix - IpxPI - Fix IPX/American Dynamics stream connection issue on Windows 64bits.
* Bug Fix - SerialPI - Fixed failure to recover from USB input/output module serial port
  disconnecting due to momentary power loss on Linux.
* Bug Fix - UsbDio API - Fix USB input/output module LED status indicator indicating
  no connection status, even when communication status is ok.
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - Display all fans connected to the motherboard in the client.
* Bug Fix - NotifyPI - Fix weblink notification template parameter correctly for
  Web Service version 3.10 or newer. Add support for new Web Service link (hash) format.
* Bug Fix - NetworkStoragePI - Fixed configuring extended storage target on Ubuntu 14.04 
  S-series enterprise systems, and include iSCSI service version in plugin list.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Was not correctly filtering configuration for clients/evAPI
  connected as custom user groups, when permissions were added or removed, unless
  all custom users disconnected, or service was restarted.
* Bug Fix - psfpi - Audio out will not stall other inputs on the same device. Fix a
  rare crash on recorders when recording volume is read-only or has NTFS corruption.
* Bug Fix - tDVRpi - do not enable second streams at start up
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Prevent multiple outstanding mount commands on Linux
  when a single mount command takes longer than the IP Reconnection interval
  (longer mount times were observed on Ubuntu 8.04 and Edge platforms)
* Bug Fix - AxisPi - removed un-necessary generic log message.

* Bug Fix - IQEyePI - Reduce memory usage causing premature throttling  

* Enhancement - during Server install, prompt user if tDVR Setup with 
  wrong architecture installed. 
* Bug Fix - IPCamDetect - On 64-bit servers Axis not getting discovered on the 
  correct IP address, uses link local. 
* Bug Fix - IPXPI - fixed constant string length handling in 64bits server. 
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Was incorrectly failing to re-authenticate default admin 
  account if not totally lower-case in client's server list. 
* Bug Fix - AxisPi - Handle the config update issue when camera request 
  returns error and also could failed video streaming. 

* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fixed case-sensitivity issue that was causing PAKE 
  (enhanced authentication) failure on default full admin account. 

* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fixed crash in Windows version introduced in 6.8.x where 
  65 or more simultaneous client connections would lead to spamming the log with 
  WSAEFAULT and/or WSAENOTSOCK errors, and/or server crash, by increasing active 
  client connection limit to 1024. 

* Rebuild after what appears to be a file system issue on the Embedded build VM 

* Feature - Support for new authentication method. 
* Feature - Initiate Outbound connection for client and evAPI instances. 
* Enhancement - IPCamDetectPI - Discover cameras more reliably and faster 
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Support for larger frame sizes. Also fix byte alignment 
  issue in protocol that could crash Illustra 610 or Vivotek Edge. 
* Enhancement - Onvif - Added support for merit-lilin and OpenEye events. 
* Enhancement - AxisPI - added digest authentication support. 
* Enhancement - Illustra3 - Add support for Flex cameras with firmware 3.0.5. 
* Enhancement - SamsungPI - Add Samsung Analytics to event linking. 
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Arbitrate multiple remote control clients through 
  a single connection. 
* Enhancement - Support Edge on illustra 610 and 825 families 
* Enhancement - tDVRpi - Support for tDVR analog capture boards v1.2 
* Enhancement - Support additional LDAP schemas 
* Bug Fix - Onvif - Update user name, password, address or time stamp offset 
* Bug Fix - SerialPI - Reconnect UART ports on configuration updates on Windows 
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - Raised max vcore voltage limit on asus q87 motherboard  
* Bug Fix - IpCamDetect - discover illustra Essentials with Onvif detector. 
* Bug Fix - SerialPI - Fixed crash when flushing data from a TCP listener serial port 
* Bug Fix - IQEyePI - handle input trigger event in h264 mode and fixed unnecessary  
  video stream restart when changing some configurations. 
* Bug Fix - SerialPI - Add recovery from temporary serial device failures  
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fixed incorrect LDAP follow referrals behavior that 
  caused slow single-sign on when follow referrals should have been disabled. 
* Bug Fix - UsbDioPI - Added recovery from temporary device failures, and 
  detection of new device insertion. 
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Handle "Recreate" partition command for Extended Storage 
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fixed setting DNS address not working 
* Bug Fix - DahuaIpPI - fixed the motion eventing issue after video stream restarted. 
* Bug Fix - GanzPixelPro - switch from motion mask to four motion areas 
* Bug Fix - RTSP_lib - fixed crash in vivotek with firmware 4.x. 
* Bug Fix - PelcoPI - Add guards to prevent crash when bad soap leaves empty 
  vectors converting to empty strings. 
* Bug Fix - IpCamDetect - Fixed illustra filter list. 
* Bug Fix - IpCamDetect - improved discovery for illustra and Axis/IQEye/Basler under Windows. 
* Bug Fix - tDVRpi - report correct processor number in watchdog message 
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Do not invalidate server license if fails to retrieve network 
  adapter information using GetAdaptersInfo() API 
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - Fixed processor showing as "n/a" on system information page in client 
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fix for timezone change when /etc/localtime is a symlink 
* Bug Fix - Onvif - Fix gsoap compile errors due to incorrect schema/wsdl files. 
* Bug Fix - tDVRpi - set correct data type for jpeg email attachments 
* Bug Fix - PelcoPI - Restore motion and audio cause by variances in recent firmware.  
* Bug Fix - IQEyePI - Removed unused memory buffer that caused server to throttle. 
* Bug Fix - Onvif - Remove the unnecessary call to GetEventProperties. 
* Bug Fix - ExportPI - fixed corrupt device name in exported file on Windows 

* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Fixed periodic config updates emitted by the plugin  

* Enhancement - Sysmgmtpi - Automatically configure replaced degraded disk as hot spare
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Fixed crash happening when importing extended storage settings
  with existing portal configured.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Fixed codec sync error on failed change request on secondary context.
* Bug Fix - PanasonicPI - Fix motion window scaling on 3/5/6 when in 16:9.
* Bug Fix - DahuaIpPI - Fixed the reversed "on"/"off" blocks for the motion detection area to
  match firmware.

* Feature - Server Failover
* Feature - Added support for user views and user group views.
* Enhancement - PanasonicPI - Add support for new 3,5,6 series cameras.
* Enhancement - ArchivePI - Detect when archive task might hang on linux recorders and emit status
* Enhancement - DauhaIpPI - native plugin support for Dahua/Illustra Essentials.
* Enhancement - Onvif - Support motion grid and sensitivity configuration
* Enhancement - psfpi - record moving PTZ cameras according to motion schedule
* Enhancement - SysMgmtPI - Added ability to set an unconfigured RAID disk as hot spare drive
* Enhancement - IPCamDetect - Easy Connect - Send config xml on startup.
* Enhancement - SamsungPi - Add SNB-6010 model
* Enhancement - Onvif - DVTel input trigger support and new motion topic
* Enhancement - Onvif - Sunell input trigger support and new motion topic
* Enhancement - Onvif - ATV input trigger support for additional models
* Enhancement - Onvif - Sentry360 input trigger support for additional models
* Enhancement - Onvif - StarDot motion detection support
* Enhancement - Onvif - Wirepath motion detection support
* Enhancement - Riva/UDP - Add Audio Out Support.
* Enhancement - Add plugin support for failover.
* Enhancement - ExportPI - Allow auto export to cifs mounts on Linux
* Enhancement - NotifyPI - Limit notification attachments to 10MB, 
  break up multiple attachments into multiple emails if necessary due to the total attachment size limit
* Enhancement - ArchivePI - Emit archive task alarm status at the end of an archive task
  if archiving has not caught up to the current local recording
* Enhancement - SamsungPi - Add support for wdr, auto-focus, and mirror-flip.
* Enhancement - Brute force prevention.
* Enhancement - Advanced LDAP settings (timeout, search limit, follow
                referrals, active directory user disabling)
* Enhancement - ArchivePI - Copy entire file to the archive target if filters require file's entire contents.
  Added more logging to provide more information about empty directory deletions.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Now allowing use of simple domain username as well as bind DN,
  for Active Directory/LDAP integration configuration.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fixed occasional crash when querying DHCP configuration settings
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - Removed leading spaces from the serial number of some hard disks
* Bug Fix - IPCamDetect - WS-Discovery probe using incorrect target IP for secondary NICs
* Bug Fix - IPCamDetect - Easy Connect - The very first arp table fail error goes unreported
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - abort the archive task if archive target related error is encountered
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - report archive target status as Disconnected when fails
  to open lock file. Do not attempt to disconnect the archive share if status is "Already In Use"
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - restart archiving from the oldest data on local file system 
  when archive target path is changed.
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - enable strict caching mode on an archive mount on a Linux server 
  for cifs module version 1.76 and later.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Detect changes to server hostname in real-time on Linux
* Bug Fix - Onvif - PTZ presets could get out of sync with what is available on the camera
* Bug Fix - Fix single sign-on with Ubuntu 12.04
* Bug Fix - IQeye - fix SEI parsing and possible crash in 64-bit build
* Bug Fix - Acti - detect dual streams in fw 6.07.xx.
* Bug Fix - Disable LDAP for non-enterprise systems
* Bug Fix - Correctly enforce VideoPush licensing.
* Bug Fix - Onvif - On soap send failure, reattempts happen rapidly.
* Bug Fix - IllustraFlex - privacy mask for import and NTP server update issue.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fixed LDAP bind failure when password has special characters
  in it, like double-quotes.
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - make archive plugin's log message about 
  processing of case configuration less verbose
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Hide password in a verbose log message when connecting to an iscsi target
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Emit status to clear archive target usage stats when disabled
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fixed client disconnects when importing settings 
* Bug Fix - psfpi - use modification instead of change time for oldest content
* Bug Fix - GroupsPI - Correctly delete folders when importing configuration
  that does not have any configured views.
* Bug Fix - Onvif - Add check to verify if the object is active before opening soap communication.
* Bug Fix - tDVRpi - friendly audio stall message
* Bug Fix - Illustra3 - PTZ preset tours are lost on server restart
* Bug Fix - tDVR - corrected license check and xml error log message
* Bug Fix - Auto Export - fix disk space check for CD/DVD on Windows.
* Bug Fix - Rtsp_Lib - fixed the bug that failed to locate the start
            of MPEG4 IFrames.
* Bug Fix - Onvif - Make sure, even after a successful GetProfile call, the camera actually returned the profile pointer correctly
* Bug Fix - SoundPI - Fixed soundpi not importing settings from exported configuration 
* Bug Fix - UsbdioPI - fixed usbdiopi not importing settings from exported configuration
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Now logging proper domain user principal (username@domain) in audit
  trail, when using single-sign on with mapped LDAP groups instead of users.
* Bug Fix - Core - Was not preventing multiple instances of server from running.
* Bug fix - Async GSoap - Prevent hang while processing invalid xml from camera
* Bug Fix - Onvif - Fix for continuous requests to the camera (without regard to retry time) when stream uri get fails.
* Bug Fix - AxisPi - Recording stopped on all streams when changing any
  single stream configuration include name/text/brightness/etc.
* Bug Fix - tDVRpi - disable verbose logging
* Bug Fix - IllustraFlex - revert Fixed importing of privacy mask
* Bug Fix - tDVRpi - huge audio/video drop numbers after restart
* Bug Fix - tDVRpi - multiple boards
* Bug Fix - tDVRpi - board replacement
* Bug Fix - tDVRpi - apply motion mask, sensitivity, and smoothing settings

* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - Fixed system information page showing 0 bytes memory on some systems

* Bug Fix - tDVR - Generate device status for missing boards.
* Bug Fix - Linux - Adjusted service startup to avoid unnecessary failure
  to detect tDVR capture boards.

* Bug Fix - tDVRpi - apply motion mask, sensitivity, and smoothing settings
* Bug Fix - tDVRpi - corrected license check and disable verbose logging
* Bug Fix - Auto Export - fix disk space check for CD/DVD on Windows.
* Bug Fix - Rtsp_Lib - fixed the bug that failed to locate the start
            of MPEG4 IFrames.

* Bug Fix - revert to Mozilla LDAP for 32-bit (introduced in 6.4.0)

* Bug Fix - ExportPI - Fixed support for .psx files larger than 4GB
  without XML data in cross platform way.
* Bug Fix - ExportPI - Fixed issues with auto exporting PSX files larger
  than 4 GB.
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Fixed error when deleting the last-configured
  target from configuration. This caused undefined behavior in release.
* Bug Fix - IpCamDetect - Enable status caching so new clients have up to date information on all IP addressing items.
* Bug Fix - HikVisionPi - Fix stuck on Video loss on config change.

* Feature - Address supported Illustra, E-Series, Arecont, and Axis cameras
* Feature - StreamPI - Support for new video push client feature (remote clients), and
  consolidated arbitration along with PTZ and two-way audio.
* Enhancement - tDVRpi - Add support for tDVR analog capture boards
* Enhancement - ArchivePI - Support archiving to multiple targets
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fixed timezone querying in Linux to prevent affecting
  bookmark size calculations at startup.
* Enhancement - Onvif - motion/input support for ATV/AVer and motion support for Sunell.
* Enhancement - ExportPI - Added support for PSX format, multi-streaming (can now export
  non-primary streams), and exporting more that 16 audio channels.
* Enhancement - PTZPI - Support PTZ control through AD MP48 and M3200 Matrix switches
* Enhancement - PTZPI - Support menu open and running patterns in Honeywell HSD-261PW
* Enhancement - PTZPI - Support menu open in Pelco-P
* Enhancement - SamsungPI - Add models SNP-6320, SNP-5430, SNF-7010VN
* Enhancement - General - Windows 64-bit native support.
* Enhancement - General - Add Edge support for Axis ARM based models
* Enhancement - SysMgmtPI - Show link speed for 3ware disks
* Enhancement - Onvif - Enhanced DSC support with input trigger and new motion topics
* Enhancement - PanasonicPI - Advanced IP Config Rotate, WDR, Auto Focus
* Enhancement - PelcoPI - Audio In.
* Enhancement - UpdatePI - use curl on Edge platforms
* Enhancement - EventPI - Allow Soft Trigger event linking source in restricted servers
* Enhancement - SysMgmtPI - Show RAID type and size in the client
* Enhancement - HikVision - Improve PTZ on encoder so diagonal Pan/Tilt only
  enabled if joystick or proportional ptz is more than +/- 20 degrees off of axis.
* Enhancement - UsbDioPI/EventPI - Support new UsbDio button, power supply input, and LEDs.
* Enhancement - SysMgmtPI - Add support for LSI RAID controller
* Enhancement - AxisPI - replace mpeg4/h264 streaming with live555.
* Enhancement - IPCamDetect - Handle discovery from multiple network adapters.
* Enhancement - SysMgmtPI - Add watchdog and hardware monitoring support for
  Asus Q87 motherboards
* Enhancement - SamsungPI - Add SNO-7084R, SND-5084R, SNV-5084R, SNB-7004
* Enhancement - Onvif - added input trigger for messso support.
* Enhancement - Onvif, Illustra3Pi, VivotekPI - De-Buffer PTZ Commands
* Enhancement - Onvif - Added motion support for DSC(Zhejiang) cameras
* Bug Fix - HikVision - Fix video mask not setting on DS-2DF5274
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Fix process error 10 log message that occurred whenever
  an archiving target was configured, and connection attempted.
* Bug Fix - Properly indicate any e-mail notification failures for IQeye Edge
* Bug Fix - Installers - Remove unused command executables from UpdatePI that
  are no longer used for downloading, on some Edge platforms, to save space.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Omit un-configurable sit and tunl network interfaces
  from configuration in some Edge platforms, to avoid unnecessary error messages.
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Can archive files larger than 2GB, don't delete entire archive
  if failing to unmount target in Linux, better handling of 1219 errors in Windows,
  don't write archived files unless there are definitely frames to archive.
* Bug Fix - HikVision - Fix Reliable Notify Socket connect on server restart
* Bug Fix - pospi - Continue POS search even after finding first pattern in blob.
* Bug Fix - Catch crashes in both UpdatePI and ExportPI when data and/or downloads
  subdirectories are missing on startup or on attempting remote update.
* Bug Fix - ExportPI - Fixed ePlayer authentication with exported files in Linux, correctly
  eject USB media as configured after export completion, one profile will not interrupt
  another, reduced disk usage when creating ISO to burn disc to increase export capacity in
  Edge platforms.
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Correct handling of changing between different good
  credentials in archive configuration, with more appropriate error messages
  in server log.
* Bug Fix - UpdatePI - fix hang when network is disconnected during download
* Bug Fix - EventPI - Do not emit redundant email for archive related event linking sources
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - better log message when local recorded hour is too big for the archive
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - fixed "Already In Use" error message when importing archive settings
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - Fixed server watchdog restarts caused by archiving over a slow network connection
* Bug Fix - HikVision - Fix issue with joystick zoom command hanging causing
  zoom to not stop then becoming unresponsive.
* Bug Fix - SerialPI - Don't enumerate physical serial ports on Edge.
* Bug Fix - Pelco - revert motion configuration for "Pro" series with firmware 3.28 introduced in 6.2
* Bug Fix - Pelco - Handle motion event through event arbitrator and removed dependency
  on meta data parser from Pelco.
* Bug Fix - Sony - handle missing DataLen: from jpeg and observe reconnect
* Bug Fix - IpCamDetect - handle TCP socket exception and receive timeout in
  detecting UPnP devices.
* Bug Fix - Installers - Fix remote update blocking on unlicensed Windows systems
* Bug Fix - pospi - allow partially matching serial search field when value is of type string
* Bug Fix - IllustraFlex - Fixed importing of privacy mask
* Bug Fix - Axis - audio output close socket error
* Bug Fix - UdpPi - Fix mistaken detection of a camera as an encoder
* Bug Fix - HikVision - Motion was not being turned off after being detected.
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - write each frame from a single buffer
* Bug Fix - psfpi - include index file size in bookmark size
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - If a custom user group had a permission for a specific camera,
  and that camera is deleted, the permission was not properly removed.
* Bug Fix - NotifyPI - Was ignoring date/time template parameters in subject
* Bug Fix - pospi - Fixed POS data search returning all results regardless
  of the search patterns

* Bug Fix - Installers - fixed driver certificate issue

* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fix issue with setting DNS on Ubuntu 12.04 systems with
  multiple NICs.

* Bug Fix - Installer - Missing part of the fix from

* Bug Fix - Installer - On Linux, switch back to initscript control from
  upstart control, in order to resolve a hardware restart issue due to
  unloading/loading order between capture board driver and server on LC models.

* Bug Fix - SerialPI - Fixed server running out of memory when serial port's
  max line length is set to zero

* Bug Fix - On Windows, portaudio could hang on certain hardware

* Bug Fix - Installer would hang on XP, 2003, Vista, and 2008 machines
  configured on a domain.  Introduced in 6.2.0.

* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Reduced new default LDAP timeout to 10 seconds for better
  user experience. Eliminated some log message repetition and unnecessary messages.
  Fixed handling of LDAP query timeout with valid results to now properly clean up
  those resources. Also fixed erroneous large duration values logged when aborting
  LDAP queries due to client disconnection or re-submitting search while queries
  already active. If first stage of re-auth query timed out, was not properly
  honoring same full timeout on stage 2.
* Bug Fix - Was not preventing multiple instances of server from running.

* Bug Fix - Pospi - Fixed pos data search not returning results when no keyword
  or rule is entered
* Enhancement - Illustra3 - Default Digitial PTZ mode to "illustra" for the Fisheye cameras.
* Bug Fix - Hikvision - Quality slider was not being properly set for both ip cameras
  and video encoders
* Bug Fix - Correctly indicate size when bookmark's parent case changes.
* Bug Fix - Ensure recording, archiving, and event/POS storage proceeds
  if case management configuration is not received.

* Feature - Bookmarking
* Enhancement - Sony - VMF, face, and presence in 6th generation cameras
* Enhancement - PosPI - Advanced search and real time event functionality based
  on data within a serial transaction
* Enhancement - SerialPI/PosPI - Serial data preview in the client
* Enhancement - PosPI - Simplified profile configuration for XML sources
* Enhancement - SamsungPI - Add Multi Streaming support.
* Enhancement - SamsungPi - Add SND-6013,SNV-6013,SNV-7084,SNV-7084R,SND-7084, and SND-7084R
* Enhancement - Onvif - support Sentry360 and more models for Speco - VIP2D2M and O5MDP1
* Enhancement - UdpPi - Change InputTrigger handling to accomidate FW >=
* Enhancement - Installer - Require metapackage for multiarch installation.
* Enhancement - ActiPI - PTZ improvments: Fix speed conversion and manual override. 
* Enhancement - PelcoPI, UdpPI, HikVisionPI - PTZ improvments 
* Enhancement - Onvif - Config file change to support input triggers on more Seyeon Tech models.
* Enhancement - Installer - Switched from initscript control to upstart control
  in Linux version, in order to mimic the restart behavior of Windows. Note
  that there is no "reboot on 2nd restart" option in upstart, hence the single
  restart rule in Linux functions the same way every time.
* Enhancement - Installer - Enhanced Linux installer to better resemble Windows
  installer, with EULA agreement and plugin selection list.
* Enhancement - Onvif - Add multistreaming support.
* Enhancement - Onvif - Add support for 3S motion and input triggers. 
* Enhancement - Onvif - Add new input trigger topic entry for Samsung. 
* Enhancement - IPCamDetect - Add filter for DRS cameras in DetectIPX.
* Enhancement - Onvif - Add second input trigger topic to Dahua to support model IPC-HF3300
* Enhancement - Onvif - added motion/input event support for Dynacolor.
* Enhancment - SamsungPi - Add Sensitivity and percentage sliders to all motion tabs.
* Enhancement - Onvif - Added second input trigger topic to support LG LND5100
* Enhancement - regex performance on edge.
* Enhancement - Onvif - Added IDIS motion and input trigger support
* Enhancement - Illustra3 - Added support for patterns, apple peel, and privacy mask
* Bug Fix - Sony - allow manual PTZ control to override preset actions
* Bug Fix - SerialPI - Using IP reconnection interval for Serial port reconnection 
* Bug Fix - UdpPi - Fix Alarm Output off signal to GUI from event linked alarm out.
* Bug Fix - HikvisionPI - Handle video loss event.
* Bug Fix - PelcoPI - Support Pro series(IBP/IMP/IXP) motion configuration.
* Bug Fix - Installer - Clean up Linux server installer dependencies.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Scalability fixes for user config and status to
  address watchdog events observed on remote updating some servers with
  a large number of clients already attempting to reconnect.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Protection against occasional LDAP crashes within
  LDAP library. Added LDAP display name cache to avoid unnecessarily
  showing LDAP GUIDs in client, for better user experience. Added ability
  to disable referral following, default to disabled in new installations,
  default to enabled in existing installations. Increased default timeout
  similarly, to 1 minute for better behavior across environments. Log
  duration on every query to help in troubleshooting LDAP performance.
* Bug Fix - ActiPI - Fixed set PTZ presets failed  and removed refocus 
  after a goto presetfor KCM zoom only cameras.
* Bug Fix - psfpi - use interval to reduce metadata for longer searches
* Bug Fix - UpdatePI - clean up downloads directory to save space
* Bug Fix - SoundPI - Fixed potential crash when processing frames from 
  motherboard input port
* Bug Fix - PanasonicPI - Fix Quality slider so it controls bandwidth
* Bug Fix - Onvif - Config file update to correctly support 3S input triggers
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fixed cause of "invalid transform buffer" log messages
  often seen at startup due to clients already trying to connect.
* Bug Fix - Sanyo - The Firmware for HD4600 erroneously returns the resolution
  of the second stream instead of the first stream when the camera is in jpeg mode.
* Bug Fix - Hikvision - Some cameras set the motion sensitivity to zero when 
  reconnecting or updating the motion mask. If we detect that that happens, 
  we push the last known motion sensitivity to the camera.
* Bug Fix - Acti - added the check for secondary stream resolution cap string
  that was changed with FW6.x.
* Bug Fix - Installer - Fixed startup for Windows Server 2012. The time service
  defaults to starting only on successful domain join at startup, and if
  unreachable, exits. Hence, this prevents the exacqVision Server from starting.
  Remove the service triggers from SCM so that the time service will start
  regardless of successful domain join.
* Bug Fix - SoundPI - Enable audio line in inputs on motherboard in Ubuntu 10.04
  and newer, to save the effort of having to manually unmute from desktop.
* Bug Fix - ExportPI - Support additional audio sample rates besides 8000 in
  auto export.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Eliminate duplicate network interface entries in Linux,
  when importing unbonded network interface configuration on a bonded system.
* Bug Fix - UpdatePI - Correct ambiguous remote server update failure error that
  indicates checksum failure, when the actual failure was failed download of
  new package. Also handle installer names with space in them.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Indicate LDAP SDK version in module list alongside
  plugins and other SDKs.
* Bug Fix - Vivotek - handle audio packet that sets the marker for the
  first packet.
* Bug Fix - IPCamDetect - Fix model name for Panasonic.
* Bug Fix - Vivotek - disable MJPEG for CBR mode.
* Bug fix - AxisPI - fix xml with extra video input element after a downgrade to
  server 5.8 or lower.
* Bug Fix - Onvif - Process all entries under input trigger topics array in
  the config file to find the best match for the event from the camera 
* Bug Fix - Axis - failed to set motion region for inputs other than the first one
  on a multi-channel device.
* Bug Fix - Axis - skip SPS and PPS NAL units (weren't parsing them anyway)
* Bug Fix - Vivotek - disable quality in h264/mpeg4 CBR rate control mode.
* Bug Fix - SoundPI - Account for input latency when timestamping 2-way audio data 
* Bug Fix - Onvif - Fix memory leak in situations where RTSP call fails even
  before establishing a RTSP session.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3 - Incorrect warning log message sent out for any alarm
  xml when PTZ was not supported by the stream

* Bug Fix - Installer - In Linux, properly add users to pulse audio group
  to eliminate sample rate error message when attempting to listen to audio
  in Linux client.
* Bug Fix - SoundPI - Upgraded the portaudio library that helps fix an issue 
  with audio input port stalling on some linux systems

* Heartbleed Security Bug fix - move to OpenSSL 1.0.1g

* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Defaulting LDAP cache to enabled for more satisfying
  behavior on new installations.
Bug Fix - IllustraFlex - Fixed the startup reconnection delay bug.

* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Revert included mozldap libraries to 6.0.6 to eliminate
  a read operation that blocks forever, when base DN is set to the base of
  the domain tree.

* Bug Fix - psfpi - stricter detection of secondary streams
* Bug Fix - IQEye - failed to send motion configuration to camera due to invalid
  check on changes.
* Bug Fix - Axis - failed to set motion region for inputs other than the first one
  on a multi-channel device.
* Bug Fix - psfpi - disable scheduling time lapse per camera in Start  

* Bug Fix - Archive, psfpi - Emit record/archive content age alarm status on start-up

* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Crash in Vivotek Edge due to missing timezone files
  when attempting to query them.
* Bug Fix - Axis - crash when connected to P8221 audio/io only device.

* Feature - Scheduled Time Lapse per Camera.
* Enhancement - psfpi - search support for scrubbing of uncached video
* Enhancement - Acti - Support for WDR, Mirror, and Auto Focus
* Enhancement - Arecont - Support for Rotate, Auto Focus, and Frequency
* Enhancement - Axis - Support for WDR, Rotate, Mirror, and Auto Focus
* Enhancement - Pixel Pro - Support for Mirror and Auto Focus
* Enhancement - Illustra - Support for WDR and Mirror
* Enhancement - Illustra3 - Support for WDR, Rotate, and Mirror
* Enhancement - IllustraFlex - Support for WDR and Mirror
* Enhancement - Sony - Support for Rotate and Auto Focus
* Enhancement - Migrate HDVR installs to be exacqVision
* Enhancement - OnvifPI - seven input triggers available on Bosch autodome 7000
* Enhancement - Arecont - panoramic cameras with f/w 65186 and higher will
  stream h.264 over RTP and have one additional h.264 or JPEG stream
* Enhancement - Axis, SamsungPi - Remove buffering of PTZ Commands.
* Enhancement - Onvif - Add support for ZNV, HDPRO, and Speco Technologies.
* Enhancement - Illustra3 - Added support for i825 Fisheye cameras
* Enhancement - Arecont - enable audio for AVx455 and AVx456 models
* Enhancement - streampi - Name lookup for time triggers, source groups and pos
* Enhancement - ActiPI - support "I" and "B" platforms
* Bug Fix - On Linux, corrected "bad quality" packages on 13.10 and above.
* Bug Fix - Illustra Flex - Cube camera motion window was not scaling correctly.
* Bug Fix - Illustra Flex - Plugin no longer forces the device to VBR.
* Bug Fix - Illustra Flex - Motion window settings are preserved after restart.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Restart ntp service if it is not running 
* Bug Fix - ExportPI - Handle export path with spaces 
* Bug Fix - ExportPI - Fixed wodim compatibility issue on Ubuntu 13.10
* Bug Fix - Windows Installer - Remove duplicate firewall rules 
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - Skip false sensor alarms when system with DQ67SW motherboard reboots     
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Report more available timezones on Linux 
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Set timezone on Windows 7 correctly 
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Gracefully handle corrupt timezones on Windows 
* Bug Fix - psfpi - search future files for pre alarm/motion video
* Bug Fix - Sony - can set presets in 6th generation cameras
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Added ability to connect to servers with localized computer names 
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Prevent duplicate displayed NICs when creating new bonded interface
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Configure newly added network interfaces in Linux without requiring system reboot 
* Bug Fix - SoundPI - Fixed compatibility with Ubuntu 13.10 when detecting motherboard sound cards 
* Bug Fix - EventPI - Resolve event source name for notification template and
  audit log for events of type device connection and audio connection 
* Bug Fix - SysmgmtPI - Show 32/64bit Linux in system information tab 
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - Fixed RAID controller information when an enclosure is detected in the system
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - Fixed crash on Ubuntu 13.10 when querying system information
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - skip sdparam/udisks missing log messages on s-series systems
* Bug Fix - NetworkStoragePI - Prevent reformatting storage drives on s-series 
  when importing settings from the client 
* Bug Fix - NetworkStoragePI - Improve user experience when configuring multiple 
  storage drives on s-series systems
* Bug Fix - IQEye Edge - Reduce memory footprint for install/upgrade
* Bug Fix - Acti - disable video configuration for context streams.
* Bug Fix - Acti - PTZ bug that failed for "T" type encoders.
* Bug Fix - Hikvision - Motion detection events for Type B cameras.
* Bug Fix - Arecont - only stream audio when enabled (introduced in 5.10)
* Bug Fix - Illustra3 - Model/Firmware/MAC information was not restored when server restarted with a disabled camera
* Bug Fix - Illustra3 - Primary stream defaulted to continuous recording when motion mask is empty
* Bug Fix - Illustra3 - Fix config update issue for motion sensitivity changes 
* Bug Fix - Illustra3 - Fix for image settings getting disabled first time the camera is added.
* Bug Fix - Illustra3 - Explicitly handle case where the camera sends an output trigger count of zero.

* Bug Fix - StreamPI - fixed long delays starting exacqVision server service
 when rebooting a Windows system
* Bug Fix - ExacqRtspCommandHandler removed the check for Onvif meta-data track
 which caused throttling issue with Samsung plugin.

* Bug Fix - Illustra3 - Fixed crash when select "Apply Defaults" in Motion Detection
 with empty motion mask.

* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fixed PTZ not working on context streams of Axis M3007

* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fixed proper updating of MAC addres of a team when 
 slave adapter is removed from the team, and creation of new 802.3AD LACP 
 bond in Linux 
* Bug Fix - NetworkStoragePI - Added handling of occasional parted errors 
 that cause new RAID volumes on S-Series Enterprise to indicate size 0 
* Bug Fix - Linux installer now verifies dependencies before stopping the 
 service, primarily to ensure correct error indication in remote server 

* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fixed MAC addres of a team not getting updated when
  adapter is removed from the team
* Bug Fix - NetworkStoragePI - Handling new RAID volumes on s-series enterprise 

* Bug Fix - IllustraFlex - Disable motion detection when no motion windows
  have been defined
* Bug Fix - IllustraFlex - Avoid posting xml when there are no changes to 
  be written to the xml 
* Bug Fix - EventPI - Track database transaction start and end during purge operations
* Bug Fix - IQEye - Disable/Enable audio stream based on the state of the 'Record Enable'
  checkbox in the 'Audio Inputs/Outputs' page
* Bug Fix - Linux Installer - Checking for missing dependencies before the installer unpacks 
  the deb file. 
* Bug Fix - Streampi - Fixed 802.3AD LACP bond not getting created on Linux
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Added use cache setting to streampi.xml, to disable LDAP
  cache. Also packaging LDAP library patch to avoid a potential crash during
  concurrent queries.
* Enhancement - UdpPI - support OEM alias name for GanzGXi.

* Bug Fix - evFileInfo now correct for ISD and Illustra
* Bug Fix - target audience for OEMTOOLKIT in Release Dev builds is now correct

Trying build again after build failures.

WARNING: No readme.txt entry was provided for this trunk build!! 

Rebuild to recover from unnecessary build failure.
* Enhancement - Onvif configuration - input trigger for KT&C
* Enhancement - illustra3 - Prevent duplicate config updates and reduce the number of config updates for video param changes/PTZ presets.

* Feature - EventPI - Source Groups
* Enhancement - StreamPI - NIC bonding support on linux and windows
* Enhancement - NetworkStoragePI - Full support for S-Series Enterprise
* Enhancement - Added illustra3 and illustraFlex camera support
* Enhancement - International Character Support
* Enhancement - Load LDAP SSL libraries dynamically
* Enhancement - SamsungPI - Add camera models SNB-5003, SNB-5004, SND-5083,
  SND-5084, SNV-5084, SNP-5300, SNP-5300H, SNP-6200RHP, SNP-6201, SNF-7010,
  SNO-7082R, SND-6011R, SNO-6011R, SNV-6012M, and SNV-6084
* Enhancement - AxisPI/ArecontPI - Add two-way-audio support
* Enhancement - Onvif - Added TOA, Seyeon, Dahua, Vitek, and VIEWZ.
* Enhancement - UdpPI - Added GANZ to UDP oem list.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Expand remote client bandwidth throttling options
* Bug Fix - illustra - parse second input trigger and analytics status
* Bug Fix - illustra - removed i/o and audio from LT cameras
* Bug Fix - EventPI - ensure when multiple event linkages have storage,
  temperature, voltage, fan source types, that all configured actions
  are executed, and that each linkage is logged in the database as configured
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Do not archive empty PS files
* Bug Fix - Added model number to Vivotek Edge platforms
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - added buffer address to GetAdaptersInfo log message
* Bug Fix - Onvif - Clear messages queue when device is closed. If not cleared,
  attempting to serialize the surviving residual message can cause a crash
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Fixed extended storage reporting incorrect mount
  information for targets that are named similarly (an iqn name is a substring
  of another iqn) and are on the same portal.
* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Fixed issue when starting up with configured archive
  target and camera schedule, where the first full local scan would prematurely
  exit, and no archiving would occur for the first 1-2 days. Now archiving
  starts promptly as expected. Also, the full scan now logs a brief high-level
  overview of what it's seen, as well as indicates whether it gets aborted
  due to config update, to simplify end user troubleshooting.
* Bug Fix - LogPI - Fixed case where server is shut down right after
  midnight, but the shutdown log message is written to the previous day's
  logfile, thereby falsely indicating a crash.
* Bug Fix - VivotekPI - mulitchannel encoder bug that limited enable/disable
  and change name of audio for the first input
* Bug Fix - IQEyePI - recording gap in all inputs of devices after configuration
* Bug Fix - PTZPI - Zooming while Panning/Tilting now works in Pelco D/P
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Fix Motion Window Handling for 1000 series and 3000 series
  cameras.  Fix Minor Motion Window size conversion error.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Add Motion Percentage handling for 3000 series cameras
* Bug Fix - UpdatePI - Remove openssl dependency.  Added version information 
  to file properties in Windows.
* Bug Fix - UpdatePI - Reduced the scope of shared memory usage to avoid the
  scenario of relocated shared memory backing file in Windows
* Bug Fix - Vivotek - handle audio for PD8136/IP8133W/PD8166
* Bug Fix - Axis - Changed the audio buffer sample size for P8221
* Bug Fix - ActiPI - handle new streaming mode attribute
* Bug Fix - NetworkStoragePI - Handle disk removal in s-series system by gracefully 
  deleting configured extended storage or archiving
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Properly configure time server on a 64-bit OS
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Match timezone display name by offset alone if necessary 
  in order to emit valid timezone value in the client.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - limit pan/tilt/zoom max speed.
* Bug Fix - Onvif - pull point did not authenticate because of missing security element.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Fixed issue with analog ptz arbitration where other users
  got blocked until the inactivity timeout of the user controlling the camera expired
* Bug Fix - NetworkStoragePI - Fixed issue with samba share created by 
  s-series base package getting overwritten by the plugin
* Bug Fix - Panasonic - reconnection logic in h.264 mode.

* Bug Fix - ArchivePI - Fixed handling of iSCSI targets manually configured
  in the operating system for recording, on upgrading to 5.8, to prevent
  losing stored credentials, or disrupting recording.

* Bug Fix - Usbdiopi - Fixed a rare crash while processing output trigger alarm xml

* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - Fixed a file descriptor leak on s-series systems

* Bug Fix - handle half-configured state of s-series-base package while 
  detecting s-series system in the installer

* Feature - Added enterprise storage configuration
* Feature - Added support for configuring S-Series network storage
* Feature - Added support for configuring iSCSI storage
* Feature - Support for Two Way Audio
* Feature - SoundPI for Audio Input and Output of server Sound Cards.
* Enhancement - file plugin will add/delete partitions on iSCSI targets
* Enhancement - Notify - Added notification template keywords: {system name}, {serial}, {licensed mac}
* Enhancement - illustra - face, blur, and audio detection analytics
* Enhancement - IQeye - Added multiple stream support
* Enhancement - UDP - Symmetry oem.
* Enhancement - Hikvision - Support 1/4/8 encoders.
* Enhancement - Onvif - Add Digimerge to config file
* Enhancement - Onvif - Add XTS Corp and fix typo in the Etrovision motion topic name
* Enhancement - Arecont - added support for 40MP panoramic models
* Enhancement - Onvif - Add support for American Dynamics event parsing and input triggers
* Ehnancement - Onvif - Add input trigger for JVC, motion for Etrovision,
  and motion/input trigger for Digital Watchdog.
* Enhancement - Onvif - Add motion/input trigger support for Geovision.
* Enhancement - Ability to configure desired content age for both recorded
  and archived data. Ability to configure Content Age event linking that
  fires when actual content age does not meet desired content age configuration.
* Enhancement - Samsung - Add support for SND-6084R, SNO-6084R, SNV-6084R models.
* Enhancement - Acti - added VideoTec AMU9110(ACD2100 oem) with PTZ support.
* Enhancement - Live555 - Back to buffer based socket read
* Enhancement - Onvif - Support upto four input triggers for SANTEC
* Bug Fix - Sony - displays the right quality setting for context streams
* Bug Fix - UsbdioPI - Send initial trigger status of all input ports 
* Bug Fix - Notify - Support webservice integration with not-default port 80.
* Bug Fix - Onvif/Pelco - In certain scenarios the client of the gsoap
  helper library is not signaled that there has been a socket receive error.
* Bug Fix - Streampi - fixed crash while deleting old network adapter log messages
* Bug Fix - PixelPro - installer will update an installed plugin
* Bug Fix - illustra - two triggers and normally closed/open works
* Bug Fix - Panasonic - Check the rtsp object for null.
* Bug Fix - Acti - filter the ptz zoom to improve response.
* Bug Fix - Stretch - disable tiling for boards in HDVR systems
* Bug Fix - Made Version numbers on plugin dll consistent.
* Bug Fix - Onvif - Audio is disabled on server restart
* Bug Fix - Onvif - Unchecked enabled button is greyed out on audio input name change
* Bug Fix - Samsung - In rare circumstances a configuration request may fail to 
  get the correct rtsp port number from the device. This case is now handled to 
  avoid trying to connect to the RTSP stream without having the correct RTSP port
* Bug Fix - Onvif - Fixes to quality calculation.
* Bug Fix - Panasonic - updated parameter in h.264 mode after stream reconnect.
* Bug Fix - Archive - Missing noserverino mount option for Edge devices
  crucial for searching archives, and missing _netdev mount option for
  desktop Linux systems as mount convention for network mounts.
* Bug Fix - Axis - remove duplicate resolutions in multi-stream context with
  multiple inputs.
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - Increased hardware monitoring interval to stop alarms
  from fluctuating when value crosses threshold
* Bug Fix - Onvif - Fix for crash when soap header pointer is accessed
  during Pull Point serialization
* Bug Fix - Archive - Was not correctly archiving video with "at least"
  storage rules. Was not correctly catching malformed PS filenames.
* Bug Fix - Archive - Retry on rename failure due to other plugins executing
  external commands, to eliminate unnecessary task alarms.
* Bug Fix - Live555 - fixed a crash when IQEye tries to make a multicast
  rtsp connection.
* Bug Fix - Pelco - filter ptz commands send to the device and prevent soap
  message queue getting fill with duplicate ptz commands and cause soap message
  to stall.
* Bug Fix - Report mozldap error 89.
* Bug Fix - Archive - Fixed emitting repeated config on Start systems, and
  improved task error messages to help in troubleshooting.
* Bug Fix - Archive - On successfully renaming an archived PSI file, but not the PS
  file, task would subsequently repeatedly fail with a rename error log message.
* Bug Fix - Arecont - audio name and schedule changes will generate config
* Bug Fix - Live555 - Handle a corner case in the new buffer based read logic where
  some cameras just send one byte in the RTSP interleaved packet
* Bug Fix - Onvif - If H.264 is available, do not present MPEG-4 as an option
* Bug Fix - Ipx - Fixed the millisecond calculation from oem device framerate.
* Bug Fix - SoundPI - Do not include the audio device in config xml if there are no  
  usable input or output audio devices in the system

* Bug Fix - Dahua - adjusted CBR estimate for quality
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - adjusted CPU threshold for Foxconn

* Bug Fix - UsbDioPI - Send input trigger status after sending the initial
* Bug Fix - NotifyPI - Locate frames of video (for attach preview) 
  and resolve camera name (for notitication profile template)
  when using multi-rule analytics configuration.
* Enhancement - Installer - Support for storage-related products.

* Bug Fix - Dahua - p-frame time stamps could jump back ~65 seconds

* Bug Fix - GroupsPI - Would stall if system is restricted and one or more views exist.

* Feature - Ganz Pixel Pro support for ZN2C0.2.1985.32 and ZN2C0.2.1082.32
* Feature - Dahua capture board support.
* Feature - USB Digital I/O board support.
* Feature - Added support for Custom Layouts.
* Feature- Add Vivotek Edge.
* Enhancement - Onvif - Support SANTEC for motion detection and input trigger
* Enhancement - ArchivePI - Scheduled archiving of audio and video with
  flag-based pruning.
* Enhancement - NotifyPI - Attach preview feature, profile templates,
  web service integration support for generating web service search
  links in e-mail, profile status indication.
* Enhancement - Onvif - Update config file to support motion and input trigger
  for Siqura.
* Enhancement - Sony - 6th generation (h.264 only, no audio, VMF, or tampering)
* Enhancement - Sony - multistreaming for 5th and 6th generation cameras 
* Enhancement - Onvif - KT&C added to config file
* Enhancement - Onvif - Added support for video image settings - brightness,
  contrast, saturation, sharpness. Also Metadata streams that do not send
  fully formed xml (like Bosch) can now be handled.
* Enhancement - Vivotek - support multistream.
* Enhancement - Samsung - Added Support for 60xx Models
* Enhancement - Onvif - EverFocus input trigger definition complete in the
  onvif config file (with the addition of source element)
* Enhancement - Onvif - Added American Dynamics motion topic name to onvif
  config file
* Enhancement - Onvif - Added VIEWZ motion topic name to onvif config file
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Report network adapter link speed.
* Enhancement - StreamPI - Detect and configure bonded network adapter on Linux.
* Enhancement - SysMgmtPI - Add watchdog and hardware monitoring support for 
  Foxconn H61S and QNAP TS869PRO.
* Enhancement - onvif - added topics for Dahua (General), Panasonic,
  IndigoVision, Honeywell plus an alias for Samsung.
* Bug Fix - NotifyPI - Properly handle hyphen in profile message body/subject.
* Bug Fix - Audit trail source names for inputs 17-32 on 32-input boards 
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - Remove missing RAID disks from the configuration
  after RAID array is rebuilt successfully.
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - support for removing non-raid disks on S-Series servers.
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - Fixed false threshold alarm on some Intel SSD drives.
* Bug Fix - Samsung - Added motion window percentage/object size support 
  for Samsung models 5xxx (except 5200), 7xxx and 1xxx.
* Bug Fix - Sony - small memory leak at shutdown (introduced in 3.6)
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - Power LED turning off on Intel DB43 motherboard.
* Bug Fix - Acti - always send the framerate in the configuration xml. 
  Only emit configuration xml when there are valid changes.
* Bug Fix - Pelco - incorrect web service url for zoom control. Could cause
  zoom not to move.
* Bug Fix - Samsung - initialize the tour "last" timestamp during startup.
  This could cause the ptz tour to fail.
* Bug Fix - Stretch - Generate device failure alarm(s) if sdk init fails.
* Bug Fix - Onvif - Fix for a double free than can cause the rare tcmalloc crash
  in the onvif plugin
* Bug Fix - SysMgmt - Correctly reading motherboard vendor and model on some 
  systems that report "To be filled by O.E.M." as vendor and model. 
* Bug Fix - PosPI - Omitting characters appearing after EOT on lines containing
  multiple SOT and EOT markers.
* Bug Fix - Acti - convert all k-platform ptz to use the control port instead
  cgi for better performance.  Also check oem name in lower case for D/E platform.
* Bug Fix - Vivotek - fixed the crash with IP8172 and IP8372 with multiple sps/pps
* Bug Fix - Stretch - Handle duplicate serial numbers when applying
  configuration at startup and only apply it once.
* Bug Fix - LDAP/Active Directory - Fix crash when LDAP servers return
  incomplete information.
* Bug Fix - SysMgmtPI - C2SBC-Q motherboard sometimes returns invalid fan count 
  that causes the plugin to crash and reboot the system.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Fixed bug that was attempting to start the input 
  trigger stream parsing mechanism on devices that  do not support input 
  triggers, like the Samsung SNV-5010.
* Bug Fix - SamsungPI - Added the Samsung SNV-5010 and SND-7082 to the 
  list of supported devices.
* Bug Fix - Acti - send both stop commands for KCM PTZ to improve responsiveness.
* Bug Fix - Pelco - fixed http_authentication when enabled from the camera web
  page. Also cleaned up DIO functions that was found during the debug session.
* Bug Fix - Axis - fisheye context failed to add more than 19 ptz presets.
* Bug Fix - NotifyPI - remove json spirit from NotifyPI to reduce binary size.
* Enhancement - onvif - Surveon added to onvif config file.
* Bug fix - onvif - PullPoint: SubscriptionId in ReferenceParameters need
  not contain a namespace. Check for this condition.  Check if live555
  created a source object before trying to get a frame

* Feature - Samsung - Added Support for Samsung Network cameras
* Feature - Archive - Search-only drive feature. SMB target reconnection
  interval set to 5 minutes default.
* Feature - Update - Remote software update.
* Enhancement - Arecont - primary h.264 is RTSP for f/w 65218 and higher
* Enhancement - Streampi - Add support for resolvconf in Ubuntu 12.04
* Enhancement - Axis - Support fisheye M3007 and context ptz.
* Enhancement - Onvif - Added support for input triggers, audio, pull method
  for event processing and ability to add new manufacturers/topic names using config file.
* Enhancement - Arecont - added support for 12MP panoramic models
* Enhancement - eventpi - better database throughput.
* Enhancement - eventpi - clean up renamed database files.
* Enhancement - eventpi, pospi - monitor database file size.
* Enhancement - eventpi, pospi - store begin and end milliseconds.
* Enhancement - VivotekPI - Support for 2nd 4 channels of VS8801 encoder.
  Enable the encoder's 2nd network interface, then add as 2nd device.
* Enhancement - SerialPI - Added custom line ending and timeout settings 
  in serial port configuration
* Enhancement - PosPI - Added character mask and improved start/end of 
  transaction behavior
* Enhancement - SysMgmt - Add hardware monitoring support for Intel
  motherboard DQ77MK
* Enhancement - Pelco - Add transport protocol option in host adddress.
* Enhancement - Stretch - Added support for s7 quality improvements
* Enhancement - Acti - Support KCM model with pan/tilt and G711A/G711U audio.
* Enhancement - UDP Tech - Added support for IPX 4202/4602 ptz cameras.
* Bug Fix - psfpi - limit amount of motion data to prevent write errors
  from Arecont 3MP cameras with extended motion detection enabled
* Bug Fix - Arecont - trim trailing zeros in secondary JPEG streams and
  default secondary streams to H.264, if supported
* Bug Fix - Stream - Multiple NICs in Linux falsely showing up as disconnected
* Bug Fix - Arecont - pre/post motion setting for context streams
* Bug Fix - Stream - fixed improper handling of global gateway setting 
  when managing multiple NICs in Linux
* Bug Fix - Ipx/AD - compatible with 3.02 f/w
* Bug Fix - Live555 - merged the memory leak fixed from onvif profile-s branch.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Now starts NTP service in Linux with cron, to
  avoid file handle inheritance, so that hybrid systems can properly
  unload hardware drivers.
* Bug Fix - Acti - D/E models failed to update NTP during startup.
* Bug Fix - SysMgmt - Fixed Winio driver installation error on Windows 
* Bug Fix - Arecont - wait 3 seconds for TFTP response and then use TFTP
  timeout setting in camera between packets
* Bug Fix - Acti - fixed the timestamp for D/E models.
* Bug Fix - SysMgmt - Fixed the error popup during installation on 
  some Windows XP systems.
* Bug Fix - Panasonic - Support configuration port other than 80.
* Bug Fix - Acti - fixed the audio buffer size sample for D/E models that
  supports audio.
* Bug Fix - SysMgmt - fixed crash on some systems on which dxdiag does not 
  generate system information xml 
* Bug Fix - Axis - Handle core alarm for all contexts instead of just the
  first one.
* Bug fix - UDP Tech - Increased eventing timeout interval to avoid 
  false positive connection issues and unnecessary socket closures.
* Bug Fix - Acti - Fixed video artifact for platform A/T/K introduced with 
  the support of D/E models.
* Bug Fix - RTSP - Only check for context attribute for primary stream alarm
  trigger xml.
* Bug Fix - UDP - Fixed event notification logic to ensure the reconnection
  timeout is enforced.
* Bug Fix - HikVision - Fixed event notification logic to ensure the 
  reconnection timeout is enforced.

* Bug Fix - SysMgmt - Fixed incorrect +12V value on X8SIA motherboard

* Bug Fix - Interlogix - fixed the oem name.

* Release Candidate

* Enhancement - UDP - Added support for IPE/NVC firmware v1.9.1 and for
  IPN/IPX firmware v1.4.  Supports analytic events from device VCA.

* Bug Fix - Hikvision - handle resolution and framerate changes when both
  stream are updated at the same time.
* Bug Fix - Pelco - update client configuration when change quality.

* Bug Fix - SysMgmt - Handle SMBIOS table type greater than 127 found on 
  some systems that resulted in a crash

* Enhancement - Hikvision/Pelco - Support Multi-streaming.
* Bug Fix - Arecont - handle binning in context stream.
* BUg Fix - Include proper WX libraries

* Enhancement - SysMgmt - On a licensed and supported system detect sensors 
  from the motherboard Super I/O  controller
* Enhancement - SysMgmt - Report system hardware information 
* Bug Fix - Acti - Input/Output reset to default state when restart the server.

* Enhancement - Acti - Support "E" device.
* Enhancement - HikVision - Support for f/w 4.0.3
* Bug Fix - IPCamDetect - Fixed a bug that failed to add Axis devices
  (introduced in 5.1.11)
* Bug Fix - Sony - only disable dual codec in pre 5th gen cameras
* Bug Fix - Acti - Clear the ntp DATE-CONFIG string.
* Bug Fix - Canon/Udp/IPX/Hikvision/Pelco/ONVIF - client can configure 
  presets w/o enabling PTZ
* Bug Fix - HikVision - Fixed alarm output request typo
* Bug Fix - HikVision - Only queue one reboot request when updating NTP
  server settings and timezone settings

* Enhancement - added support for Interlogix IP camera.
* Bug Fix - Onvif - added motion support for "VISTA" device.
* Bug Fix - Basler - BIP2 Domes were not displaying input triggers or 
  Alarm outputs in the exacqVision client 
* Bug Fix - Arecont - can record the last stream with event linking
* Bug Fix - Acti - replace obsoleted NTP api for type "D" device.
* Bug Fix - IPCamDetect - Fixed memory leak issues if device continuous
  to response to discovery query request.

* Enhancement - Acti - Added support for "D" type device.
* Bug Fix - psfpi - audio recording from eDVR 4000 (introduced in 4.12.1)
* Bug Fix - Stretch - disable OSD's on the xSDVR outputs in Linux

* Bug Fix - Interlogix - Input triggers were not working due to a request
  authentication failure. 
* Bug Fix - Acti - Corrected the motion mask it did not work with region 3.
* Bug Fix - Acti - Improve configuration update.
* Bug Fix - Acti - post the preset tour list update to the client.
* Bug Fix - Ipx - use the input name for input class level log messages.

* Bug Fix - Stretch - prevent empty OSD's from generating invalid buffers

* Bug Fix - Stretch - eliminate initial alarm and reset events for input
  triggers on h/w with inverted levels

* Enhancement - Onvif - Added Vista and CNB motion detection support
* Bug Fix - Acti - fixed audio enable/disable bug.
* Bug Fix - Rtsp - Handle the video time stamp drift in Panasonic.
* Bug Fix - Panasonic - Corrected max preset to 64. Default PTZ to
  enabled when adding new PTZ cameras.
* Bug Fix - Onvif - logic bug in comparing topic name for motion events
  that could cause the motion event to be turn off particularly for Ganz.
* Enhancement - Sysmgmt - Added support for Winbond W83627UHG 
* Bug Fix - Onvif - requests stream URI after configuring the encoder
* Bug Fix - Stretch - lowered the motion detection threshold by 1%

* Bug Fix - SysMgmt - Ignoring enclosures from 'tw_cli show' command output

* Bug Fix - Axis - increased frame buffers to 2MB for larger MP cameras
* Bug Fix - Arecont - disable no longer resets secondary streams to JPEG

* Enhancement - Signed Windows Installer
* Bug Fix - Arecont - 10MP cameras are limited to 4 non-identical streams
* Bug Fix - Pelco - Failed to create new motion regions after a sequence of
  clear and then add motion regions.

* Bug Fix - Arecont - preserve frame rate and compression format while
  not connected to the camera
* Bug Fix - Stretch - only set current time on sDVR boards and 7.x s/w

* Bug Fix - Acti - restore valid resolution and frame rate for older f/w
  (introduced in 4.12.7)
* Bug Fix - Acti - limit the privacy mask to single and 4/6 VGA streams
* Bug Fix - Onvif - Added ITX-Security for motion detection support
* Bug Fix - Stretch - restored compatibility with f/w versions 5 and 6
  (introduced in 4.12.1)

* Bug Fix - Arecont - fixed additional streams for JPEG only cameras and
  possible crash if RTP stream started with a P-frame or I-frame >2MB
  (introduced in 5.0.0)
* Bug Fix - SysMgmt - Report binary version information only on licensed 
* Bug Fix - psfpi - fixed audio name, record schedule, and pre alarm time
  (introduced in 4.12.1)
* Bug Fix - Panasonic - if running 2 h.264 streams for a camera, adding
  the 3rd stream would force stream 0 to JPEG, which was problematic if
  using audio. Now maps contexts to streams more robustly, to keep standard
  as selectable as possible, for better user experience.

* Bug Fix - Event - No longer mark video as alarmed when deleting an
  untriggered event linkage.
* Bug Fix - Axis/Acti - code cleanup per review.
* Bug Fix - IPCamDetect - change tcp connection error to warning message for
  Upnp discovery.
* Bug Fix - Acti - check the audio type for PCM or 'PCM' to avoid incorrect
  log message.
* Bug Fix - ONVIF - Changed the JVC motion topic data to support FW 4.01.619.
* Bug Fix - Vivotek - Discovered that the FD8134 with firmware FD8134-VVTK-0109a1
  emits single-packet h.264 frames without the RTP marker bit set, which was
  always expected as the indication of a complete frame. If a subsequent frame
  is discovered to be the beginning of a new RTSP frame, allow it.
* Bug Fix - Pelco - FW1.8.2 and later not responding for SaveAllSetting and could cause
  the server not to update client with the new configuration after a change.

* Bug Fix - Arecont - use RTSP instead of HTTP for additional h264 streams


* Feature - Multistreaming support for Acti, Arecont, Axis, and Panasonic
* Enhancement - SysMgmt - If properly licensed, detect and use watchdog on
  motherboard Super I/O controller in addition to analog board watchdog
* Enhancement - Hikvision - Improved performance of reconnect timeout
* Enhancement - Sony - VMF, tampering, audio detecting in event linking
* Bug Fix - IPCamDetect - Combined all the Upnp discovery into a single
  object for UDP/Hikvision/Pelco/Illustra cameras
* Bug Fix - HikVision - Make the ip address available to the event 
  notification mechanism as soon as possible
* Bug Fix - HikVision - Only open a socket when the address is available
* Bug Fix - Axis - preserve camera, audio, and preset names
* Bug Fix - Stretch - adjust S7 quality to match S6 bit rate

* Enhancement - Vivotek - PIR support.
* Enhancement - Vivotek - Encoder support (up to 4 channels).
* Enhancement - Vivotek - Video loss alarm support.
* Enhancement - Vivotek - Support for more than 4 triggers.
* Enhancement - Vivotek - Support for privacy mask polygons to
  map to best fit rectangle.
* Bug Fix - Vivotek - Handle audio mute as disabled.
* Bug Fix - Vivotek - Preserve model/MAC/firmware information and PTZ
  preset names across device reconnection
* Bug Fix - Vivotek - Support new percent-based configuration for quality.
* Bug Fix - Vivotek - Briefly delay stream restart to accommodate many
  models that need some seconds to switch codecs.
* Bug Fix - Vivotek - Ensure motion windows map to best fit rectangle
  within polygons.

* Enhancement - Renamed exacqRecall to Auto Export.
* Enhancement - add motion detection support for JVC.
* Enhancement - asynchronous soap calls for onvif and Pelco devices keep
  unresponsive devices from degrading the system.
* Bug Fix - Stream - Fixed timezone configuration (/etc/timezone was
  not getting updated in Linux).

* Feature - support for AD Illustra IP Cameras
* Enhancement - Onvif - Added Grundig for motion detection support
* Enhancement - Basler - Specify motion region 0 when configuring motion
* Bug Fix - Basler - BIP2 Input triggers were not working properly
* Bug Fix - Basler - Clicking on the 'Edit' and 'Apply' buttons for 
  privacy window, crop window and motion mask without making any actual
  changes made the 'Edit' button stay grayed-out
* Bug Fix - Panasonic - Was emitting duplicate disconnection alarms.

* Enhancement - SysMgmt - Report smartctl version in the System Information
* Bug Fix - SysMgmt - Fixed potential hang in child process when executing
  external binaries
* Bug Fix - Stream - close socket after send failure to limit log messages
* Bug Fix - Stretch - use local time zone for the OSD on the video outputs
* Bug Fix - Sony - fixed pan/tilt speed range for SNC-E PTZ cameras
  (introduced in 4.5.3)

* Enhancement - ExportPI - Accepts wildcards for injecting date and/or
  time into export filenames.
* Bug Fix - psfpi - eliminate verbose file not found messages
* Bug Fix - Panasonic - Enhanced plugin to support newer camera/firmware
  combinations (like 385/395 running fw 1.46) where PTZ support and preset
  information format changed.
* Bug Fix - Panasonic - Stop clearing model/MAC/firmware on device disable.
* Bug Fix - Pelco - ignore ptz parm value for stop.
* Bug Fix - Live555 - fixed the crash with cameras that continuously
  to disconnect and reconnect.

* Enhancement - UDP Tech - Support up to 4 input triggers
* Enhancement - UDP Tech/RTSP - Added Sharpness setting control.
* Enhancement - Stretch - save settings and generate alarm when boards
  fail and restore settings and reset alarm when boards are replaced
* Bug Fix - UDP Tech - Close event socket when video input is closed.
* Bug Fix - UDP Tech - Fixed reconnect logic.
* Bug Fix - Stretch - handles errors loading f/w in multi board systems
* Bug Fix - ONVIF - possible crash parsing address for profile number
* Bug Fix - Axis - corrected G.711 samples per buffer in H.264 models
  to fix playback in exported AVI files (introduced in
* Bug Fix - psfpi - audio inputs 17-32 are now supported

* Enhancement - Arecont - aggressive TFTP retry before 10 second timeout
* Enhancement - Basler - Added support for BIP2 Firmware 3.8
* Enhancement - Onvif - add Messoa for motion detection support.
* Bug Fix - Onvif - fixed memory leak during closing of stream.
* Bug Fix - Onvif - Fixed memory leak for h.264 video.
* Bug Fix - ONVIF - preserve pre/post motion for disconnected cameras
* Bug Fix - SysMgmt - Fixed false alarm when 3ware 9750 RAID-6 volume 
  is in a verifying state
* Bug Fix - VivotekPI - Fixed handling of new percent-based image
  configuration settings (brightness, hue, contrast, saturation,
* Bug Fix - UDP Tech - Close video input when a framerate change occurs

* Bug Fix - IPCamDetect - loads again in Linux (introduced in 4.11.3)
* Bug Fix - Stretch - correct number of audio samples per buffer from S7

* Bug Fix - SysMgmt - Minimize 3ware system event log error messages in 
  case of config updates from file plugin
* Bug Fix - Stretch - video output tiling and OSD require f/w 7.5

* Bug Fix - Vivotek - plugin loads again in Linux (introduced in 4.11.4)
* Bug Fix - UPD - Add missing version file.

* Enhancement - motion detection support for Onvif Ganz.

* Bug Fix - VivotekPI - Wider fix for smooth zoom behavior for joystick CGI
  models (like SD73X3) in conjunction with scroll wheel, joystick, PgUp/PgDn
  keys and in/out buttons in PTZ dialog.

v4.11.3.31890 Dev
* Feature - support for UDP Technology IP Cameras
* Enhancement - support UDP Technology device(UPnP) discovery.
* Enhancement - support meta-data track in rtsp.

v4.11.2.31864 Dev
* Enhancement - Onvif - Added motion support for Inaxsys/MIWI.
* Bug Fix - Time Triggers with start and end times equal would always be on.
* Bug Fix - SysMgmt - Stop querying smart attributes for removed disks 
* Bug Fix - SysMgmt - Minimize 3ware system event log error messages  
* Bug Fix - VivotekPI - Smooth zoom behavior for joystick CGI models
  (like SD73X3) in conjunction with PgUp/PgDn keys and Client.
* Bug Fix - VivotekPI - PTZ tour was skipping the final preset in the tour

v4.11.1.31740 Dev
* Feature - Time as a Trigger for Event Linking and Monitoring.
* Bug Fix - Stretch - enables and disables video mask on S7 boards
* Bug Fix - mDNS executables won't go missing on re-installs or upgrades.
* Bug Fix - Arecont - use TFTP timeout from the camera instead of 200ms
* Bug Fix - Arecont - wait for last HTTP connection to close before
  (re)starting TFTP request for video
* Bug Fix - Pelco - avoid posting configuration update for invalid inputs.

* Bug Fix - Core - reverted accidental change to log message generation

* Bug Fix - Arecont - use the same stream ID (ssn) for every TFTP request
* Bug Fix - Stretch - clear overlay when the OSD is removed from a tile

* Enhancement - HikVision support for firmware V4.0.1. 
* Enhancement - Pelco - RTP over TCP if firmware supports.
* Enhancement - SysMgmt - Log disk and volume alarms 
* Enhancement - SysMgmt - Changed smartctl polling frequency to 30 minutes    
* Enhancement - SysMgmt - Detecting port numbers for disks in 3ware raid
* Enhancement - SysMgmt - Detecting 3ware unit task completion percentages 
* Bug Fix - Arecont - will no longer log RX buffer full message for every
  TFTP packet received past 2MB (introduced in r26658 and 4.7.0 build)
* Bug Fix - Stardot - fixed the frame rate steps for 3MP(H.264) and
  10MP models.
* Bug Fix - Acti - do not emit alarm/trigger settings before valid
  configuration response.
* Bug Fix - IQeye - random crash when the device is closed.
* Bug Fix - SysMgmt - fixed the loss of temperature threshold after
  replacing a disk in 3ware raid controller
* Bug Fix - SysMgmt - Detect degraded disks in 3ware raid controller
* Bug Fix - Onvif - added Truen manufacturer with motion support.

* Bug Fix - Stretch - reduce calls to clear video output overlays

* Enhancement - Stretch - video output OSD on xSDVR and S7 boards
* Enhancement - ONVIF - enable motion scheduling for ClearPix cameras
* Bug Fix - ONVIF - prevent crash during video encoder configuration if
  multicasting address configuration is missing from the profile
* Bug Fix - SysMgmt - Move initial hardware detection outside the thread
  to avoid Stretch errors

* Enhancement - HikVision - Added checks to catch if the device sends
  erroneous motion mask coordinates.
* Bug Fix - Accidentally removed smartctl from windows installer in 4.10.0

* Bug Fix - Revert the changes to remove duplicate disks returned by 

* Feature - Edge - Build Edge server for Axis cameras
* Enhancement - ONVIF - enable motion scheduling for DVTel cameras
* Bug Fix - SysMgmt - Remove duplicate disks returned by smartctl.exe
* Bug Fix - SysMgmt - Report RAID disk status 
* Bug Fix - Acti - detect audio support in TCM-1111/3111/4511/5111
* Bug Fix - Acti - not update the motion region at initial connection
  and shows motion region when there is none.
* Bug Fix - Acti - bound the privacy mask correctly when in 16x9 mode
* Bug Fix - Acti - handle FPS response that contain "-"
* Bug Fix - Stretch - correct video output layouts
* Bug Fix - Stretch - correct motion mask in lower resolutions
* Bug Fix - Vivotek - fixed RTSP/RTP parsing failure (h.264/MPEG-4)
  when "video title" is configured in camera (introduced in 4.9.3)

* Bug Fix - SysMgmt - Include SMART attributes changes in the status xml 
  so that disks with frequently changing attribute values do not generate
  unnecessary config updates
* Bug fix - HikVision - keep the system from crashing when a faulty firmware
  is loaded into the device
* Bug fix - HikVision - Avoid retrying immediately if the device sends an error 
  when the alert stream request is sent. This was seen with firmware v.3.2 for
  type C cameras.
* Bug Fix - In Linux, detects if the kernel is 64 bit to correctly adjust 
  the throttling threshold.
* Bug Fix - Pelco - limit tcp messages to the reconnection timer in case that
  it failed send or receive.  Also display the ip address of the device with 
  the soap message error.
* Bug Fix - Canon - fix a bug that could start process before receive complete
  config package from the camera
* Bug Fix - RTSP - did not update audio configuration update correctly.
* Bug Fix - Acti - support of the 6VGA mode(KCM3911), update the motion
  detection for all the streams when in 4VGa/6VGA, and update framerate
  information when change resolution.  

* Bug Fix - SysMgmt - always parse SMART attributes as base 10 numbers
* Bug Fix - SysMgmt - do not generate alarm in 3ware verifying state
* Bug Fix - SysMgmt - handle smartctl returning duplicate disks
* Bug Fix - detect and alarm read-only drives only in Linux
* Enhancement - support meta-data track in rtsp.
* Bug Fix - ONVIF - meta data configuration issue introduced in 4.9.3
* Bug Fix - SysMgmt - smartctl can fail on some devices and log the same 
  message once per minute
* Bug Fix - HikVision and Pelco IP camera detectors now reject other
  manufacturers' UPnP responses.
* Bug Fix - Pelco - handle case where the resolution is changes either by
  a seperate server or web connecting to the same camera.

* Bug Fix - SysMgmt - use the smartctl binary installed with the server

* Bug Fix - Axis - PTZ presets work in the new multichannel encoders
* Enhencement - support UDP Technology device(UPnP) discovery.

03/09/2012 Dev
* Bug Fix - HikVision - When controlling PTZ camera from the Live Window of 
  the client the Panning or tilting of the camera would stop unless the 
  mouse was moving.
* Bug Fix - HikVision - Default input name to 'Input %d' instead of getting
  name from camera
* Bug Fix - HikVision - Allow slowest PTZ motion when speed sliders are set
  all the way to the left.
* Bug Fix - detect and alarm read-only drives
* Bug Fix - Pelco - unable to create motion region in Linux.
* Bug Fix - Pelco - start streaming after configuration updates are done which
  might cause warning messages in the log.
* Bug Fix - Acti - fixed the pan/tilt motion for TCM6630.
* Bug Fix - If any storage items (drives/disks/volumes/etc.) are already in
  alarmed state, and a storage alarm event linkage is created, it will
  initialize to triggered status (like all other source types), and if
  all storage alarms return to "normal", any existing linkages will emit
  status that they have returned to "normal" (non-triggered).
* Bug Fix - Acti - fixed PTZ for multichannel ACD2200.

v4.9.3.29970 Dev
* Feature - HikVision - supports type B, type C, and Speed Dome cameras
* Feature - Added Storage hardware management support
* Feature - Server side Thumbnail searching.
* Enhancement - single storage rule for maximum days of recorded video
* Bug Fix - Panasonic - Added support for 2MP mode seen in some new camera
  models (including SP508, SW558, and SW559).
* Bug Fix - Vivotek - Audio schedule needs to default to "off" when adding
  new devices to system.
* Bug Fix - Audit trail was allowing strings, like camera name, with newline
  characters, to be logged as-is, thereby preventing the ability to search
  the audit trail. Now cleaning those strings, to ensure audit trail can
  still be searched.
* Bug Fix - Vivotek - Smooth zooming for models that support joystick CGI.

* Bug Fix - Vivotek - Support polygonal motion window configuration
  (FE8171), and more than 3 motion windows if implemented in camera.
* Bug Fix - ONVIF - support new motion topic in Samsung 2.10_v111227 f/w
* Bug Fix - Vivotek - Some 8000-series models were discovered to cause
  event linkages (motion event source type) or event monitoring to
  stick in triggered state.
* Bug Fix - Vivotek - Added support for multi-byte header extension length
  field in video from FE8171.
* Bug Fix - Pelco - Added post motion event for event linking and map.
* Bug Fix - Acti - Fixed PTZ support for TCM6630.
* Bug Fix - Axis - added input number to h.264 request for encoders
* Bug Fix - ONVIF - add event subscription to meta data configuration
* Bug Fix - enforce end time when searching recorded video
* Bug Fix - Acti - disable quality control if the device is in Variable
  Bitrate(VBR) for H.264/MPEG4 mode.

* Bug Fix - Updated CD burning utility to work with Linux kernel 3.0.

* Bug Fix - Stretch - let board disconnect disable the watch dog

v4.9.1.29263 Dev
* Enhancement - Added support for groupOfNames object type in OpenLDAP
  integration, so that users can either use that, or organization, for
  groups they map into exacqVision.
* Bug Fix - Acti - handle audio from KCM.

* Bug Fix - Axis - can handle input names containing UTF-8 characters
* Bug Fix - resume recording after opening new files while throttling

v4.9.0.28694 Dev
* Enhancement - Pelco-D and Sensormatic PTZ protocols support menu select
* Bug Fix - Pelco - supports multiple inputs/outputs.
* Bug Fix - ActiPI - Fix updating the quality setting on firmware
  4.10.x and later.
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - Handle LDAP attributes returned in any order, in
  a query operation.
* Bug Fix - Arecont - 200ms timeout between TFTP packets to match AV100
* Bug Fix - Arecont - would always request I frames from panoramic cameras
  with one or more disabled channels
* Bug Fix - Arecont - requests an I frame per enabled channel per 2000ms
  from panoramic cameras to better match single sensor camera bandwidth
* Bug Fix - Rtsp/IQeye - send configuration update to the client only 
  when there is changes in the xml during video loss/update.

* Bug Fix - exportPI - Cleaned up progress status update and notify client
  of partial export completion.
* Bug Fix - Arecont - tweak to to enforce video size multiples
* Bug Fix - VivotekPI - Support for certain 8000-series SD cameras with newer
  firmware that indicates a different maximum pan/tilt/zoom speed. Tested with
  SD8362 running firmware SD8362-VVTK-0102b, to ensure ability to pan and tilt
  at camera's maximum speed.

* Bug Fix - exportPI - bug in Linux that remove staging ps/psi file when
  burn ps/psi files to cd/dvd.

v4.8.6.28284 Dev
* Bug Fix - exportPI - locate the viewer app binary so the client
  could correctly setup the export options at startup. Also changed
  the progress status for each stage to determinate mode with range
  of 0-100.
* Bug Fix - PelcoPI - set the input alarm trigger to enable at startup
  to enable event notification for firmware > 1.6.x.xxxxx

* Bug Fix - In Linux, Possible corruption of parameters in the Notify Plugin.
* Bug Fix - cameras from eDVR 480 boards configured with storage rules
  do not have the right input number written into the file so they will
  not search and play back correctly (introduced in 4.7.0)

v4.8.5.28219 Dev
* Bug Fix - core - properly releases semaphore after search finishes
* Bug Fix - Arecont - removed erroneous motion mask log message at startup
  introduced with extended motion detection support in r27083 

v4.8.4.28216 Dev
* Bug Fix - exportPI - allow plugin to start without viewer app and cd/dvd
  record utilities. Only support ps file exports in this mode and will
  auto config when the exe's are present.

v4.8.3.28137 Dev
* Bug Fix - Enhanced Active Directory so that in a situation where a mapped
  domain user does not have userPrincipalName defined, a corresponding
  sAMAccountName with matching username portion is also searched, and since
  sAMAccountName is defined as a required attribute, it is guaranteed to be
* Bug Fix - Onvif - duplicate pan continuous move command.

v4.8.2.28094 Dev
* Feature - exportPI - PS files of up to 137 GB can be exported to any
  attached drive and other exacqRecall usability enhancements.
* Enhancement - Support post-motion recording without event linking.
* Bug Fix - eDVR - reset device failure alarm in the health monitor
* Bug Fix - Stardot - close the video socket and update the xml when changing
  encoder type, resolution, and framerate.
* Bug Fix - Arecont - enforce the video position and size requirements
  even when the user has not specified a cropping window (ROI)
* Bug Fix - Arecont - remove panoramic video position, size, and quality
  values from the TFTP request to more closely match the Arecont SDK
v4.8.1.27720 Dev
* Bug Fix - BaslerPI - Fixed a memory leak that was generated when creating
  a new mask. Fixed motion and privacy masks to accommodate cameras with 
  different aspect ratios.
* Bug Fix - In Linux, Possible corruption of parameters in the Notify Plugin.
* Bug Fix - BaslerPI - The firmware for the Basler BIP2-1920c cameras returns
  an invalid motion mask value. Added a check to keep the BaslerPI from 
  crashing and allow the connection process to continue.
* Bug Fix - cameras from eDVR 480 boards configured with storage rules
  do not have the right input number written into the file so they will
  not search and play back correctly (introduced in 4.7.0)

* Bug Fix - Onvif/Rtsp - revert the changes to handle NRI equal to 0 but
  handle NAL type equal to 9 for Ganz in Onvif.
* Bug Fix - psfpi - can store and retrieve a larger amount of motion data
* Bug Fix - Crash when starting up with Vivotek or Panasonic camera with
  enabled PTZ tour that's empty. Also Vivotek bug where first preset in
  tour wasn't being saved properly.
* Enhancement - IQEye - IQEye made a change to their SEI message in f/w
  version 3.3/2. We made a change to our code to account for that change.
* Bug Fix - Arecont - fix the reconnect logic.
* Bug Fix - Arecont - invalid motion mask and disabling a camera may
  cause a divide by zero exception introduced in r27083 (4.7.1)
* Bug Fix - Rtsp/Onvif - handle the H.264 packet with nal_ref_idc 
  that is zero.
* Bug Fix - Pelco - reverse the tilt directions.
* Bug Fix - Fixed LDAP-related (Active Directory) crash when connecting
  as an LDAP user associated with many (like 50 or more) domain groups.

* Bug Fix - Onvif - Fixed an issue with the PTZ speed parameters when
  multiple ContinuousMove commands took a long time to execute

* Enhancement - Arecont - support new AV20185DN and AV20365DN models
* Enhancement - Basler - Changed the way we determine what framerates are
  available for any given camera. 
* Bug Fix - GE Impac PTZ and Pelco-P protocols were incorrectly limited
  to 32 addresses.
* Bug Fix - fixed audio recording from event linking introduced in 4.7.0
* Bug Fix - Acti - fixed the incorrect ptz preset index.
* Bug Fix - Pelco - enabled the digital PTZ.
* Bug Fix - Stardot - remove extra trigger in xml that is not needed because
  Stardot API does not support access to DIO.
* Enhancement - Rtsp - support RTSP-over-http-tunneling use http instead of
  rtsp in the streaming url.
* Bug Fix - Fixed crash when attempting to connect as LDAP user, but KRB5
  shared library not installed.
* Bug Fix - Fix crash when deleting IP serial port introduced in 4.7.1.
* Bug Fix - Arecont - can set the privacy mask in the panoramic DN cameras
* Bug Fix - Onvif - override the socket receive timeout for PTZ messages
  to 10 seconds.
* Bug Fix - Rtsp - show default framerate of 30 if there is no reliable 
  information available.
* Bug Fix - Fixed audit trail to only audit discovery (on socket close) when
  login was not attempted (because the login, and logout if login successful,
  will have been audited instead), so that a discovery audit record is clearly
  a discovery query.
* Bug Fix - live555 - check the mjpeg id when parsing the header information.

v4.7.1.27101 Dev
* Enhancement - Acti - support zoom for K-Platform.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - can specify profile number in URI fragment
* Enhancement - Vivotek - added g.711 audio support
* Enhancement - live555 - added version block for traceability.
* Enhancement - Arecont - extended motion detection support if enabled
  in the camera's web page (2805 and 10005 require h/w version 65228)
* Bug Fix - Stardot - added support for digital ptz presets.
* Bug Fix - Fix serial port read failure upon startup from Windows
  Service Control Manager. 
* Bug Fix - PosPI can now handle serial ports with ID equal to zero.
* Bug Fix - AD/Ipx - fixed delayed live video when in low resolution modes.
* Bug Fix - Rtsp - fixed the reconnection timeout logic.
* Bug Fix - Changed the PTZ max-presets for Acti(32/64 depends on platform)
  and Pelco(256).
* Bug Fix - Ipx and Stardot use common uuencoder class to encode and decode
  motion grids.
* Bug Fix - live555 - check the payload type for jpeg ref 2435 to set the
  header extension.

v4.7.0.27000 Dev
* Enhancement - ONVIF - Added support to allow Bosch cameras to change
  framerate values. Works when in h.264 mode. Does not work correctly when
  in jpeg mode because of a known issue with Bosch's current firmware
* Enhancement - Sanyo - Workaround for Sanyo's timestamp issue. Sanyo 
  models 2100/2300/3100/3300 do not provide accurate timestamps from
  time to time. A temporary workaround is in place to timestamp frames
  using the server time instead of the camera timestamp until Sanyo
  provides a fix for this issue
* Enhancement - Sanyo - Support for models VCC-HD3500 and VCC-HD3300
* Enhancement - Canon - Support Model VB-M40.
* Enhancement - PosPI - Added milliseconds to generated events.
* Enhancement - IQeye - support for IQA33 and IQA35 Alliance-pro cameras
* Enhancement - live555 - support MJPEG with header extension(RFC 2435) 
  for onvif and RTSP wtih Arktan Systems in 2620x640 mode.
* Enhancement - set large address aware flag in core.exe (4GB tuning)
* Enhancement - Supports Inaxsys IP cameras.
* Bug Fix - Can now manage multiple network interfaces when importing
  settings from a system with multiple interfaces.
* Bug Fix - Audit trail now differentiates between logout, and socket close
  when there hadn't been a login.
* Bug Fix - StarDot - only log the socket close message when it is a valid
  socket during close.
* Bug Fix - ONVIF - SOAP structures are now being cleaned after changing
  encoder configurations
* Bug Fix - Pelco - enable web service authentication.
* Bug Fix - Pelco - Fixed the connection issue with loading up the web
  services queue.
* Bug Fix - Vivotek - Was not parsing D1 resolution from certain cameras.
* Bug Fix - pre alarm audio was not buffered after device disable/enable
* Bug Fix - added a channel timeout for streams recording multiple channels
* Bug Fix - reworked time server configuration get/set to ensure time
  service is always running in Linux, that disabling time server just
  points it to its own internal clock, and that if it fails to force
  immediate time sync on config update, that the time service is still
* Bug Fix - Arecont - Reduced memory usage per device to approximately
  2MB or less.
* Bug Fix - RTSP - handle MPEG4 i-frame stream that contains the header
* Bug Fix - Acti - reduce the amount of configuration events in the client
* Bug Fix - Export - work with either cdrecord and wodim binary but give
  preference to cdrecord if exist.
* Bug Fix - Vivotek - Was not forcing DST checkbox to off in devices
  (in case user inadvertently enables it manually in web interface).
* Bug Fix - Pelco - remove all the config updates during web service call.
* Bug Fix - pre trigger video was not recorded for storage rule cameras
* Bug Fix - Pelco - Set the soap connection time-out to 10 seconds.
* Bug Fix - RTSP - change the default name from "Camera" to "Stream"
* Bug Fix - If Windows server was started with all network interfaces
  disabled in Device Manager, the system would be unlicensed as expected,
  but after enabling interfaces, would be stuck as unlicensed until
* Bug Fix - Rtsp - only post configuration when stream is connected.
* Bug Fix - removed physical memory check from throttling implementation

* Bug Fix - Pelco - Fixed a bug that causes crash with IXE10 Sarix Type
  during reconnection.
* Bug Fix - Live555 - change the default fd size from 64 to 1024 for
  connections larger than 21.
* Bug Fix - BitrateLimit is 2000 for American Dynamics IP SpeedDome

* Enhancement - added 5 and 10 ips choices to IPX cameras set to MPEG-4
* Bug Fix - IpxPI - reworked the privacy and motion mask memory allocation.
  Also fixed a bug that failed to create privacy mask when set to the edge
  of right and bottom. Cleaned up variable initialization.
* Bug Fix - Ipx/AD - fixed the framerate for AD models. Also fixed
  a framerate bug in ADi400 when the rate is under 5fps.
* Bug Fix - Axis - correct maximum number of presets for several models
  and increased the tour length to match the maximum number of presets
* Bug Fix - Sony - maximum number of PTZ presets in 5th gen models is 256
* Bug Fix - eliminated duplicate "system open .ps error" log messages
* Bug Fix - sets the bitrate limit in American Dynamics IP SpeedDome
* Bug Fix - ONVIF - properly scales camera's quality to plugin's 1-10
* Bug Fix - no longer logs pes event error messages during throttling

* Bug Fix - Ipx motion detection works on h.264 capable cameras.
* Bug Fix - Now including various licensing files.
* Bug Fix - Pelco - Fixed the connection issue with loading up the web
* Bug Fix - Skip attempting to execute external binaries without actually
  starting a new process.
* Bug Fix - can enable time lapse recording after upgrading the license

* Bug Fix - fixed startup crash in StreamPI that was introduced in 4.6.8

* Bug Fix - will limit incoming video to preserve virtual memory in Linux
* Bug Fix - Vivotek - the IP8151N camera h.264 stream was observed to show
  artifacts, especially in stored video, due to the plugin failing to
  properly handle some differences in the h.264 stream.
* Bug Fix - Moved initial system environment detection and other operations
  to later steps in its startup procedure.

* Bug Fix - PanasonicPI was not signalling input trigger alarms while
  streaming via RTSP.

* Bug Fix - Acti - bug that failed the detection filter and caused Acti
  Cameras not to display in the IP camera list.
* Bug Fix - Panasonic - Handle the "Bad Range Header" in Linux server(-107).

* Bug Fix - PanasonicPI was incorrectly detecting framerate mismatch in RTSP.
* Bug Fix - Acti - Fixed stream connecting issue with ACM models with 
  firmware < 3.10.xxxx.
* Bug Fix - Audit trail now differentiates between logout, and socket close
  when there hadn't been a login.

* Enhancement - ONVIF - Added motion support for Hunt cameras
* Bug Fix - IQeye - configure JPEG/H264 and 480P/720P/1080P in the client
* Bug Fix - IQeye - Eliminated unnecessary "resetting downsample factor"
  system log message.
* Bug Fix - IQEye - reverted back to 4.5 release without audio support.
  Supports IP Reconnection setting.
* Bug Fix - Panasonic - handle the "bad range header" error in MPEG4.

* Bug Fix - IQeye - configure JPEG/H264 and 480P/720P/1080P in the client

* Enhancement - Basler BIP2 cameras motion detection support is now 
  enabled in h264 mode
* Enhancement - IQEye uses more efficient way of searching strings in 
  JPEG image hearder
* Enhancement - Arecont - show the higher frame rates for newer cameras
* Bug Fix - ONVIF - use the maximum H.264 profile supported by the camera
* Bug Fix - Rtsp - support RTSP over HTTP using #transport=http in the URI
* Bug Fix - Silence Ubuntu 11.04 Software Center's displeasure of
* Bug Fix - exacqRecall - limit the exported exe file to under 4GB.
* Bug Fix - Axis - can search cameras that were disconnected at startup
* Bug Fix - Canon - Revert support for VB-M40 will be support in the next
* Bug Fix - Pelco - fixed missing mac address and model name.
* Bug Fix - server - fixed bouncing of device state from enable to disable
  and back to enable again when the camera is being enabled.
* Bug Fix - IQeye - more reasonable quality 1-10 to H.264 bitrate values
* Bug Fix - Axis - increase MPEG-4 and H.264 maximum image size to 1MB

* Bug Fix - more conservative virtual memory limiting in Windows
* Bug Fix - make sure files are closed while disk throughput is exceeded

v4.6.2.25719 Dev
* Bug Fix - ONVIF - uses SET_PARAMETER instead of GET_PARAMETER
  to keep stream alive.
* Bug Fix - Rtsp - Added user data support for h.264 and mpeg4.
* Bug Fix - Rtsp - where the video/audio configuration could be 
  deleted when the camera is disconnected while the server is shutdown.
* Bug Fix - Rtsp - removed the address information in the input class
  which is redundant because it is already in the stream URI.
* Bug Fix - Rtsp - remove the device enable flag from the input class
  also expose the input close/open methods.
* Bug Fix - Pelco - Do not send configuration when the device is disabled.
* Bug Fix - Panasonic - fixed the reconnection logic.
* Bug Fix - Pelco - clear the basic configurations when disable the device.
* Bug Fix - Rtsp - added the missing digital PTZ functionality.
* Bug Fix - Acti - added support for KCM5111 for single/dual/4VGA modes.
* Bug Fix - ONVIF - proper enforcement of min/max GOV length values
* Bug Fix - can parse time stamps in a .ps file missing the .psi file
* Bug Fix - Rtsp - added support for UDP NVC4000/NVD1000 H.264 encoder stream.
* Bug Fix - ONVIF - only show pre motion configuration for supported cameras
* Bug Fix - Rtsp - check the URI string for end of line spaces that cause 505 error.
* Bug Fix - IQeye - Some h.264 models were being detected as only supporting
  1 motion window (e.g. the M32N actually has 4).
* Bug Fix - Fixed management of multiple network interfaces in Linux.

* Bug Fix - core will limit incoming video to preserve memory in Windows
* Bug Fix - RTSP - Fixed the sampling buffer size for AAC to support
  44100 and 48000 sampling rates.
* Bug Fix - Axis - fixed RTSP connection issue introduced in r22697
* Bug Fix - PosPI - Better handling of high ascii values with \x escape.
* Bug Fix - SerialPI - Ignore EOF error on TCP Listeners.
* Bug Fix - Rtsp - use the device and input id instead of address
  for the live555 RTSPClient object identifier. This might cause a 
  connecting issue during startup when multiple streams are connected 
  to the same camera. Also reset the errorno. 

* Enhancement - Smooth PTZ movement via joystick CGI for certain Vivotek
  IP camera models (like the SD73X3).
* Enhancement - Sanyo plugin now allows user to change brightness and
  contrast settings.
* Enhancement - IQEye plugin now uses the common RTSP code for h.264 
  cameras. Audio is now supported when in h.264 mode if the camera 
  supports audio.
* Enhancement - RtspPi - additional control for selecting stream, track,
  TCP or UDP transport protocol in the rtsp URL.
* Enhancement - core will discard video to preserve 1/8 memory in Windows
* Bug Fix - Arecont - add reconnection logic in stream class.
* Bug Fix - Problem where Sanyo models HD2100/3100 and HD2300/3300 only
  run at 30 fps (NTSC) and only 25 fps (PAL) has been fixed. 
* Bug Fix - RtspPi - Add support for audio only stream.
  Removed pre-motion in the xml.
* Bug Fix - server will disconnect a client after a decompression error
* Bug Fix - Made XML Declaration consistent and simpler.
* Bug Fix - No need to force modern Axis devices to GMT time zone.
  This allows use of overlay date and time.
* Bug Fix - Fix the response id to support Pelco Spectra IV IP TXB-N 
  PTZ dome camera.
* Bug Fix - Some later IQeye camera models have a different range for JPEG
  quality settings, so adjusted bottom end in IQeyePI.
* Bug Fix - Arecont - changed socket timeout log messages to warning
* Bug Fix - Vivotek - integrated with joystick CGI, for smoother motion on
  camera models like 73X3.

* Feature - audit trail
* Enhancement - Basler - Add support for BIP2 cameras
* Enhancement - ActiPI - Add support for PIR capable camera (TCM-4201). The
  PIR event is handled as "PIR Analytic". Also converted the plugin to use
  the share plugin and instance code.
* Enhancement - Modify onvifnvcpi to better deal with streaming metadata
  that fails to set the RTP market bit on document close.
* Enhancement - Configurable IP Reconnection setting.
* Enhancement - Pelco - PTZ support with preset and tour.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - Support Brickcom motion events.
* Bug Fix - Rtsp - Added support for multi-slice h.264 packets such as
  Scallop full mode.
* Bug Fix - ActiPI - fix the connection retry logic.
* Bug Fix - Rtsp - Fixed the MPEG4 packet handler for support of
  MangoDSP encoder.
* Bug Fix - PelcoPI - Removed the restriction of resolutions not
   divisible by 16. Just display all the available resolutions.
* Bug Fix - Rtsp - support MangoDSP 8-channel encoder H.264
* Bug Fix - Pelco - fixed MPEG-4 playback on the search page
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Use credentials with RTSP when necessary.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Parse ONVIF events more carefully, so that motion
  isn't triggered accidentally.
* Bug Fix - onvifnvcpi - Fix potential crash when parsing the SDP for an
  ONVIF metadata stream.

* Bug Fix - SerialPI - Crash when deleting IP Serial Ports in Windows 7.
* Bug Fix - Sanyo HD4000: The optical zoom capability stops working 90 
  seconds after the last zoom command. 

* Bug Fix - POSPI - Database could be locked on search.  Changed to Write-
  Ahead Logging.
* Bug Fix - POSPI - Observes canceling of search.
* Bug Fix - Acti - Send the Control Port keep-alive message every 15
  instead of 30 seconds.

* Enhancement - Add motion scheduling support in onvifnvcpi for Axis and
  Samsung Techwin.
* Bug Fix - Arecont - model name and motion grid size for 1080P and 1.3MP
* Bug Fix - Rtsp - Do not close the session caused by RTSP error, just
  let the 10 second video timeout close the stream.
* Bug Fix - Panasonic - RTSP mode now detected and used with older camera
  models. Also fixed compatibility with older cameras using RTSP and audio
  at same time. And fixed bug with properly configuring desired resolution
  with older cameras using RTSP.
* Bug Fix - Rtsp - Fixed the audio bug that did not play audio correctly
  in the first five minutes when the server starts up.

* Bug Fix - SerialPI - Retry accept on some failures.

* Bug Fix - Limit valid framerate range for ONVIF devices to 1 through 30.
* Bug Fix - Fix error message for trt:GetProfiles in onvifnvcpi.
* Bug Fix - In onvifnvcpi, eliminate possible crash if no profiles are
  returned by trt:GetProfiles.
* Bug Fix - RtspPI - removed the checking of detail socket error just rely
  of the video timeout and also from the rtsp callback handlers to report
* Bug Fix - PanasonicPI - Delay reconnection on config socket send errors.
* Bug Fix - SerialPI - Possible crash when changing TCP Listeners.
* Bug Fix - SerialPI - Sets correct status for TCP Listeners.
* Bug Fix - Arecont - no longer forces mddetail=1 (the default value)
* Bug Fix - Fix crash in onvifnvcpi when there are not options in the
  response to trt:GetVideoEncoderOptions.

* Enhancement - American Dynamics and IPX support configurable seconds
  between connection errors.
* Enhancement - TCP serial data connections use keepalive
* Bug Fix - Fix retry logic in TCP serial connections.  This was broken 
  in 4.5.6
* Bug Fix - TCP listener accepts new connections from specified IP address 
  even if old connection was not gracefully closed.
* Bug Fix - Correct default username and password for American Dynamics.
* Bug Fix - Rtsp - Fixed the "Error-2 ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND" issue when
  run under Windows XP which is caused by the OutputDebugString in the log

* Bug Fix - If authentication credentials fail for Basler or Ganz cameras,
  the cameras will not be able to reconnect. A Server restart is necessary
* Bug Fix - In onvifnvcpi, set ForcePersistance to true on a call to
  trt:SetVideoEncoderConfiguration.  This instructs the NVT to persist
  encoder changes through reboots.

* Enhancement - American Dynamics now supports VideoEdge and Illustra 400
* Bug Fix - Changes to authentication credentials to Sanyo cameras
  require the camera to be unchecked and checked back again for changes
  to take effect
* Bug Fix - Rtsp - Fixed the bug that incorrectly set protocol from TCP to
  UDP and cause socket error 10054 or 2 with Windows XP.
* Bug Fix - Eliminate a potential crash in onvifnvcpi when the configured
  video codec isn't found in the SDP.
* Bug Fix - prevent ONVIF devices not supporting frame rate from sending
  invalid ranges to the client

* Enhancement - Support configuration of codec and resolution on Bosch
  ONVIF devices.
* Bug Fix - Motion detection is disabled for Sanyo PTZ models.
* Bug Fix - Privacy mask configuration is disabled for Sanyo PTZ models.
* Enhancement - Individual Serial Profile Keywords can be used as Event 
  Linking and Monitoring sources. NOTE: Keywords can not be edited from
  older clients.
* Enhancement - Added TCP Listener to Serial Port
* Enhancement - IOImage - configurable seconds between connection errors
* Bug Fix - Acti Plugin - Remove TCM-4301 from the list of VIDEO_FPS_RATIO
  api that is longer supported with firmware 4.08.05.
* Bug Fix - Rtsp Plugin - Reverted the change in the H264PacketHandler class
  that handles the Scallop "full" mode which was incorrect.
v4.5.5.24097 Dev
* Bug Fix - Privacy mask position and size are not scaled correctly when 
  Sanyo cameras are in 16:9 aspect ratio mode.
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - asynchronous PTZ, preset, and relay commands
* Bug Fix - Enable optical zoom capabilities for Sanyo Models HD4000 and 
* Bug Fix - User Unable to remove PTZ Presets from exacqVision Client for 
  Sanyo PTZ cameras
* Bug Fix - Rtsp Plugin - check the session timeout parameter before 
  setting the parameter command.  This cause IQEye to reset the 
  stream connection.  Fixed the reconnect login. Removed the port
  attribute in the xml and parse the port value from the host address.
* Bug Fix - Pelco Plugin - changed the message queue thread to manually
  free and destroy the thread object when the plugin instance is unloaded.
v4.5.4.23979 Dev
* Enhancement - ArecontPI - privacy mask in 1315, 2815, and 2805 models
* Bug Fix - Ipx plugin - fixed a logic bug in setting motion block for
  ADCi400-D type.
* Bug Fix - Rtsp Plugin - default the protocol to "rtsp" if the user 
  did not specify it in the host name entry.
* Bug Fix - Rtsp Plugin - fixed the video/audio timestamp. And also fixed
  handling of h.264 packets that caused duplicate frames. Added method
  to validate the timestamp against the server time. Fixed the re-connect
  right away if switch from TCP to UDP transport protocol. Also send
  the parameter to keep the rtp alive.
* Bug Fix - can monitor normally closed Axis triggers (required for 8221)
* Bug Fix - SanyoPI - HD2100, HD2300, HD3100, HD3300 & HD4000 cameras
  do not revert back to jpeg after a server restart. 
v4.5.3.23888 Dev
* Bug Fix - StreamPI - FD_SETSIZE matches Linux.  Allows 1022 clients.
* Bug Fix - avoid possible access violation in Ganz camera detection
* Bug Fix - allow Sony PT speed to scale from 1-64 to encoder's 0-100
* Bug Fix - RTSP and Ipx Plugin - fixed the bug that did not save the
  audio name and enable state correctly.

v4.5.2.23819 Dev
* Enhancement - onvifnvcpi - synchronous PTZ and preset commands
* Enhancement - Support for menu, flip, and pattern programming on Panasonic
  protocol analog PTZ cameras.

v4.5.0.23725 Dev
* Enhancement - Improved XML Parsing.
* Enhancement - Stop calling trt:GetProfile in onvifnvcpi to increase
* Enhancement - Only send a WS-Security header in onvifnvcpi if a username
  or password has been specified.
* Enhancement - Ipx/AD plugin - support AD-i400D.
* Enhancement - Axis and Sony - support G726-32 audio. This also 
  requires a compatible client that supports G726.
* Enhancement - Continue enforcing that LDAP users can only be added/updated
  if the system has a valid enterprise license, but always allow *deletion*
  of LDAP users regardless.
* Enhancement - Add RtspPI for generic video/audio streaming support with RTSP.
* Enhancement - PanasonicPI supports GXE-500 encoder, and RTSP for
  supporting models.
* Enhancement - Ignore most SOAP failures in onvifnvcpi to increase
* Enhancement - Improve WS-Addressing support in onvifnvcpi.
* Enhancement - Use port number from ONVIF discovery response.
* Bug Fix - force Basler encoder mode to VBR when configuring quality
* Bug Fix - IQeye - does not require input trigger to detect output trigger
* Bug Fix - Fixed issue where a connected user with custom user group was
  watching live video, PTZ privileges were newly added to the group, and
  the user ended up losing live video until they disconnected/reconnected
  their client.
* Bug Fix - Stardot - improve the searching of h.264 boundary between video frames.

* Enhancement - can invert state of input triggers on EL-S riser cards

* Enhancement - Axis - configurable seconds between connection errors
* Bug Fix - Axis - can parse SEI data with emulation_prevention_three_byte

v4.4.10. 23496
* Known Limitation - ONVIF plugin supports event handling only through the
  Notification Streaming Interface (ONVIF Core Spec v1.02, sec 12.3).  NVTs
  (i.e. cameras) that do not support this eventing mechanism will not work
  in motion recording mode.  Bosch and Axis custom XML for this mechanism
  are the currently supported formats.
* Known Limitation - ONVIF plugin does not presently support configuration
  of cameras' brightness, contrast, saturation, hue, motion regions, quality
  frame rate, or resolution.  Setting these through the cameras' web inter-
  face is currently the recommended approach.  Frame rate, resolution, and
  quality should be adjusted on the first video stream as it is the stream
  subscribed to by the exacqVision Server.
* Known Limitation - Alarm outputs on cameras supported via the ONVIF plugin
  should not be used as event linking targets.

* Enhancement - Support scheduling of motion recording on Bosch ONVIF
* Enhancement - Report the configured framerate limit of an ONVIF device,
  if it's available.
* Enhancement - ActiPI - add privacy mask support for TCM and ACM models
  with firmware >= 3.12.15.
* Bug fix - Axis audio and h.264 packets are time stamped by the host

* Enhancement - Extend onvifnvcpi to also support the WS-Addressing 2004/08
* Bug Fix - Enabled output relay state setting in onvifnvcpi.

* Enhancement - Add WS-Addressing support to onvifnvcpi.  This helps when
  connecting to some ONVIF NVTs.

* Enhancement - Enable use of non-default ONVIF entry-points.
* Bug Fix - Accept username and password in the URL of a trt:GetStreamUri
* Bug Fix - Temporarily disable output relay state setting in onvifnvcpi.
* Bug Fix - Timestamp frames on the server for ONVIF cameras.

* Enhancement - Sony - Lite Object Detection in SNT-EP1X4 series encoders
* Enhancement - Use real resolution name on ONVIF cameras.
* Bug fix - Increased socket timeout in VivotekPI to accommodate camera
  responses that can take a while to return.
* Bug Fix - Address some bugs in onvifnvcpi related to output relays.
* Bug Fix - Improve ONVIF camera detection results.

* Bug Fix - In onvifnvcpi, change RTSP code to better handle connection
  failures.  This fixes a handful of known plugin hangs.
* Bug Fix - Keep RTSP connection alive with GET_PARAMETER RTSP command on
  Samsung ONVIF cameras.
* Bug Fix - Handle a bad tds:GetNetworkInformation response that could
  lead to a crash in onvifnvcpi.

* Feature - ONVIF NVT discovery.
* Enhancement - export Authenticator related methods in live555.def.
* Bug Fix - Correctly log SOAP fault messages in onvifnvcpi.

* Enhancement - Parse Axis motion events.
* Bug Fix - Fix missing dependency on OpenSSL.
* Bug Fix - Change the way IDR/non-IDR frames are detected to support
  Brickcom H.264.
* Bug Fix - Fix a problem with SOAP authentication.  If a non-critical
  SOAP method failed, all subsequent calls may have failed.

* Enhancement - Extend onvifnvcpi to support Bosch motion detection.

* Feature - ONVIF NVC plugin.
* Bug Fix - Event Linking - fixed crash when event logging fails due to the
  OS (system) drive being full.
* Bug Fix - When system drive approaches full, the Log plugin will purge
  the oldest log files so as to preserve at least 100MB of free space.
* Bug Fix - Ipx Plugin - Added PTZ support through RS485 for VE-3500 encoder.
* Bug Fix - Pelco plugin - clear the tcp message buffer if the receive time-out
  failed.  This prevent message trying to send through a failed socket.
* Enhancement - export Authenticator related methods in live555.def.
* Bug Fix - IpCamDetect plugin - added detection for American Dynamic type cameras.

* Bug Fix - Notify Plugin now imports auto increment value from config.

* Bug Fix - fixed Axis JPEG connection alarms introduced in previous release
* Bug Fix - fixed Linux build of the Notifications plugin introduced in 4.3.1

* Enhancement - added support for Axis P8221 network I/O & audio module
* Bug Fix - Pelco Plugin - fixed a potential bug in the scheduler and added
  log message in the event arbiter class.  Redo the re-connection such that
  the configuration is updated.
* Bug Fix - Ipx Plugin - alarm output state handled with device connection
* Bug Fix - Acti Plugin - fixed the missing red(alarm color) border when
  the camera is activated to record with a soft trigger.

* Bug Fix - Pelco plugin - set the default NTP server.  Display the 
  firmware version and model number in the log connect message.  Check
  the minimum version required and disable the motion region setting that
  causes crash with firmware version lower than 1.5.9.  Added delay posting
  of web service configuration if the configuration process did not completed.
* Bug Fix - Support managing multiple network adapters in Linux.

* Bug Fix - Fixed live555 upload script.
* Bug Fix - live555 was not being rebuilt correctly

* Enhancement - added new Sony CH120/160, DH120/T/160, and CH210 models.
* Enhancement - Added support for new HD resolution modes in Panasonic
  h.264 IP cameras.
* Enhancement - Added email notification rate limiter.
* Enhancement - sdvr temperature threshold. Requires sdvr setup 5.4 or later.
* Bug Fix - StarDot - Fixed the connection delay issue and also inconsistent
  problem with updating camera configuration.
* Bug Fix - Pelco Ip Detect - check for non-empty ipaddress before launching
  the tcp socket to query for the device information.
* Bug Fix - Pelco Plugin - fixed the video and trigger input event subscription 
  during a re-connection situation.
* Bug Fix - Pelco Plugin - Check the resolution list only when it is streaming.
* Bug Fix - Pelco Plugin - fix bug in query stream discovery service.
* Bug Fix - Pelco Plugin - fix the RTP receive buffer size.
* Bug Fix - Corrected default video loss behavior in PanasonicPI to 
  behave like the other IP camera plugins.

* Feature - PelcoPI plugin to support Pelco Sarix Ip cameras.
* Enhancement - IPCamDetectPI add PelcoPI detection and also added the
  read/write/except in the select to enable the detector to send request.
* Enhancement - added Pelco plugin in the installer script.
* Enhancement - In Vista SP1 and greater, captures crash dumps in log folder.

* Enhancement - verbose message for first sdvr watch dog enable / disable

* Bug Fix - Fixed LDAP crash when a query timed out and the
  connection was closed and memory released.

* Enhancement - allow Sony PT speed to scale from 1-64 to camera's 0-24
* Bug Fix - very large Axis H.264 frames could cause an access violation
* Bug Fix - Sanyo JPEG timeout will force the device to get a new cookie
* Bug Fix - LDAP redirects were sometimes causing Active Directory
  connection to fail or LDAP queries to fail.

* Bug Fix - StarDot fixed the H.264 timestamp tag that was changed from
  firmware version 1.1.67 to 1.1.68.  Without this fix, the recorded video
  frames will not play correctly because of invalid time stamp.

* Bug Fix - Sanyo motion sensitivity 1-9 is flipped to client's 10-1 value.
* Bug Fix - Sanyo panning and tilting together works.
* Bug Fix - Sanyo JPEG quality for 2300, 2100, 3300, and 3100 models.

* Enhancement - Sanyo supports simultaneous JPEG and audio streaming.
* Bug Fix - Sanyo corrected milliseconds calculation for JPEG frames.
* Bug Fix - Sanyo waits 5 minutes to retry configuration requests on HTTP 404 error.
* Bug Fix - Sanyo and Basler added Keep-Alive on JPEG video web request.
* Bug Fix - Sanyo shows red borders in live mode when alarm condition is present.
* Bug Fix - Sanyo JPEG frame rates for VCC-HD2300, VCC-HD2100, VCC-HD3300, VCC-HD3100.
* Bug Fix - IQeye basic series h.264 mini-domes (i.e. D30S/D31S) server time stamp in JPEG.
* Bug Fix - Sanyo properly enables audio setting in the camera.
* Bug Fix - Sanyo guards against invalid JPEG start and end codes.
* Bug Fix - Sanyo reset the SDP state when opening H.264 stream.
* Bug Fix - Basler, Ganz, and Sanyo - immediately overrides IP camera time server.
* Bug Fix - will store the 20th preset in Axis PTZ cameras
* Bug Fix - Sanyo VCC-HD4000 H.264-only or JPEG-only modes work.
* Bug Fix - Sanyo corrected privacy window coordinates in 4x3 mode.
* Bug Fix - Sanyo corrected motion detection in VCC-HD4000 with JPEG mode.
* Bug Fix - Sanyo VCC-HD4000 RTSP will be enabled if not JPEG only mode.

* Bug Fix - Sanyo waits 5 minutes to retry video connection on RTSP 404 error.

* Feature - Supports Sanyo IP cameras.
* Enhancement - Supports Vivotek h.264 models (i.e. 8161).
* Enhancement - Added Sony SNC-CH240, SNC-DH240, and two T models
* Enhancement - Added device failure as a source for event linking and
* Enhancement - Stardot plugin added motion detection and framerate setting for H.264 
  with firmware version 1.1.68.
* Bug Fix - No longer indicates successful connection to Active Directory
  when the AD server address or bind DN/password are empty.
* Bug Fix - Linux version now immediately forces an NTP time server
  synchronization, when a time server is enabled via exacqVision.
* Bug Fix - Axis and Vivotek plugins now set default username and password.
* Bug Fix - The isntaller no longer sets aspi registry keys before actually
  installing ASPI.  This will prevent any error logs in windows 7 and 2008
  dealing with ASPI being unable to start.
* Bug Fix - Basler and Ganz plugins now show red borders in live mode when alarm condition is present.
* Bug Fix - Basler - When Off is detected as codec type, the camera is switched to h.264 mode automatically.
* Bug Fix - Basler - Ensure that we are configuring stream #0 using Stream.StreamSelector parameter.
* Bug Fix - sdvr properly scales sharpness value from client 1-100 to 1-15

* Enhancement - sdvr limits in the configuration file are observed
* Bug Fix - server core closes plugins with watch dog hardware first

* Enhancement - Supports programming up to patterns on AD-422 analog PTZ.
* Bug Fix - AD-422 protocol could have invalid pan and tilt commands.

* Enhancement - Supports programming patterns on AD-422 and Pelco-D
 protocol analog PTZ cameras.
* Bug Fix - saves Arecont model, MAC, and firmware during disable/enable
* Bug Fix - Installer properly handles replacing of locked files, mainly mdnsNSP.dll
* Bug Fix - Canon Plugin - fixed the PTZ tour resume time delay.  Also fixed
  the "connecting" status display with invalid password.
* Bug Fix - StarDot plugin - cleaned up the 90KHz counter and compare.
* Bug Fix - saves eDVR board settings if it fails to initialize

* Enhancement - Support for menu and flip commands on AD-RS422 and Pelco-D
  protocol analog PTZ cameras.
* Enhancement - Stardot Plugin - Added the parsing of h264 supported port
  and protocol for future support.  Also disable motion detection for h264
  with firmware version 1.1.67 which does not support motion detection.
* Bug Fix - Serial Plugin fixes duplicate id correctly.

* Feature - IP Serial Ports
* Enhancement - ArecontPI logs the H.264 hardware version along with firmware
  version and other details (only for h.264 models).
* Bug fix - Implemented framerate slider steps (5/7.5/10/15/30) for h.264
  cameras in IQeye plugin.
* Bug fix - Added extra safeguards against invalid TCP data on Panasonic
  alarm protocol port 1818.
* Bug Fix - All IP camera plugins honor 5 minutes video socket reconnection
  if socket open fails due to invalid hostname.
* Bug Fix - Canon Plugin: Fixed the reconnection session id.
* Bug Fix - When a particular Panasonic or Vivotek IP camera was the target
  of multiple event linkages (i.e. record video, output trigger, and PTZ
  preset), and one of them was a PTZ preset, it would ignore the other
  non-PTZ output action commands.
* Bug Fix - Changed max framerate for Arecont 10005 to 7 fps, and corrected
  resolution naming for 13xx models (now shows 1.3M instead of 1M).
* Bug Fix - correctly parses Arecont AVx100 model names (introduced in 4.1)
* Bug Fix - Acti Plugin : fixed the quality setting for MPEG4 and H264.
* Bug Fix - Acti Plugin : fixed the audio buffer length for firmware 3.11.13.

* Feature - Ganz IP camera support
* Enhancement - Stardot plugin - Added support for H.264 f/w 1.1.67 beta
* Enhancement - supports Arecont 3135 (f/w 65136 required) and 10005
* Enhancement - Panasonic plugin now supports new motion detection
  support in recent NT-304 encoder firmware, and also detects the
  enable/disable setting for coax PTZ support per input channel.
* Enhancement - IP Plugins provide default camera username/password
  to Client to populate defaults when adding a new IP camera.
* Enhancement - IQeye plugin supports port configuration.
* Enhancement - IQeye plugin supports h.264 HD models (i.e. 1080p).
* Bug Fix - Acti Plugin - Use result from VIDEO_FPS_NUM instead of 
  VIDEO_H264_FPS and VIDEO_MJPEG_FPS that are deprecated in the later
* Bug Fix - Return appropriate status to client if the transform buffer
  isn't large enough to return a very large amount of search results.
* Bug Fix - Ipx plugin - Handle the input enable and device enable flags
* Bug Fix - Panasonic h.264 cameras can be switched between h.264 mode
  and MPEG-4 mode. Plugin now supports both modes (which must be set
  in the camera's web interface).
* Bug Fix - Acti Plugin - Fixed a crash with camera firmware version
* Bug fix - Ipx Plugin - Handle the 5-min reconnection time for the
  control port.
* Bug Fix - Acti plugin - Added models ACM3001 and ACM5001 in the
  day night capable list.
* Bug Fix - changed the recovery actions in the service control manager
  to restart service, reboot computer, then restart service

* Enhancement - sdvr pre motion and motion smoothing begin/end
* Bug Fix - properly enforcing sdvr motion sensitivity threshold
* Bug Fix - IPX plugin maintains OEM field through invalid logins

* Bug Fix - sdvr cameras can save digital PTZ presets
* Bug Fix - pan, tilt, and focus commands for AD-RS422 cameras
* Bug Fix - IP Finder properly identifies more AD VideoEdge models
* Bug Fix - Basler plugin - Observe 5 minute timeout for video socket.

* Enhancement - supports 5th generation Sony cameras and encoders
* Bug Fix - generates better default names for multiple sdvr boards
* Bug Fix - On linux, require greater then specific version of ldap libraries

* Bug Fix - enables the sensors after fully configuring the sdvr boards
* Bug Fix - allow normally hi/lo configuration of sdrv alarm outputs
* Bug Fix - VivotekPI incorrectly parsed motion data in new firmware
* Bug Fix - in Windows, server reports version from resource
* Bug Fix - When StreamPI needed to grow the client receive buffer
  for incoming client requests, after having just processed complete
  requests, it was accidentally not shifting down remaining buffer
  contents, leading to an "invalid request packet size" error.
* Bug Fix - Multiple threads in StreamPI were causing an LDAP connection
  to be referenced in one thread, disconnected in a different thread, then
  referenced again in the first thread, causing a crash. Moved some
  references to keep more safely and atomically within a single thread
  at a time.
* Bug Fix - Pending LDAP queries were not being properly discarded when
  disconnecting from a bound LDAP server on settings updates.
* Bug Fix - LDAP users sometimes not kicked for a reconnect when logged in
  via a mapped LDAP group, and the user is dissociated within Active
  Directory, and would then be logged in via a different mapped LDAP group.

* Bug Fix - allow normally hi/lo configuration of sdrv alarm outputs
* Bug Fix - in Windows, server reports version from resource

* Bug fix - Use Ubuntu distributed certutil in place of packaging our own.
* Bug Fix - does not initialize the sdvr UART if watchdog is enabled
* Bug Fix - sdvr enforces "D1" setting in conf file on PAL systems

* Bug Fix - sdvr enforces "D1" setting in conf file on PAL systems

* Bug Fix - does not initialize the sdvr UART if watchdog is enabled

* Enhancement - Support for 60ips from IQEye510.
* Bug fix - Fixed race condition that sometimes caused LDAP bind DN and
  password to appear as blank strings in the client.
* Enhancement - Acti plugin - Added support for auto-config from
  device capability parameters available starting with firmware v3.11.13.
* Bug fix - In certain network problem scenarios (like when pinging
  an LDAP server returns "destination net unreachable", the LDAP library
  can seem to continue processing a query for a long time without ever
  succeeding or failing. Implemented a timeout mechanism tied to the
  existing MaxHighLevelIOTimeoutInMilliseconds setting, to appropriately
  log when a search exceeds that setting, clear out any pending queries,
  and force a clean rebind.
* Bug fix - Ipx Plugin - Fixed a mismatched freeing of allocate memory.
* Bug fix - When an admin disables Directory Integration, immediately
  kick all connected directory users. Likewise, when an admin selects
  to lock out local users, immediately kick all local (non-directory)
  users except for the default admin.
* Bug fix - Re-run LDAP user orphan detection after user account/group
  config updates.
* Bug-fix - Fixed some LDAP-related memory leaks.

* Bug Fix - Additional log messages about LDAP config updates.
* Bug Fix - On failure in the automated LDAP display name query task
  (orphan detection), suspend until the next rebind.

* Bug Fix - CanonPI - Fixed the crash that was caused by division by zero
  when computing for the milli-second value for the MPEG4 frame.
* Bug Fix - Added log messages about LDAP config updates.

* Feature - Acti Plugin - added model TMU9911.
* Bug Fix - In Linux, use gethostname to get the server FQDN.
* Bug Fix - Ioimage plugin 
  - Clears events when ptz auto tracking is lost
  - Switches to manual ptz when driving the device from the client
  - Better handles trying to connect to a different kind of device

* Bug Fix - Ioimage plugin 
  - Clears events when ptz auto tracking is lost
  - Switches to manual ptz when driving the device from the client
  - Better handles trying to connect to a different kind of device

* Feature - LDAP/Active Directory support
* Feature - Blob Manager support for Mapping
* Enhancement - The exacqVision Media Player has been optimized to 
  provide smoother audio playback when playing video with audio.

* Bug Fix - Arecont Plugin - request maximum resolution of 2560x1920 from
  5MP h.264 models like the 5105 and 5155, instead of 2592x1944 as with
  5MP JPEG-only models like the 5100.
* Bug Fix - Possible issues when changing password of current client user.
* Bug Fix - Acti Plugin - detect ACD-2400 16 channels encoder.

* Bug Fix - Canon Plugin - set the ntp mode to synchronize with ntp server.

* Feature - Supports sdvr prototype boards.  Requires Board installer v5.3.0. 
* Enhancement - Acti plugin - Added support for video encoder TCD2500.
* Enhancement - IP camera finder will show Arecont camera model and firmware.
* Bug Fix - StarDot Plugin - supports firmware 1.1.65.  The INFO.CGI response
  instead of returning "external_trigger" now returns "external_inputs" and
* Bug Fix - StarDot Plugin - fixed the URI string for streaming video that
  might cause the fail to authenticate.
* Bug Fix - Acti Plugin - Fixed the resolution support for Speco AMU9111.
  Now supports D1,VGA,CIF,and QCIF.
* Bug Fix - Canon plugin - fixed a bug that did not correctly set the 
  NTP mode.

* Enhancement - Support for USB Serial devices in Linux
* Enhancement - Support for AD-RS422 PTZ Protocol
* Enhancement - Allow fractional percentages for IQEye motion windows
* Bug Fix - Vivotek plugin - added support for new user data stream format
  as used in newer models like IP7161, to correctly process alarms from 
  multiple motion windows
* Bug Fix - core will not load multiple copies of the same plugin file
* Bug Fix - notifypi: fixed base64 encoding errors that were being thrown
  by some smtp servers
* Bug Fix - Rounding error in IQEye motion window sensitivity
* Bug Fix - Prevent Arecont video request with zero width and/or height
* Bug Fix - changed IPX and Canon Pre Motion default value to 1 second

* Bug Fix - StarDot Plugin - fixed the video enable.
* Bug Fix - Acti plugin - fixed the ACD2200 with the sub-system ports
            returning "production id" that is a single space character.
* Bug Fix - Acti plugin - changed the speco SIPD3 and SIPD4 (AMU9111) 
            to support D1 resolution.
* Bug Fix - Vivotek plugin - no longer detects constant motion in IP7161
            when multiple motion windows exist

* Feature - Set server feature date to Aug 31, 2009

* Enhancement - Basler plugin - Added more information to some error messages related to RTSP.
* Bug Fix - Basler plugin - Check if a socket is open before it has data to read.

* Enhancement - Basler plugin - Enhance log messages for video sockets when receiving data.
* Bug Fix - Acti Plugin - Initialize the video encoder to MPEG4 instead of
  H264.  Bug was found with CAM7321 that had only MPEG4 encoder and does
  not return valid value for VIDEO_ENCODER CGI.
* Bug Fix - no longer ignoring first video loss state from Axis devices
* Bug Fix - Basler plugin - Recycle video socket connection when we previously had video.

* Enhancement - Acti plugin - Added support for model ACM3701, ACM4000,
  and ACM5001
* Bug Fix - a new key exchange timeout will disconnect inactive clients
* Bug Fix - Basler plugin - Fixed a situation where switching codecs could
  sometimes cause the video to stop for 5 minutes.
* Bug Fix - Basler plugin - Empty Video Mask, Crop Window, or Motion Mask
  that were cleared in the client were not sending back config to the client,
  causing all buttons for that element to be disabled.
* Bug Fix - Basler plugin - Remove Smooth Begin and Smooth End from plugin.
  These settings had no effect on the motion flag.
* Bug Fix - Fix Notify plugin error handling to insert an error message
  in the log file if sendemail app is not present when needed or
  reports an unexpected error.
* Bug Fix - Acti Plugin - Track#1095 Fixed the DIO setting for models type
* Bug Fix - Ipx Plugin - Removed an unnecessary verbose string in the close 
  method of the input class.
* Bug Fix - fixed possible deadlock in event linking database manager

* Enhancement - Added support for Basler IP cameras.
* Bug Fix - Acti Plugin - Handle the calculation of the millisecond value for
  variable framerate cameras in low light environment(ACM5601,ACM3401,ACM7401).  
  For un-supported models, instead of showing invalid framerate and resolution.  
  The plugin used the current framerate and resolution from the camera.

* Bug Fix - Correctly fixed gaps in meta data on certain searches.

* Bug Fix - Possible gaps in meta data on certain searches.

* Bug Fix - fixed PanasonicPI VMD (motion window) configuration for newer
  model firmware, to allow for configuring both sensitivity and percentage
  on a per-window basis
* Bug Fix - fixed EventPI search to also return events that
  are alarmed in any way during the search window (previously, events
  that started before the window but were actually still active within the
  window were excluded)
* Bug Fix - Ipx/StarDot plugin - Changed the video timeout to 10 seconds.
  And only reset the timeout after receiving a full video frame.
  This would fix the blank video issue with the Ipx plugin where the firmware
  would stop streaming video but the audio data continuous to stream.
* Bug Fix - Timestamps for an analog video frame at exactly UTC midnight
  were off by one day.  Fixed with XDVAPI SDK version

* Bug Fix - improved disk throughput in Windows when writing large frames.
* Bug Fix - multi-channel playback from devices configured for expiration
* Bug Fix - can drive output triggers on new generation Axis devices
* Enhancement - Acti Plugin: Added support for model ACM1011.

* Bug Fix - improved disk throughput in Windows when writing large frames.

* Enhancement - G.711 64kbps audio capture from Sony cameras
* Enhancement - IQeye and finder plugins support IQeye 4 series cameras
* Bug Fix - preserves half/quarter resolution when cropping IQeye cameras
* Bug Fix - adds milliseconds to JPEG's from 2nd generation Sony cameras
* Bug Fix - added workaround to VivotekPI to better handle indications of
  differing numbers of input/output triggers, and fixed backward NO/NC
  setting for inputs, and HI/LO setting for outputs
* Bug Fix - fixed PanasonicPI h.264 UID response parsing, fixed typo in
  JPEG keep-alive request, and adjusted UID request (reply=info) for
  compatibility with later firmware versions

* Bug Fix - fixed PanasonicPI PTZ preset goto/add/delete error introduced in
  eV 3.5 Server, where the preset number was erroneously incremented before
  sending to camera

* Bug Fix - In Linux, warns if updating a unlicensed server.

* Feature - Set server feature date to May 31, 2009
* Bug Fix - In Windows, warns if updating a unlicensed server.

* Bug Fix - Better range checking to fix possible crash in ioimage plugin.

* Bug Fix - will properly handle a license key containing 0 IP cameras

* Bug Fix - storage expiration will stop scanning drives during shutdown
* Bug Fix - Detect more than one Canon ip camera.

* Bug Fix - Canon Plugin: added trigger alarm.
* Bug Fix - Stardot Plugin: fixed the trigger alarm that does not turn off.
* Bug Fix - Ipx Plugin: fixed the trigger alarm that does not turn off.
* Bug Fix - Correctly generates timestamps spanning UTC midnight. Fixed
  with XDVAPI SDK version

* Enhancement - Increased default pan/tilt speeds in PanasonicPI to be closer to
  that of other brands.
* Bug Fix - Canon Plugin: fixed the camera name with space.
* Bug Fix - can stream G.711 from newer generation Axis devices
* Bug Fix - VivotekPI accidentally logged "camera disconnected" error
  messages on what were actually buffer overruns from 2 MP video frames,
  but now correctly logs buffer overruns on sending or receiving from the network
* Bug Fix - Discovered that VivotekPI only allocated a 128 KB frame buffer, which
  proved too small for certain scenes with the IP7161 2MP model - increased buffer
  to 512 KB
* Bug Fix - Logged notify plugin errors are properly flagged as errors, and all
  other smtp status messages are logged with the verbose flag.

* Enhancement - POS plugin supports Start of Transaction marker  
* Enhancement - POS plugin supports non-printable characters in Start of
  Transaction and End Of Transaction strings using \xHH notation.         
* Enhancement - Acti plugin : add support for ACM3011.
* Bug fix - If serial port closes due to read error, Clients receive config XML
  informing them of the error.        
* Bug fix - Fixed Vivotek plugin to retry connection(s) if config updates for an
  input instance are sent by a client while delaying reconnection
  (i.e. if RTSP port 554 is blocked, and the plugin has timed out,
  now the user can switch to JPEG and the plugin will retry the initial
  connection sequence and change to JPEG). Improved user experience.
* Bug fix - StarDot Plugin: Fixed the incorrect FPS index that caused
  the resolution in 1.3MP camera to display incorrect FPS.

* Enhancement - Notify Plugin now supports encryption protocols.
* Enhancement - Acti Plugin:
  - Added support H.264 video(TCM-4301).
  - Added support for model TCM-4301, ACM-3511 and GEM2201.
  - Added support for ACD multi channel video servers.
  - Disable MJPEG for TCM and TCD models that does not support motion
    detection in MJPEG video mode.  Also at startup, force the video
    mode to H264.
* Enhancement - Vivotek plugin:
  - Added support for new models IP7160, IP7161, IP7330, PZ7131, PZ7132, FD7141, PZ7111.
  - supports using other ports than defaults.   
* Bug Fix - uses host time stamp if ACTi is off by an hour or more.
* Bug Fix - IPX Plugin: added video loss and motion detect events.
* Bug Fix - Canon Plugin: fixed the preset set with spaces.  Add
  motion detect events for event linking.
* Bug Fix - StarDot Plugin: Added motion detect events for event linking 
  and fixed the frame time stamp.
* Bug Fix - Acti Plugin: Added model ACM3001.  Added GE-2201 in the list
  that supports only MPEG4.  Added a reconnection timer to reconnect to the
  video stream.  It continues to reconnect the first 5 minutes and then goes
  into the normal 5 minutes wait.
* Bug Fix - corrected model detection in ArecontPI for Ganz models like MP5DN
  or MP2DN (previously assumed to be 1MP due to parsing failures)
* Bug Fix - Acti/Stardot plugin: check the lower bound of the arrays that 
  gets the index from the client which could be -1.
* Bug fix - Fixed crash in Vivotek plugin when attempting to change codec while
  input is disabled (negative channel number sent from client).
* Bug fix - Fixed Vivotek plugin where it parses PTZ preset names from camera,
  to properly URL encode them in preparation for sending them, if they contained
  extended ASCII characters.
* Enhancement - added Notify plugin support for smtp connections using tls and ssl,
  port 587 and 465

* Bug Fix - reduced Arecont stream timeout messages by sending TFTP
  acknowledgment packets to the source port
* Bug Fix - improved detection mechanism for when a panoramic camera
  yields half resolution, while the eV server requests full, for deciding
  to switch eV config to half, and cleared up corresponding log messages
* Bug Fix - was not correctly ensuring that an I-frame has been received
  from all channels, before requesting a P-frame on a panoramic model in h.264
* Bug Fix - Canon Plugis/IPX Plugin:
  - For right now use inet_ntoa instead of inet_ntop because of the Windows
    platform SDK.
  - Fixed the IPX Plugin in reconnect time.  The reconnect timer was not
    reset correctly to 5 minutes.
* Enhancement - Support for Panasonic h.264 camera models (i.e. WV-NW502)

* Bug Fix - IPX Plugin/Canon Plugin:
  - use getaddrinfo and inet_ntop instead of gethostbyname and inet_ntoa
    for thread safe usage.
  - For right now use inet_ntoa instead of inet_ntop because of the Windows
    platform SDK.
* Bug Fix - Canon Plugin:
  - Call SetNTPAddress to set the NTP address during startup instead of
    using the local machine as the NTP address just in case the NTP
    override address is valid.
* Bug Fix - properly handles h.264 packets from Arecont panoramic cameras
* Bug fix - if Arecont panoramic cameras give half resolution instead of full
  resolution as requested (due to web browser being simultaneously connected),
  allow camera to prevail by switching to half resolution, to avoid frequent
  config updates and log messages as were happening before

* Bug Fix - Stardot Plugin:
  - Fixed the bug that did not update the xml configuration after editing
    the motion grid.
* Bug Fix - Canon Plugin:
  - Fixed the NTP setting.  Set the time zone to GMT.
  - Fixed the bug the did not update the NTP address.
* Bug Fix - IPX Plugin:
  - Fixed the NTP setting.  Set the time zone to GMT and disable the DST.
  - Fixed the frame time to work in GMT.
* Bug Fix - Stardot Plugin:
  - Fixed the quality/brightness/saturation setting in the xml.
* Bug Fix - Canon Plugin:
  - fixed the MPEG4 frame time using the host time as the I-Frame time.  
	And the p-frame time is based on the duration of the frame.
  - Added wait delay for the camera to reboot from saving frame rate and
    resolution.  It tries every 5 seconds for 5 minutes and than falls
    to checking every 5 minutes.
  - fixed the reconnection of the control port socket.

* Bug Fix - Canon Plugin:
  - Changed the setting of the framerate/resolution/quality/video mode
    so that it does not cause the camera to re-initialize.
  - fixed the bug that did not restore the quality settting after
    changing framerate and resolution.
  - Cleaned up the configuration delay re-connection time.
  - Added support for VB_C500D.
* Bug Fix - Fixed failed disk partition query in exacqRecall when testing
  available system temp file space
* Bug Fix - removed the Axis requirement that height be evenly divisible
  by 16 pixels introduced in 3.3.6

* Bug Fix - Canon Plugin:
  - fixed the pre-motion setting.
  - Removed max/min framerate setting in xml.
  - Remove extra "Running" setting in xml.
  - Correct the pan direction.
  - Added log messages.
  - Set reconnection time to 5 min.
* Bug Fix - IPX Plugin:
  - Fixed the MJPEG resolution for PAL mode from 720x480 to 720x576.
  - PAL mode changed the frame rate step max to 25fps.
  - removed extra "Running" in xml.
  - Removed max/min framerate setting in xml.
  - Added log messages.
  - Set reconnection time to 5 minutes.
* Bug Fix - After failing to accept a connection from the client, it was
  possible for the server not to close the socket handle
* Bug Fix - Ioimage plugin forces device to be in MPEG4 mode and better 
  handles if it in JPEG mode.

* Bug Fix - Ipx Plugin : 
  - Changed the default name from Ipx to IPX.
  - Save the camera name in the xml instead of in the camera since it is 
    associated with the NetBios name.
  - Set the NTP sync frequency to 1 hour.
  - Restore the MJPEG frame rate correctly after disconnect and then
    connecting the camera.
* Bug Fix - IpCameraDetect Plugin:
  - Changed the Ipx name to IPX.
  - Added Canon Detect in the project.
* Bug Fix - eliminated duplicate "could not get record volume" log messages
* Bug Fix - added support for input/output triggers in Arecont firmware 64828
* Bug fix - Fixed version 3.3 problem in merged Arecont plugin, where box
  camera models were not triggering event linkages as video motion sources,
  but were correctly showing motion borders and doing motion-based recording
* Bug fix - when requesting full-resolution video from an Arecont 8180 or
  8360, and the camera instead gives half-resolution video, plugin now
  again pushes full-resolution register settings to the camera, instead of
  requiring the user to uncheck/re-check the device.  This would happen when
  a web browser connected to an 8180/8360 while exacqVision Server was connected.

* Enhancement - configurable HTTP port number for Sony cameras
* Enhancement - Moved exacqRecall working files out to system temp folder for
  compatibility with solid state drive.  No longer creating or using export subfolder.
* Bug Fix - StarDot Plugin stores the camera name in the xml instead of in the
  camera host name.  Also eliminated any unnecessary shutting down of the video
* Bug Fix - StarDot Plugin Added frame rate steps for selected resolution by 
  models of 1.3MP, 3MP, and 5 MP.
* Bug Fix - IQeye plugin correctly queries camera firmware version for
  logging and display (broken in 3.3)
* Bug Fix - On settings import, network settings are ignored unless the adapter
  name (e.g. "Local Area Connection" or "eth0", for example) is found in the running
  system, to prevent situations like renaming a Linux interface to "Local Area Connection"
  when importing Windows settings into a Linux server
* Bug Fix - Was not able to manage wireless network adapters in Windows Vista
* Bug Fix - exacqRecall was ignoring when "eject on completion" setting was unchecked

* Bug Fix - Arecont plugin was not correctly incorporating model 3130 dynamic
  camera quality setting into JPEG image header processing, resulting in
  distorted colors at high quality
* Bug Fix - Axis encoders support PAL resolutions and added all other camera
  resolutions where width and height are evenly divisible by 16 pixels

* Bug Fix - Panasonic plugin had invalid iterator when processing incoming motion/input trigger

* Enhancement - Improved robustness of Arecont model detection to recognize additional models
* Bug Fix - Added timeout to Ioimage plugin when connection was never established.
* Bug Fix - Panasonic plugin now delays before retry on a bind failure when starting an MPEG-4
  video stream, and uses a different UDP port on the next attempt
* Bug Fix - Panasonic plugin now includes extra reply attribute in UID requests, as will be
  required for future camera firmware versions

* Feature - support for configuring an override to be pushed to any brand of IP camera,
  instead of the server's local IP address, for NTP synchronization
* Enhancement - improved ACTi PTZ performance and added ACM-8511 and ACM-82x1 support
* Bug Fix - PanasonicPI failed to correctly program camera with motion windows that
  were the entire size of the video image
* Bug Fix - Arecont cropping was accidentally adding left + width + width, thereby
  overrunning the imager boundaries and therefore yielding unpredictable results - from
  video with garbage along the bottom or left, or broken video
* Bug Fix - IQeyePI and VivotekPI detect socket timeout differently, to better facilitate
  cameras connecting when approaching an OS limit on the total number of
  half-open connections
* Bug Fix - PanasonicPI allows user to clear the video loss alarm for an encoder by
  manually disabling/re-enabling a Panasonic encoder device instance, because when an encoder
  loses connection while in video loss, and somehow comes back without video loss, the video
  loss alarm would otherwise be stuck until the encoder were to emit both a video loss alarm
  and video recovery alarm (does not provide a way to query current status)
* Bug Fix - ArecontPI now validates incoming motion data as being within bounds of imager
* Bug Fix - Serial data would not have been written to the serial database 
  if the data contained certain invalid characters.
* Bug Fix - Event Plugin was not sending out configuration when only maximum number of 
  days was changed.
* Bug Fix - Restored privacy mask in Axis cameras.  Introduced in version 2.7.2.

* Enhancement - corrected 8180/8360 cropping and resolution behavior in new ArecontPI
* Enhancement - added support for Panasonic NT304 encoder
* Feature - support for configuring an override to be pushed to Axis IP cameras
  instead of the server's local IP address, for NTP synchronization
* Bug Fix - StarDot Plugin cleared out setting when disable the camera and update the
  video socket address correctly on a reconnect.  Also minimum StarDot firmware supported
  is 1.1.61.

* Feature - Added support for ioimage devices. Minimum supported firmware is 1.5.6.
* Feature - Added support for generic Analtyic XML.
* Enhancement - merged ArecontTFTP and ArecontPI into single plugin. Enhancements include using
  TFTP for video transmission to achieve higher framerates than before, receiving motion
  data in video frames to allow for smart search of recorded Arecont video, and receiving input
  trigger alarms in video frames for more accurate and efficient input trigger processing
  (requiring firmware version >= 64512)

* Enhancement - PanasonicPI now recovers more quickly when MPEG-4 UDP datagrams
  arrive out of the sequence window, for better performance and
  fewer error messages
* Enhancement - improves the search response time for week long searches
* Bug Fix - does not create .ps files for disabled or deleted IP cameras
* Bug Fix - changing record video and audio actions to 0 seconds of pre
  trigger recording releases system memory immediately
* Bug Fix - PanasonicPI detects socket timeout differently, to better facilitate
  cameras connecting when approaching an OS limit on the total number of
  half-open connections
* Bug Fix - NULL characters in serial stream caused problems in searching
  serial data.
* Bug Fix - When at half-resolution, if changing crop settings for IQeye or
  Arecont IP cameras, the resolution would then jump back to full instead of
  staying at half with the new crop settings
* Bug Fix - Analog PTZ presets could have been lost on Server restart.

* Bug Fix - Arecont TFTP plugin will trigger video motion for event linking

* Bug Fix - Arecont TFTP socket timeout will trigger IP Camera Connection loss

* Bug Fix - adjusts Sony cameras to year-month-day date format
* Bug Fix - Fixed a condition whereby the Vivotek plugin could crash on a connected
  PoE camera becoming unplugged (socket timeout)
* Bug Fix - Transition out of DST could have overwritten files
* Bug Fix - Windows XP outgoing connection attempt limit was causing the core's IPC
  socket to not be able to connect, and with no retry, was not allowing clients to
  connect in certain startup situations - now IPC socket is created first

* Enhancement - added Sony 3rd generation cameras SNC-DF85N/P
* Bug Fix - properly configures Axis I/O trigger normally open/closed state
* Bug Fix - fixed server time/date configuration issue introduced in 3.2.1
  where current server time was not being refreshed on initial client connection
* Enhancement - Log message on failure to accept a new client connection
* Bug Fix - pre-motion is now correctly saved for individual channels of
  an Arecont 8180/8360

* Bug Fix - ACTi plugin resolves the VGA resolution for types of ACTi camera
  that supports this resolution.
* Bug Fix - ACTi plugin disable any resolutions that is not a multiple of 16
  for the height.
* Bug Fix - ACTi plugin forces the disable of the daylight saving for firmware
  that is 2.02 and higher.

* Enhancement - Sony 4th gen models DM110, DM160, CM120, DS10, DS60, and CS20
* Enhancement - Increased Arecont motion sensitivity at lower settings
  to widen the usable sensitivity range
* Enhancement - Add autofocus and autoiris to PTZ protocols that support those
* Bug fix - Arecont plugin was shifting desired motion mask down one row
* Bug fix - IQEye plugin receives millisecond resolution frame timestamps from
  cameras running firmware 2.8/6 or higher
* Bug fix - Panasonic plugin no longer forces alarm output setting to black
  and white input in model WV-NW484S
* Bug fix - Fix Panasonic PTZ iris commands

* Bug fix - In Arecont, the input enabled flag should cause the stream to be restarted
  when going from disabled to enabled.
* Bug fix - On subsequent login of a user without restarting the server, the
  client would stick on "acquiring video" and never actually show any live video

* Enhancement - Performance increases in internal config XML processing
* Enhancement - Removed HTTP pipelining from Arecont plugin for better
  experience with cameras that do not support pipelining, motion status query errors
  no longer stop streaming video or motion detection, and motion status/percentage parse
  errors no longer disable motion detection

* Bug fix - Fix Panasonic PTZ protocol implementation of focus and iris stop commands.
* Bug fix - Custom users weren't able to be deleted

* Bug fix - Prevent user admin from reusing an existing username that was filtered
  out of the config report
* Bug fix - preserves motion windows larger than 720x480 in ACTi cameras
* Bug fix - Ensure that status is broadcast after a config update, in case a
  username was changed, and that the user's own config is broadcast when not a user admin

* Bug fix - Corrected server to default the view admin and user admin privileges
  to false, not true
* Bug fix - Was not properly filtering user config XML with respect to a session's privileges

* Bug fix - Corrected XML for a newly-migrated user admin
* Bug fix - Removed erroneous log message regarding unauthorized user type
  on any config update
* Bug fix - Not required, but newly-migrated user admin intended to get the
  all-system permission
* Bug fix - revised handling of migrated users in client and server
* Bug fix - added HEAD to HTTP check for invalid request packet size
* Bug fix - was logging "invalid request XML" instead of "unknown username
  or password" on logging in with blank password

* Bug Fix - user config panel accidentally showing up in a legacy client
  connected to a non-legacy server

* Feature - supports Arecont 130x, 210x, 310x, and 510x h.264 cameras
* Feature - supports Axis P3301 camera and Q7401 server h.264 models
* Bug fix - fixed resolution mismatch in Vivotek plugin for 6000-series
  models or compatibles (e.g. D-Link) when set to resolutions of half x 2
  or normal x 2
* Bug fix - RTSP authentication was failing for some Vivotek camera models
* Bug fix - VivotekPI sometimes reported select error 10038 after some
  stream errors
* Bug fix - Fixed bug in parsing model name for recent Arecont firmware updates
* Bug fix - Fixed bug in handling config socket for recent Arecont firmware updates
  on sending "params=saved" at the end of any pipelined config sequence, to make
  sure to still open and start the stream

* Enhancement - support for Arecont AV8180/8360 on-board motion detection
  (requires firmware version 64118 or higher in AV8180/8360)
* Bug Fix - corrected maximum image rates for Axis 209MFD family
* Bug fix - fixed video loss issue due to sending invalid PTZ requests
  to Vivotek IP7151

* Enhancement - will restart Axis cameras and video servers after enabling
  trigger data in the image header and/or disabling tampering trigger data
* Bug Fix - will reconnect to ACTi cameras and video servers immediately
  if the connection is refused (happens after rapid PTZ commands)
* Bug Fix - will only iterate through time zones in Linux at start up

* Enhancement - Support for PTZ in Vivotek IZ7151 (when used in conjunction
  with camera's RS-485 support)
* Enhancement - Linux server no longer conflicts with Avahi which is
  installed by default in Ubuntu 8.04.
* Bug Fix - Panasonic IP camera firmware now uses a different value to
  specify fine quality in MPEG-4 mode.
* Bug Fix - Eliminated unnecessary user status broadcasts on failed logins
* Bug Fix - Network interface and time/date/zone/timeserver management
  compatible with both Ubuntu versions 6.06 and 8.04
* Bug Fix - forces Sony IP cameras to "Europe/London" time zone for GMT
* Bug Fix - added basic authentication to IQeye video stream request
* Bug Fix - Low values of motion sensitivity were not being properly sent
  to Arecont cameras.

* Bug Fix - Intel Performance Primitives issue introduced in

* Bug Fix - PanasonicPI was accidentally queuing and attempting to start
  a stream when device wasn't enabled

* Bug Fix - Linux server will record in unique directories/mounted devices

* Bug Fix - Standardized readme format with Client

* Enhancement - added 3rd generation Sony IP cameras RX570 and RX530
* Bug Fix - PTZ tour configuration works in 3rd generation Sony IP cameras

* Bug Fix - Fixed JPEG parse failure ("received media frame without data header")
  in VivotekPI for 7000-series cameras
* Bug Fix - Added extra bounds checking to fix server crash related to motion window
  configuration in PanasonicPI for a WV-NF284 camera, and fixed failure to detect
  input/output triggers on a WV-NF284 camera
* Bug Fix - Fixed PanasonicPI and VivotekPI to allow a PTZ preset to exist multiple
  times in a PTZ tour, both adjacently and non-adjacently, and PTZ is now enabled by
  default if camera is a PTZ camera

* Bug Fix - Fixed rare memory access violation error in VivotekPI when
  parsing RTSP responses from 7000-series cameras in MPEG-4 mode
* Bug fix - Fixed potential error in parsing motion window configuration
  update responses from Panasonic WV-NF302 IP cameras
* Bug fix - Fixed PanasonicPI connection retry logic to not rapidly
  retry connections on socket creation or bind failure in MPEG-4 mode
* Bug fix - Fixed PanasonicPI to enable PTZ by default for cameras that
  support PTZ
* Bug fix - Fixed PanasonicPI parsing error on motion window config data
  from model WV-NP244
* Bug fix - Fixed PanasonicPI retry logic on config socket errors or
  timeouts, to not just close the stream socket when video continues to work
* Bug fix - ExportPI defaults to "wodim" mode in Windows, just as it does
  for Linux, and installs wodim instead of cdrecord
* Bug Fix - Can delete preset names from ACTi PTZ cameras or video servers
* Bug Fix - Revised command retry and socket error handing in PanasonicPI
  to better handle connection resets and to eliminate possibility of not
  requesting video due to a UID request failing

* Bug Fix - Fixed handling of larger video search results in the server

* Bug Fix - Better handling when an Arecont IP camera emits an unexpectedly
  large frame (was causing a buffer overrun failure in previous versions)
* Bug Fix - JPEG cameras could be starved in network throttling code

* Enhancement - Support for Panasonic WV-NF302 IP camera
* Enhancement - Support for 7000-series Vivotek PTZ cameras
* Bug Fix - Support for Axis PTZ w/o serial ports ie. Axis 212PTZ
* Bug Fix - no longer forces MPEG-4 bandwidth limit in Panasonic cameras
* Bug Fix - ACTi cameras running version 3 f/w have correct audio length

* Bug Fix - Server did not necessarily reconnect to Panasonic IP cameras after
  changing configuration items like resolution, framerate, codec, quality, and such,
  but it does now
* Bug fix - Fixed possibility of a buffer overrun in PTZ Tour XML parsing for
  Panasonic IP cameras
* Bug Fix - Linux Server postrm script no longer fails on a complete removal

* Bug Fix - Linux installer init scripts updated to fix errors when installing
  on a software only server

* Bug Fix - fixed very small memory leak introduced in EvtLogPI.dll v2.10.0

* Bug Fix - Application Event Log messages from Intel Storage Manager will
  not cause a buffer overrun in EvtLogPI.dll

* Bug fix - Linux ExportPI uses wodim by default but was not also
  calling dvd+rw-mediainfo as needed, but is now fixed

* Bug fix - Linux ExportPI default executable name for CD/DVD
  burning changed from cdrecord to wodim, but still reverted to
  cdrecord on software upgrades, as opposed to fresh installs,
  but is now fixed

* Bug fix - Linux ExportPI default executable name for CD/DVD
  burning changed from cdrecord to wodim

* Bug Fix - Linux installer init scripts updated

* Bug Fix - Build process uses proper symbolic links to board library

* Enhancement - eDVR-4000 board encoder resources are fully utilized by default
  if the input count is set to less than 16 by xdvapi
* Bug Fix - set feature date to 3/1/2008 and default expiration to 3/1/2009
* Bug Fix - ArecontPI was not fully validating crop window settings, to prevent
  overrunning the max available resolution

* Enhancement - 1280x720 and 1280x1024 resolutions for ACTi and Axis cameras
* Bug Fix - corrected maximum frame rate for Axis 211M, 216MFD, and 216MFD-V
* Bug Fix - PTZ support for ACTi video servers SED-2xxx and ACD-2xxx
* Bug Fix - fixed IQeye problem where the selected framerate was always jumped
  to max, and where the max framerate was only requeried on disable/enable
  of the camera
* Bug fix - if a network adapter whose MAC address is used to decode the installed
  license is configured for DHCP, and isn't fully configured by the time the server
  starts up and loads the license, was unavailable for use in decoding the license,
  and the server would go to unlicensed mode

* Bug Fix - fixed buffer overrun in latest Intel Matrix Storage Manager
* Enhancement - Installer checks license validity

* Bug Fix - Windows installer now checks all plugins by default 
* Bug Fix - PTZ presets and tours may not appear for Sony IP cameras 
* Bug Fix - Sony plugin could generate configuration data for connected 
  clients in response to PTZ commands, etc.  Introduced in 2.8.8 RC. 

* Bug Fix - Reverted Linux daemon script to v2.9.8.
* Bug Fix - Linix init script will force remove the orphaned PID file
* Enhancement - Linix init script restart calls existing stop and start
* Enhancement - Added Linix pre install script for upgrading from 2.8 

* Bug Fix - Linux daemon init script now detects if the board modules are
  already loaded or unloaded and only loads or unloads if necessary.

* Bug Fix - Linux init script will remove orphaned PID file
* Bug Fix - Linux pre remove script will no longer kill core process

* Bug Fix - Fixed Linux pre remove script by deleting erroneous line

* Enhancement - Installer will uncheck plugins that weren't previously installed
* Bug Fix - Core could have stalled in Linux if a client connection stopped

* Bug Fix - analog video output did not return to tour immediately when
  an event which switched the video output ended.  Video changes waited 
  until the next tour switch time, but the OSD text changed immediately.
* Bug Fix - socket connect/write/read timeouts will be detected correctly
  in Axis plugin.  Problem was introduced for profiling in
* Bug Fix - no longer reports audio inputs for Axis cameras without audio
* Bug Fix - no longer reports I/O triggers for IQeye cameras without them
* Bug Fix - Notifications no longer stall during SMTP negotiation in Linux
* Bug Fix - Eliminated unnecessary secondary stream request in initial
  camera connection sequence from IQeye plugin after having disabled and
  reenabled the device
* Bug Fix - Arecont 3130 was not correctly detecting day/night mode
  switching in a cropped environment

* Bug Fix - adjusted severity level for several system log messages
* Bug fix- disconnected ACTi and Sony PTZ cameras will not queue preset
  commands for enabled tours or from event linking alarms
* Bug Fix - will log partial responses from SMTP servers

* Bug Fix - disables MPEG-4 Cyclic refresh GOV setting in Axis cameras

* Feature - cropping support for Arecont and IQEye cameras
* Enhancement - improved time to live MPEG-4 by sending reference P frames
* Bug Fix - core will enforce reasonable GOV length by counting non I frames
* Bug Fix - Sony plugin captures connect error number and logs by ipAddress

* Enhancement - Added soft triggers to the Linux build

* Feature - Soft Triggers for Event Buttons in the client.
* Enhancement - Panasonic plugin uses more unique UDP ports when streaming
  MPEG-4 video, to reduce the possibility of duplicate datagrams or datagrams
  out of the expected sequence window
* Enhancement - Panasonic plugin better handles when multiple frames
  are recieved and queued
* Enhancement - Added compatibility with Panasonic NW-484S camera, and
  improved compatibility across entire I-Pro camera series, including NS-202A
* Enhancement - ACTi, Arecont, Axis, Sony, Panasonic, IQeye, Vivotek camera
  plugins include model name, firmware, and MAC address for IP camera list
* Enhancement - configurable HTTP port number for ACTi and Axis devices
* Enhancement - Linux server startup timeout extended to 60 seconds.
* Enhancement - POS/ATM data can now be retained a configurable number of
  days from 1 day to 730 days (2 years).
* Bug fix - PTZ preset actions would not be cleared when caused by one shot
  events such as a button push.
* Bug fix - Axis multiple input video servers can control a PTZ per input.
* Bug fix - Axis video server inputs do not show PTZ controls unless video
  server input is configured for PTZ control.

* Bug fix - will configure Sony NTP and time zone settings correctly

* Bug Fix - Installer properly configures Vista Firewall settings.
* Bug fix - system setup page in client will show current time zone

* Bug fix - IPCamDetectPI was incorrectly reporting a critical error and
  terminating its startup.
* Bug fix - Panasonic cameras were not correctly reconnecting after various
  socket error or timeout conditions

* Bug fix - fixed rare memory leak in detection plugin exception handling
* Enhancement - added support for IQEye Sentinel Series cameras
* Bug fix - Arecont 5100 accidentally listed the 15 fps selection twice
  on framerate slider
* Bug fix- disconnected Axis PTZ cameras will not queue preset commands
  for enabled tours or from event linking alarms
* Bug fix - removed remaining wx dependencies on GTK in Linux build

* Bug fix - Vivotek cameras were failing to connect if the camera's
  video title feature was activated
* Bug fix - Axis audio and video packets are time stamped by the host
* Bug fix - "Reuse address" flag now set on camera detector's command &
  control sockets
* Bug fix - Camera detector's command socket is validated before using

* Enhancement - Arecont error messages now differentiate between
  connection reset and camera disconnection
* Bug fix - Pelco D/P speed bytes are zero unless panning/tilting

* Bug fix - disconnected network adapters will no longer cause the server
  to send configuration to all connected clients once per minute
* Bug fix - support for Axis firmware 4.47 and above which enforces
  RTSP authentication for all requests, not just the first one
* Enhancement - support for 1/4 resolution in Arecont cameras

* Enhancement - supports Vivotek 6000-series and 7000-series IP cameras
* Bug fix - fixed IQeye buffer overrun issue with newer camera models, and
  adjusted frame processing to prevent larger resolution cameras from
  starving smaller resolution cameras
* Bug fix - Axis no longer enables motion window levels in trigger data

* Enhancement - Added support for Bosch, GE-ACSII, and GE-Impac analog
  PTZ protocols
* Enhancement - Added Focus/Iris capabilities for all analog PTZ cameras
* Bug fix - added Wodim compatibility to exportpi for Linux
* Bug fix - exacqVision server will no longer crash when sending SMTP
  notifications with no SMTP servers configured.
* Bug fix - supports Axis 212, 215, and 233D preset configuration

* Bug fix - fixed a crash related to connecting to some Arecont cameras
  initialized to factory defaults

* Bug fix - Added delay to AXIS IP camera detection process to allow for
  the AXIS detection daemon to start.
* Bug fix - unexpected audio/video will not be recorded to channel 0

* Enhnacement - supports PAL Sony IP cameras (models ending in 'P')
* Bug fix - Loosened Sony camera detection parameters.

* Bug fix - Axis PTZ max number of presets is now 20.  It also handles if 
  firmware supports less then this more gracefully.

* Bug fix - more accurate time stamping of audio packets from axis cameras
* Bug fix - Panasonic IP cameras were only responding to PTZ preset actions
  from event linkages if PTZ touring was enabled, and now they're
  correctly independent

* Bug fix - fixed free run clips with motion on the recorded video bar

* Bug fix - fixed crash unloading XDVAPI.dll introduced in 2.7.1
* Bug fix - restricted incoming request packet sizes to 1MB or less
* Bug fix - IPCamDetectPI now ignores EINTR select() return code
* Bug fix - ACTi, Axis, and Sony IP camera plugins properly save their
  configuration if devices are disconnected
* Bug fix - Fixed pause that was happening in each second of recorded
  Arecont Vision video
* Bug fix - Fixed time stamping of G711 audio packets from Axis cameras
* Bug fix - Added support for internationalization in time zone and
  network management in Windows

* Enhnacement - IP connection alarms are now an event source

* Enhnacement - Event Monitoring / Virtual Matrix support
* Enhancement - recall authentication http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMAC
* Enhancement - can play recorded audio/video from disconnected ip cameras
* Enhancement - support for Arecont panoramic cameras AV8360 and AV8180
* Bug fix - Multiple exacqVision servers searching the same IP subnet at
  the same time will no longer show duplicate IP cameras.
* Bug fix - ACTi and Sony wait 5 minutes after video socket errors

* Bug fix - ACTi socket receive errors no longer cause 5 minute delay

* Enhancement - correct maximum image rate for Axis 206M, 211M, and 216M
* Bug fix - fixed erroneous "missed RTP audio packet" Axis MPEG-4 message

* Bug fix - increased number of open sockets in all IP camera plugins

* Bug fix - changing an Axis camera from MPEG-4 to JPEG while audio input
  is enabled could consume system memory
* Bug fix - failure to get available time zone selections does not force
  clients to disconnect

* Bug fix - fixed the false and frequent duplicate MPEG-4 UDP fragment
  detection in the PanasonicPI - detection now works correctly

* Bug fix - upgrading to 2.6.0 RC would lose all serial port settings
* Bug fix - ATM and Access Control ports would not stream data to the client
* Bug fix - Sets unknown usage of Serial ports to unused for compatibility

* Feature - ATM and Access Control are now possible uses for serial ports.
* Enhancement - can record/play AAC compressed audio from Axis 207 cameras
* Enhancement - ip camera finder now reports ACTi's model information
* Enhancement - supports configuring more than 30ips from Axis 221 cameras
* Enhancement - supports configuring 2M in JPEG only from Axis 223M cameras
* Enhancement - adjusted Windows Time Service registry settings to
  increase the amount of informative logging done by it while operating
* Bug fix - correct maximum image rate for Axis 223M, 207MW, and 221 cameras
* Bug fix - workaround for video loss detection in Axis video servers
* Bug fix - prevents "buffer full" messages from Axis audio/video capture
* Bug fix - Fixed robustness of PanasonicPI after having missed a larger
  number of MPEG-4 fragment datagrams, to reduce video loss and help resync
* Bug fix - prevents small negative time adjustments from causing erroneous
  timeout messages and closing/opening working connections to all IP cameras
* Bug fix - forces Axis cameras not to observe daylight savings time
* Bug fix - when Arecont cameras disconnect during a config request,
  the request is correctly retried in all cases (HTTP pipelining)
* Bug fix - The IQeye camera detection logic will now show the IP address
  the camera reports if the TCP/IP stack does not correctly report the
  camera's IP address.
* Bug fix - fixed P frame interval for 1, 1.875, and 2 IPS from eDVR board
* Bug fix - reduced polling frequency of ip camera sockets to reduce CPU
* Bug fix - eliminated divide by zero error in ArecontPI
* Bug fix - Serial ports now accept and honor hardware flow control.
* Bug fix - removed unused Type attribute in Serial XML
* Bug fix - Newly found Serial ports will default to 9600 8 N 1 settings 
  (won't change existing xml)
* Bug fix - Serial plugin now ignores unsupported parity (mark, space) and Stop Bits (1.5)
* Bug fix - Sometimes Arecont would lose framerate setting because framerate was one
  of a subgroup of config details that were hidden when the camera model was not yet
  detected, and would end up being left out of the XML file, and if the initial
  connection sequence failed, and the system reboot while awaiting a 5 minute
  delay, on the restart, the XML no longer had anything to override the 1 fps
  default value
* Bug fix - plugins won't flood the system log during low memory condition
* Bug fix - fixed invalid start time for first POS transaction after startup
* Bug fix - does not record compressed audio data in time lapse mode

* Bug fix - prevents small negative time adjustments from causing erroneous
  timeout messages and closing/opening working connections to Arecont IP cameras

* Bug fix - corrected ArecontPI to ensure that on stream socket errors or
  timeout, to cause the owning device to delay 5 minutes and then repeat the
  initial connection sequence before again requesting the stream, and enhanced
  socket error messages
* Bug fix - core could consume system memory by not releasing shared buffers
* Bug fix - Eliminated a false positive error message when the camera closes
  the configuration connection due to having been directed to do so, and made
  sure that if a camera model is unsupported or unrecognized that it's
  disconnected and a stream is thus not requested
* Enhancement - Added support for Arecont 5100 cameras

* Bug fix - disabling scheduled audio channels could consume system memory

* Bug fix - IQeyePI was failing to include authentication on config updates
  to the camera
* Bug fix - On config socket errors, IQeyePI was failing to automatically
  reconnect to the camera after a delay, unless the user disabled and
  re-enabled the camera.

* Bug fix - ePlayer plays files with more than one audio channel correctly
* Bug fix - exacqRecall exports audio and video from IP cameras correctly
* Bug fix - Moved all singleBin struct to one file
* Bug fix - exacqRecall now limits output executables to 4GB and cancels
  the internal video search at said process stage

* Enhancement - added Arecont and IQeye debugging information

* Bug fix - fixed Arecont issue where the camera would disconnect after
  changing motion detection config, and not reconnect
* Bug fix - fixed full size motion windows in ACTi cameras
* Bug fix - Server could stop sending POS streams after saving a view
  which contained POS/ATM stream(s)
* Bug fix - IQeye plugin could use 100% of the CPU if the network cable
  were to become unplugged
* Bug fix - prevents oft' repeating check username/password axis messages

* Bug fix - restored POS live and search display functionality

* Enhancement - POS end of transaction "" makes each line a transaction
* Enhancement - added support for Sony SNC-DF50N and SNC-DF80N cameras
* Bug fix - Two or more POS ports could have generated inconsistent alarms
* Bug fix - A more descriptive message is generated in the event that an
  SMTP server "hangs up" on a Notification plugin SMTP connection without
  the SMTP server sending an SMTP "Welcome" message.
* Bug fix - The Notify plugin would not use updated SMTP configuration
  until the exacqVision service was restarted.
* Bug fix - fixed video loss parsing in axis trigger data
* Bug fix - Other non-camera network devices will not be detected as
  Arecont cameras.

* Bug fix - ACTi, Axis, IQeye, Panasonic, and Sony will configure the camera
  with the correct server IP address in multiple adapter systems
* Bug fix - file plugin warning caused by empty audio channel element in Axis

* Enhancement - New manual exacqRecall functionality, user-specified cameras
  and start/end dates, more robust processing, enhanced status reporting
* Enhancement - New external connection bandwidth limiting
* Enhancement - Faster server log search with lower CPU usage
* Bug fix - correctly enables/disables ACTi audio input (CAM series only)
* Bug fix - PanasonicPI now stores PTZ preset names in the XML instead,
  so names are not limited in length or in upper/lower case as enforced
  by the camera
* Bug fix - PanasonicPI previously would seem to hide all presets below a
  preset being deleted, until the user subsequently added a new preset,
  but now preset add/delete works correctly
* Bug fix - Previously neither ArecontPI nor PanasonicPI always correctly
  detected and retried the entire initial command sequence, and were able to
  fall into a state where manually cycling the enabled flag of the device
  was of now use, but are now both corrected
* Bug fix - New IQeye detection routine.  Will now detect IQeye cameras
  other than the 302.

* Feature - audio capture from ACTi cameras and servers
* Big fix - fixed updates to in-memory user map when user account updates happen,
  and broadcasting to logged-in users (i.e. a logged in restricted user will see
  what a power user sees at the time of update)

* Bug fix - Elimnated errors from the board plugin introduced in the last 
  checking (requires v1.4.3.9108 XDVAPI.dll)

* Bug fix - Disables all audio inputs instead of just ones visible to the 
  system to ensure files are not corrupted
* Bug fix - Do not print and error if test on video output does not fit on 
  the screen, this caused massive log files with touring

* Bug fix - Arecont now follows policy of, on socket errors or detection of
  video loss (no video data for 10 secs), it immediately recycles the stream
  if video was ever received that time, and only delays 5 minutes otherwise

* Bug fix - removed audio from Axis 207 (AAC format not yet supported)

* Bug fix - also repeats PTZ stop commands to keep control of camera

* Enhancement - Improved Arecont Vision Support

* Feature - implemented serial Panasonic PTZ protocol
* Feature - audio capture from Axis cameras set to MPEG-4 recording
* Bug fix - ip camera finder returns correct ip address from axis cameras

* Feature - Arecont Vision camera support
* Bug fix - Server now broadcasts user account updates to all clients
* Enhancement - Correctly reports IQeye camera IP addresses even when a
  camera broadcasts an IP address of
* Enhancement - finer search granularity with alarm/motion flags
* Enhancement - pre motion recording for all cameras (default 1 second)
* Enhancement - minutes per image time lapse recording for all cameras

* searches an extra hour if between 1:00AM 3/11/2007 and 3:00AM 4/1/2007

* fixed DST issues

* Bug fix - searching the log plugin will not produce empty result docs
* Bug fix - inconsistent socket condition would cause the camera detector
  to log many error messages in a short period of time.

* Bug fix - PanasonicPI was not periodically sending keep-alive requests
  for a JPEG stream

* Bug Fix - Fixed setting compression quality on eDVR board broken in 8571

* IPCamDetect improvements
* Bug fix - Installer no longer generates error when updated DST
* Bug Fix - Installer now displays description of new plugins

* Enhancement - Includes registry settings for 2007 DST time zone changes
* Bug fix - XDVAPI.dll version updated to

* Bug fix - better plugin mutexing for eDVR board access
* Bug fix - Don't show second analog output on old systems which did
  not include second analog output connector
* Bug fix - board plugin's worker thread was not sleeping

* Feature - ACTi camera support
* Feature - Panasonic camera support
* Feature - Supports second analog video output
* Feature - IP Camera detection on locally connected network
* Enhancement - better detection of network adapters
* Enhancement - make sure event log and windows time services are running
* Enhancement - added system uptime in seconds to configuration report
* Bug fix - Server syncs with NTP server every hour, if enabled,
  and will always update regardless of the delta between current
  system time and sync time
* Bug fix - IQEyePI is now consistent with Panasonic and Sony in
  that no video loss events exist - only connected events
* Bug fix - AxisPI detects missing RTP packets in MPEG-4 stream
* Bug fix - Proper handling of disconnected network adapters
* Bug fix - fixed D1 playback corruption in stand alone ePlayer used in
* Bug fix - Several eDVR board DLL fixes to address rare initialization 

* Bug fix - axis plugin correctly adjusts camera to GMT time zone

* Enhancement - Board DLL updated
* Bug fix - ePlayer Null Pointer watermark verification with single binary

* Enhancement - PTZ Touring and go to Preset as an event linking target
* Bug - generates a time stamp for Axis MPEG-4 every I frame to prevent drift
* Bug - fixed corrupted video issue with PAL cameras recording at less than
  25 ips

* Bug - added check and log message to catch invalid MPEG-4 from axis cameras

* Bug - added expand environment strings before loading lib in event monitor
* Bug - only adjusts frame rate settings when updating the encoder sequence
* Enhancement - Drive/Volume alarms now treated somewhat more "globally"
  by EventPI - names are added/removed in a set as directed by alarm = 0/1,
  and the linkage triggers or untriggers when the set changes to/from empty
* Bug - file plugin now generates a single drive event to reset an alarm
* Bug - fixed bug in searching/logging storage-related alarms in EventPI
* Bug - fixed StreamPI so that if a local client connects to a local server
  really quickly, before StreamPI has received any alarms from the core to
  be cached, it will never send an empty status document to the client,
  thereby eliminating the warning window that the client displayed -
  StreamPI now initialzes the alarm cache document with the root  tag

* Enhancement - added EvtLogPI to monitor app event log for Intel RAID events 
* Enhancement - streamlined caching of alarm data in StreamPI to better faciliate
  the adding of new events without having to touch StreamPI, and to facilitate
  RAID alarms
* Bug - Message tag of Notify was causing some SMTP servers to bounce email because
  of a bare LF.  Added a CR with the LF to fix this.
* Enhancement - The last result from an SMTP server is attached to the error message
  logged if a notification fails.

* Bug - was not releasing memory on logout

* Bug - streampi logging

* Enhancement - Updated LogPI to better handle tracking plugin IDs and names
  so as to accomodate the addition of new plugins without having to change
* Bug - client can turn off all 4 motion detection windows in sony cameras
* Bug - changed unlicensed IP cameras default to 8 (no board will set to 1)
* Bug - network plugin did not allow the oldest video time to decrease
* Bug - IQeyePI needed to halt an active video stream if config updates are
  being done with the camera, and wait until the config updates are done before
  then restarting the stream (was done with everything but motion windows, now
  also done with motion windows) to alleviate a seeming live video stall when
  configuring motion windows
* Enhancement - Adjusted scaling of contrast and sharpness in IQeyePI
* Bug - changing formats was turning off motion windows in sony cameras

* Enhancement - Added reset to drive alarms
* Enhancement - Limits IQEye cameras to 10 motion windows
* Enhancement - Tries all physical MAC address for licence

* Enhancement - added restricted system flag to licensing
* Bug - removed trailing stream data from sony P frames
* Enhancement - implemented support for drive alarm as an event source
* Bug - removed unnecessary memset calls from disabled sony devices
* Bug - fixed bug in turning off dual codec in 3rd gen sony devices
* Enhancement - all network adapters in system are used to attempt
  decoding the system's license

* Bug - eliminated a potential memory leak in getting network settings
* Enhancement - performance improvement in server now periodically
  checking environment settings (time/date/network/etc) and not actively
  refreshing them when broadcasting a config update to clients
* Bug - live video from axis, sony, IQeye cameras show alarm border during events
* Bug - adjusted quality scaling for IQeye to avoid frames larger than
  512K, and plugin discards and logs any frame larger than 512K
* Bug - restored PTZ presets functionality broken by adding triggers

* Enhancement - added drive configuration and status alarms to file plugin
* Bug - fixed crash getting MAC address or adapter settings if network disabled
* Bug - added connection throttling to axis and sony plugin to limit logging

* Feature - added IQeye and Sony IP (*50N series) cameras
* Enhancement - added support for axis input/output triggers
* Enhancement - added motion window configuration for axis cameras
* Bug - axis quality changes no longer require disable/enable to take effect
* Bug - Server does case-insensitive username compare for Admin, so that the
  default useraccounts.xml can have "admin" in any case and everything still
  work, and the default admin account still be protected
* Enhancement - added audio inputs to exacqRecall profiles

* Bug - ePlayer has correct single binary support

* Bug - user account updates were corrupting config update documents being
        broadcast to other plugins

* Bug - unused psfile channels with stale frames were stalling the stream

* Bug - user account config updates were not being broadcast to clients
* Bug - new event linkages with already-triggered sources were not advertising
  themselves as already triggered
* Bug - new event linkage with already-triggered sources were always using 0
  as their start action ID, and thus when no longer triggered, the stop output
  action wouldn't match by action ID, and the output action would not be stopped.
* Bug - fixed server to return correct error code for logging in with client
  but server's account data is missing or corrupted.
* Feature - new user admin role

* Feature - Support for Axis PTZ
* Bug - fixed various memory leaks in server and plugins

* First Audio Release Candidate
* Feature - Audio channels may now be configured and enabled for recording
  and live streaming
* Enhancement - Made EventPI alarm response time shorter
  and more consistent, while remaining responsive to event searches -
  event linkages now defined in XML instead of in actual database file
* Bug - fixed core deadlock that could cause watchdog to reboot the system
* Bug - fixed core licensing check to allow data from second eDVR board
* Bug - tweaked robustness in AxisPI for invalid configuration update values
* Bug - fixed various memory leaks in server and plugins
* Feature - support for event-based audio recording
* Bug - axis plugin tells camera NOT to get NTP address from DHCP server
* Bug - added version number to DLL for Serial, POS, and PTZ plugins
* Bug - fixed possible issue with watchdog timer failing to reset the system.
  This is implemented in XDVAPI.dll (  Watchdog events are now
  recorded in log.
* Feature - support for remote IP configuration
* Enhancement - includes core executable version and filename in module version
* Enhancement - includes SDK version and filename in module version

* Bug - axis plugin tells camera NOT to get NTP address from DHCP server
* Bug - added version number to DLL for Serial, POS, and PTZ plugins

* Enhancement - Made EventPI alarm response time shorter
  and more consistent, while remaining responsive to event searches -
  event linkages now defined in XML instead of in actual database file
* Bug - fixed core deadlock that could cause watchdog to reboot the system
* Bug - fixed core licensing check to allow data from second eDVR board
* Bug - tweaked robustness in AxisPI for invalid configuration update values
* Bug - fixed various memory leaks in server and plugins
* Feature - support for event-based audio recording
* Bug - fixed core deadlock that could cause watchdog to reboot the system

* First PTZ Server Release Candidate Release
* First PTZ server dev release

* updated event search handling to increase performance and to allow for
  incoming alarms to be handled more promptly and not be delayed until
  search completion

* eliminated any global variables from EventPI
* serial, pos, and ptz plugins generate log messages
* improvements in pos plugin database access
* file plugin subtracts 5 minutes from start to search folders
* file plugin uses minutes, seconds, plugin and device in the file name
* file plugin creates generic event every hour to detect canceled searches
* file plugin creates new record files if time is adjusted backwards
* export plugin has new features:
    - status to client with drive, media, burn details
    - support for status refresh requests
    - thread rearchitecture to better handle sharing cdrecord
      between status refresh and burn requests
    - more robust usage of external executables
* updated StreamPI to accomodate export plugin status alarms

* axis plugin only connects to inputs reported from the device
* eliminated any global variables from StreamPI and LogPI

* more robust stream plugin Write and IOCTL implementations

* tweaked motion sensitivity values in axis plugin
* StreamPI now always configures server to be available as a time server
  to IP cameras and such by default
* made processing of PTZ commands and generating the core events uniform
  with the other core events generated by StreamPI
* file plugin motion format matches board plugin
* licensing now handles the enabling and disabling of IP cameras with
  respect to the number allowed by the license (i.e. in a 9 camera system
  licensed for 8 max. cameras, the user can disable one of the 8 in order
  to enable the 9th camera and have it now be processed by the system
* file plugin implementation changes for supporting several boards
* file plugin deletes empty video files immediately after closing

* added privacy mask and NTP server to axis plugin
* replaced = {0} with memset 0 and other changes for GCC
* replaced istrstream with istringstream and string for GCC

* added live audio stream and name config to board plugin
* added Linux functionality to manage time/date/zone and time server sync.
* Software licensing
* fixed cdrecord command line bug in export plugin 
* made core/plugins compatible with .20 (not .21)
* removing clock_t usage for linux (using time_t instead)
* added PTZ plugin

v1.0.0.20 C
* installer: CD export (easy button) fully working now

v1.0.0.21 B
* installer: upgraded cdrecording functionality

v1.0.0.20 B
* installer: upgraded cdrecording functionality

* fixed duplicate event log messages due to incorrect parsing of
  IP camera connection events
* added check for eplayer.exe in export plugin open function
* add parsing for POS/ATM, temperature, and button to stream plugin
* tweaked log function in board plugin
* various changes for GCC compiling

* fixed shutdown memory leak in event plugin
* added button input and temperature as event sources
* button, video output, and triggers from device 1 only
* event linkage output actions now report the alarm's timestamp
  itself, and expect the export plugin to add/subtract before/after
  times to that to determine starting and stopping times

* changed default to 2CIF in board plugin
* fixed bug in key exchange timing
* added logout message to network plugin
* added log starting/stopping warning
* fixed crash for all zero index files
* installer: added option to keep configuration files
* installer: auto detects if the plugin was already installed, if it wasn't already installed it is unselected by default

v1.0.0.18 B
* installer: fixed issue with plugins not being updated,
* installer: fixed uninstall issue (added exec wait and Sleep)

* eliminated messages from disabled ip cameras

* fixed search throttling bug in core
* fixed time zone configuration

* added exacqRecall action to event linking
* check for clock usage and system time changes

* Initial public release of exacqVisionServer
vista onvif camera VK2-1080VFD
motion 1 and 0